Documentary film about Tony Halme, masculinity and populism. The film follows how Tony Halme created a mythical, highly masculine freestyle wrestling character, The Viking, who gained fame both in the ring and in the public eye and eventually became captivated by it. With his brash speeches, Halme fired the starting shot for the rise of the Finns Party. The voice of a forgotten section of the population, a protest against the ruling elite, were the building blocks of Halme's popularity. Halme's great popularity has served as a good example of a populist figure, admired within the deep ranks of the nation, who comes from outside the political elite and changes the direction of politics. Also, despite - or perhaps because of - his openly racist statements, he was part of changing the political climate in Finland to a more acrimonious one.
밀반입된 할리우드 영화를 본 경험을 들려주는 새터민들의 인터뷰를 바탕으로 하고 있는 이 영화는 실험 다큐멘터리 형식을 빌어, 현실은 어떻게 정의되고 우리는 무엇을 믿고 싶은지에 대해 의문을 던진다. (평창국제평화영화제)
Euthanizer tells the story of a mechanic who euthanises sick and old pets as a side job. Despite the grim work, he has a soft spot for the animals. Trouble stirs when the owner of a dog he was supposed to end realises that the canine is still alive. The only innocent party in the drama that ensues is the dog itself.
Guilt is a high concept thriller that follows Tomas, a man who joins a violent criminal gang in an attempt to find his sister. As he delves deeper into his mission, his moralities waver and his obsession starts to consume him.
Two teenagers are on their way to their secret hiding spot, a bunker from World War II. The tension in the relationship between the two youths is increasing as they stumble across an old rifle.
Original Music Composer
The Code is a Finnish-made documentary about Linux, featuring some of the most influential people of the free software movement.