Dario Dukah

Dario Dukah

프로필 사진

Dario Dukah

참여 작품

Party Guest #4
베테랑 사기꾼 `니키`(윌 스미스)는 사기의 기술을 배우기 위해 찾아온 신참내기 사기꾼 `제스`(마고 로비)와 사랑에 빠지지만 너무 가까워지는 것이 두려워 일부러 그녀를 떠난다. 그리고 3년 후, 부에노스 아이레스에서 마주치게 된 두 사람이 동시에 한 명의 백만장자를 노리게 되면서 일이 꼬이게 되는데…
Dean has been stumped for some time in his attempt to produce a follow-up to "I was a Teenage Speed Freak," his incredibly successful graphic novel. His fans expect great things from him and his editor, Louise, is hounding him. Instead of working, however, Dean spends his time searching for his Argentine lover Pablo, who went out one night for cigarettes and never came back.
10 Pesos
Like O'Henry's Tainted Tenner this 10 peso note, found on a sink in a men's room passes from hand to hand through many lives.