Steffen Zacharias
출생 : 1927-04-11, Amburgo, Germania
사망 : 1989-06-06
Steffen Zacharias was born on April 11, 1927 in Germany. He was an actor.
Man at Party
9살짜리 케이시가 부모와의 결연 즉 법률 용어로 미성년자의 부권환수 소송을 내자 세상이 떠들석해진다. 그도 그럴 것이지 이런 소송이 케이시가 최초는 아지지만 최연소이며, 엄마는 베스트 셀러 작가이고, 아빠는 유명 영화 감독이기 때문이다. 재판정에 나온 한 가족은 그 동안의 사연을 이야기하기 시작한다. 영화를 전공한 앨버트는 UCLA에서 교수로 와달라는 부탁을 받고 히치하이킹으로 그곳까지 가기로 한다. 가는 길에 그는 결혼을 준비 중인 동화작가 루시를 만난다. 루시는 앨버트가 마음에 들어 애인 빙크와 헤어지게 된다. 교수로 평탄하게 살던 부부는 케이시라는 딸을 얻는다. 그때 영화제작자 데이비드는 앨버트에게 라는 작품의 각색을 맡긴다. 루시의 도움으로 각색을 마치고 그 영화의 감독까지 맡게된 앨버트는 일약 주목받는 감독이 되고 부부는 바빠지기 시작한다. 두번째 작품 의 여주인공을 찾던 앨버트는 핫도그 가게 종업원인 블레이크를 발견하고 그녀에게 집에서 같이 살게하면서 배우로 다듬어 간다. 루시는 둘의 관계를 석연찮게 했지만 애써 참고 있는데, 결국 앨버트는 블레이크에게 빠지고, 루시는 케이시를 데리고 집을 나온다. 의 성공으로 앨버트는 돈방석에 앉게되나 루시는 그간의 일을 소설로 쓰기시작한다. 앨버트는 블레이크를 여주인공으로 한 영화 의 실패로 좌절하고 블레이크는 다른 남자와 떠나버리지만...
The flamethrower-wielding vigilante John Eastland returns to rid New York of a drug lord and his gang.
행성 간의 우주 대전쟁이 끝나자 은하계는 물이 동이나 버려 물이 가장 값진 물건이었다. 그 무렵 은하계는 미브라(Mitbra) 행성 출신 악의 기사단(Evil Templars)이 생명 자원을 몽땅 지배하고 있었다. 몇몇 해적들이 그들의 대선단에서 얼음을 훔쳐냈을 뿐, 누구도 기사단의 절대 권력에 도전하지 못하고 있는 형편이었다
Dr. Clark
데스 위시 2편은 뉴욕에서 추방당한 플 커시가 LA에서 다시 건축가의 삶을 살면서 시작된다. 8년후에 만들어진 영화지만 약 3〜4년 뒤의 이야기로 시작한다. 플 커시는 LA에서 활동적으로 일하고 있었고, 제리(질 아일랜드)라는 미모의 애인도 있다. 과거때문에 충격을 받은 딸 캐롤도 서서히 회복되어 가는 상황. 이렇게 평화 롭게 잘 살아가면 되었을 플 커시에게 뉴욕에서와 마찬가지로 비극적인 사건이 덥친다. 어느날 공원에서 깡패들에게 지갑을 털리게 되고, 지갑속의 주소틀 보고 찾아온 깡패들은 플 커시의 가정부를 잔인하게 성폭행하고 살해한다. 그 와중에 플 커시는 캐롤과 함께 멋모르고 들어오다가, 플 커시는 깡패들에게 심한 구타를 당한채 쓰러지고 캐롤은 납치를 당한다. 납치를 당한 캐롤은 그들에게 탈출하다가 처참하게 죽게 되고, 딸을 잃게 된 플 커시는 다시 세상의 악에 대하여 총구를 겨누는데..
Old Man
After inheriting a magical gold watch from his multimillionaire uncle's estate, Robert Hays and his girlfriend, Pam Dawber, soon discover not only that he can stop time with the watch, but also that it holds the secret to his late uncle's fortune -- a secret that others fall over themselves trying to steal.
Vernon Brea
A military convoy is transporting something apparently for disposal. They pass by Sheriff Abel Marsh's town and they are passing by property that's owned by Amy Franklin who is the girlfriend of Abel's deputy, Malcolm. Before they know it, everything around the property is uninhabitable. The army returns to clean things up and make restitution. But there is one nagging question, was this an accident or was it deliberate? That is something Abel is most interested in finding out.
In this pilot film, an Irish Catholic police chief and a Jewish rabbi join together to solve the murder of a housekeeper whose body was discovered by the front entrance of the rabbi's synagogue.
Il saggio
Voltaire, a 16th century author was furious that learned members of a "civilized" society could claim that the apparent senseless violence and mayhem wrought by disasters, war, disease, man's cruelty, etc. was actually only a part of some 'greater good'. After all, God (being perfect) could not 'logically' have created anything but the 'best of all possible' universes.
Lawyer (uncredited)
Carlo Antonelli, an engineer from Genoa, gets mugged and decides to take justice into his own hands. At first the muggers seem to get the upper hand, but then he's helped by Tommy, a young robber who takes his side.
Prof. Beltrame (uncredited)
An unidentified fifteen year-old girl is found hanged after an anonymous tip-off. The girl, Silvia Polvesi, is soon discovered to have been murdered. A peeping tom is caught with photos of her having sex with a teenage drop-out but he is later released due to lack of evidence. The investigation, conducted by Inspector Silvestri and the assistant public prosecutor Vittoria Stori, focuses on the girl's parents. It transpires that a private detective, Ruggero Pollente, was hired by Silvia's mother because the latter was concerned about her activities. As a conspiracy begins to emerge, Pollente's body is found dismembered and his girlfriend is subsequently attacked by a machete-wielding killer clad in motorcycle gear...
A former hitman is blackmailed into doing one more job. But the hit doesn't go as planned and he winds up with the police and a gang of Chinese hitmen hunting him down. A beautiful young woman helps to hide him until he can figure out a way to elude his pursuers.
Joe Lacours
An Italian prison official's wife is kidnapped, and the kidnappers demand that a notorious prisoner be released in order for the man to get his wife back. He gets the man released - but then kidnaps him himself, in order to ensure that the man's colleagues don't kill his wife. Enraged, the gang sets out to free their compatriot and kill the man who took him.
With or without help from law enforcement officers, a lone individual decides to crack down on the syndicate.
Stefano Baruello
Historical drama, based upon the novel by Alessandro Manzoni.
Two nice guys, a wrestler and an Ice-cream vendor are mistaken for dangerous killers by an important local gangster, whose nickname is Sorriso. With the help of many coincidences they play along with Sorriso "working" for him, just to survive, but, when they receive the order to butcher the components of a very indigent family they are unmasked.
A small time hood smuggles drugs from Turkey to Italy in an effort to make it into the big time, but along the way everyone has to have their cut.
Man with Coach
By his dying father's last wish Joe is sent to the Wild West to become a real guy. The dreamy young man despises guns and fights likes poems and prefers bicycles to horses. Now his three teachers footpads all of them shall teach him otherwise. This doesn't work until Joe has to defend himself against gunman Morton who's jealous of Joe's love to rancher Ohlsen's beautiful daughter.
작은 유랑 서커스단에서 특수하게 개조된 권총을 사용하여 스턴트 묘기 사격솜씨를 선보이는 과거 남군 소령 출신 사바타는 한치의 오차가 없을 정도로 정확한 속사 솜씨를 지닌 건맨 이다. 사바타와 이 공연단이 한 마을에서 공연을 끝내고 사바타는 과거 남군 복무시절 부하였던 클라이드 중위를 우연하게 만나게 된다. 정지하지 못한 도박장을 운영하면서 그 마을 주민들을 갈취 하며 유지 행세를 하고 있는 클라이드 중위는 과거 사바타에게 5천 달러를 빚을 졌던 인물이다. 그러던 중 서커스단의 매니저 피클스가 서커스단의 공금을 가지고 도망을 치게 되고 할 수 없이 중위에게 돈을 돌려받기 전까지 이 마을에 머무리로 하지만, 마을을 개발을 한다는 명분으로 도박과 주류, 매춘 등 에 높은 세금을 부과 하면서 주민들을 억압하고 괴롭히는 악덕 지주 맥킨톡과의 충돌에 휘말리게 된다. 결국 사바타는 이런 부당 이익금을 넣어둔 은행을 털고 맥킨톡을 협박하여 한 몫을 챙기려고 마음먹는다. 그러나 위조 지폐를 은행에 예치하고 자신의 비밀 금고에 금화를 감춰 놓고 있던 악당 맥킨톡은 사바타를 죽임 음모로 암살자 총잡이들을 보내게 되는데...
After witnessing the brutal murder of his entire family by Native Americans as a child, Jeremiah Bridger becomes a merciless Indian-killer and scalp hunter. After saving the life of a beautiful Native American girl named Tune, however, the lone and silent gunman slowly reconsiders his hatred. He starts to doubt his former persuasion, that it was really Indians, who killed his family, and soon has to find out that a greedy and unscrupulous landowner usually blames Native Americans for his own crimes.
Bosen the Producer
Rosario Trapanese is determined to show he is not the typical old-fashion Sicilian. When his firm sends him to Denmark, a more sexual liberated nation than Italy, he immediately adopts the Danish "free-sexual-taboo" way of life. He meets and married Karen and succeeded to come back in Italy. Once here, he discovers Karen did a porn movie and his determination on being open minded is over. The typical Sicilian jealousy drives him crazy. Anyway, after a while, Rosario understands that what his wife did before to meet him it has not to be an issue for him. Karen confesses Rosario she signed a contract for a second movie and she could refuse only by paying a fine. The couple doesn't have enough money so they need to find a solution. And what a solution!
George Benton returns from school to his brother Jonathan's farm as a doctor and marries his fiancé Lory, but happiness doesn't last long. The Fargas brothers provide a bloodbath at the ranch and are able to divert suspicion from themselves onto a gang of passing outlaws, but one of the family has survived the massacre and knows who the actual killers are.
감옥을 탈출한 말도둑 밤비노는 노상에서 만난 보안관을 쏘아 부상을 입히고 대신 보안관 역할을 한다. 동료들과 만나 캘리포니아로 떠날 때 까지 신분을 감추고 숨어있기 위함이었는데, 문제는 해리먼 소령이란 악당이 이 마을을 장악하고 있다는 것이었다. 해리먼 소령은 인근 계곡의 드넓고 푸른 비옥한 초원지대에 눈독을 들이고 있었고, 자기보다 먼저 그곳에 정착하여 살고있는 몰몬 농부들을 몰아낼 생각이었기 때문에 틈만나면 농부들을 못 살게 굴었다. 보안관으로서 이를 못 본 척 할 수도 없고, 그렇다고 말도둑 주제에 나서서 해결해야 할 이유도 없기 때문에 그때 그때 임기응변으로 어영부영 시간만 보내고 있는 마당에 말썽꾸러기 동생 튜니티가 나타난다.
Red, Prison Guard
James Garner is Luther Sledge, the leader of a pack of rebels who are planning to steal a stash of gold. But after the thieves actually manage to get away with the bounty, they soon discover that the enemy lies within their midst. As they begin to bicker over who should get the biggest cut, the stage is set for a deadly showdown. Claude Akins and John Marley co-star in this Italian Western directed by Vic Morrow.
Compagno della signora Lotito
A TV producer cultivates a somewhat reserved and protective young woman after interviewing her for one of his programs.
In ancient Mauretania, the young Roman Lucius Apuleius and his friend Aristomene run into a series of misadventures.
Metello struggles to escape from the poverty that led to the premature death of his parents, and that is the lot of the working class in northern Italy during the second half of the 19th century. Metello fights his way out from his condition through hard work, a determined will to resist oppression inherited from his father, but also by taking advantage of his good looks when dealing with women. Metello progressively assumes an important role in the organization of an emerging workers movement, and attempts to conciliate his risky political activities with his private life.
When an unauthorized letter is sent to Moscow alleging the U.S. government's willingness to help Russia attack China, former naval officer Charles Rone and his team are sent to retrieve it. They go undercover, successfully reaching out to Erika Kosnov, the wife of a former agent, now married to the head of Russia's secret police. Their plans are interrupted, however, when their Moscow hideout is raided by a cunning politician.
Prospero Farinacci
베아트리체는 1577년 2월 6일, 교활하고 포악하기로 유명한 이탈리아의 귀족 프란체스코 첸치(Francesco Cenci)와 그의 첫 번째 부인 사이에서 태어났다. 그리고 그녀는 삶이 채 꽃피기도 전에 아버지를 살해한 희대의 살인자로 사형을 선고받고 1599년 9월 11일 짧은 마감했다. 당시 그녀의 가족으로는 오빠인 지오코모와 계모 루크레지아페트로니, 이복동생 베르나르도가 있었는데 어린 베르나도를 제외한 모든 가족이 살인죄로 체포되어 함께 처형됐다.
처형되기 전, 그들을 구하기 위한 노력이 많이 시도됐지만 교황 클레멘스 8세(Pope Clement Ⅷ)는 사면을 허락하지 않았다. 그래서 교황이 그들을 파멸시킬 목적에서 행했던 것이라는 소문도 있다. 프란체스코는 엄청난 부와 영향력을 소유하고 있었는데, 로마의 유테인 게토 끝에 위치한 그들의 저택 첸치성(Palazzo Cenci)말고도 첸치가는 로마 북쪽의 리에티에 가까운 작은 마을인 페트렐라살토에 성을 소유하고 있었다. 그들의 재산은 물론 첸치가 사람들이 사형당하면서 모두 몰수됐다.
Poker Player (uncredited)
At the behest of local revolutionaries, a mercenary enlists four specialists in various combat styles to help him rob a Mexican Army train carrying $500,000 in gold.
The Old Islander
An island has been decimated by a volcanic eruption and the few survivors escape to a nearby island. Led by Rutolo, they know that their new home is equally susceptible to such a catastrophe via its own volcano, but they are unable to convince the current inhabitants of Island #2 to flee with them to a mainland.
Abe Stilberman
After serving 12 years behind bars for armed robbery, tough guy Hank McCain finds himself the pawn of a ruthless mob runt's rebellion against a high level don. When McCain discovers that he's been betrayed and abandoned by his new employer, he retaliates with a high stakes Las Vegas casino heist that erupts into all-out war on the streets of Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York. Not blood, nor lust, nor wedding vows can come between McCain and his money...or his machine gun.
George Bradis
Italy, 1972. Political elections are taking place and Christian Democrat victory is expected; but the electronic computer of the Ministry of the Interior reveals that the party with the highest number is the Italian Communist Party.
After Cacopoulos manages to save himself from being hung on a false charge, he robs Cat Stevens and Hutch Bessy of a lot of money and steals their horses. This results in a merry chase and Stevens and Bessy become unwilling allies in Cacopoulus' revenge against the people who deserted him and framed him to get their money back.
Santulus Surgiu
Christina Fisher arrives in Sardinia to spend a holiday with her university friend, Francesco. As they are touring the island, they are trapped by mountain terrorists. Francesco is kidnapped, but Christina is permitted to leave. She is determined to contact the police, but is persuaded not to by Francesco's best friend, Gambino. Together they try to find the kidnappers, but she becomes suspicious of everyone including Gambino. Confused and paranoid, she sets out alone to contact the police.
Ispettore di Polizia
Bob is a successful actor, but his career gets doomed by a strange phenomenon: the animal kingdom is taking on him!