A raunchy Vampire Musical. The sexy-violent musical is full of hot dancing, drug addled nymphettes, existential zombies and gallons of blood. A Zappa Zombie trying to kill a Backstreet Boy Vampire...no really.
Weezy (Louise) is a cerebral thirty-something soon to be married and unable to feel anything more than just fine about that. Weezy's girlfriends throw her an unwelcome bachelorette party but the night ends up taking a very unlikely turn when Weez makes a connection with Edie, an out-of-town visitor who manages to crash the celebration. The party goes way off course, taking Weez's sense of self with it...
Weezy (Louise) is a cerebral thirty-something soon to be married and unable to feel anything more than just fine about that. Weezy's girlfriends throw her an unwelcome bachelorette party but the night ends up taking a very unlikely turn when Weez makes a connection with Edie, an out-of-town visitor who manages to crash the celebration. The party goes way off course, taking Weez's sense of self with it...
죽은 엄마를 그리워하던 소녀 ‘퀸’은 특별한 능력을 감춘 채 살아가는 영매사 ‘앨리스’를 찾아가 엄마를 불러내는 의식을 부탁한다. 그 후 ‘퀸’은 알 수 없는 존재들로부터 쫓기게 되고, 급기야 설명할 수 없는 기이한 행동까지 보이며 목숨을 위협받는다. ‘퀸’으로부터 인간이 아닌 또 다른 존재를 느낀 ‘앨리스’는 삶과 죽음의 경계인 ‘먼 그곳(the further)’으로 가 공포의 정체를 밝히려 하는데… 인시디어스, 최강 공포 시리즈의 시작과 끝을 확인하라!
Ukulele-playing bad girl Junie Butler gets muscled into prison by her rat fink friends. Abandoned by all, she turns to the warm embrace of her pyromaniac cellmate as they plot to escape from a power hungry prison matron and an axe-murdering beauty queen.
fter killing the owner of a B-rated strip club, Burt, an indulgent vampire with a zest for life hides out (and dopes up) at an upscale drug den, until the strippers seeking revenge...and ...
THE LAST AMERICAN is a dark comedy about a slacker named Kev and his strange journey from hard-core street-punk to super-salesman! Armed with a bowl of cereal, a remote control and his middle finger, Kev battles his own fate as he sets out to sell a used couch to a series of innocent victims!