Estella Warren

Estella Warren

출생 : 1978-12-23, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada


Estella Dawn Warren (December 23, 1978) is a Canadian actress, former fashion model, and a former synchronized swimmer.

프로필 사진

Estella Warren
Estella Warren
Estella Warren
Estella Warren
Estella Warren

참여 작품

Undateable John
A slacker surf instructor, who's on and off the wagon, gets his life together when he falls for a beautiful but troubled young woman he meets in Alcoholics Anonymous.
Rebecca Niles
When an ex-CIA agent discovers his family have been kidnapped he sets out to rescue them, only to discover they are being held hostage and won't be released unless he carries out a mission to assassinate the President. He must use his advanced skills to outwit the men holding his family and prevent the assassination from going ahead before the clock runs out for his family.
No Way Out
Juan de los Santos, a former undercover cop from Paraguay, once ready to take down the biggest drug cartel in Latin America, has lost everything; his wife and kids brutally murdered on a cold dark night and with them, his will to live. Juan, himself didn't survive unscathed; on that cold night he took two bullets, one still in his heart, the other one damaging a part of his brain, cursing him sporadic amnesia. In an internal and external struggle with his own demons, Juan must defeat incredible odds to save innocent people. Sleepless, and afflicted by treacherous nightmares of that night, he is willing to take any job to alleviate his suffering.
Belinda Moldero
Two New Orleans detectives become embroiled in a centuries-long feud between two secretive factions of vampires while investigating a runaway child's case. Torn between their everyday lives and the dangerous lure of immortality, the detectives must race to destroy the evil Moldero clan.
Dangerous Intuition
Laura Beckman
Kate Aldrich, a successful career woman is devastated when her husband leaves her for stay at home mom, Laura, with whom she is forced to share custody of her beloved daughter, Izzy. But Kate's despair soon turns to terror as she begins to have intense visions that Izzy is in mortal danger -- and becomes convinced that Laura is the threat
스트레인저 인사이드
After a traumatic ordeal, acclaimed actress Emily Moore and her psychiatrist husband, Robert, escape on a relaxing vacation to a gorgeous remote Mediterranean island. But on the first night at the house, a young girl arrives, blood on her hands and hysterical from the death of her boyfriend in a hiking accident. Robert offers to take in and help the young girl, but her suggestive behavior makes Emily wonder if she might be a threat to their marriage... or her life.
Five years ago David's life came undone when his young daughter fell victim to a brutal attack. The subsequent emotional fallout cost him his marriage and his job. Handicapped by guilt and anguish David abandoned his past and alienated himself. He took a second rate job as a security guard and plodded on - his wounds concealed but unhealed. All it would take is a scratch for them to open wide and consume him.... During a routine security inspection, David discovers a young Serbian girl stowed in the cab of a truck. Her sister and other girls have been murdered - all victims of a perfidious human trafficking racket. She pleads for his help. This is his chance at retribution. This time he will champion the young girl that places her trust in him. But David is taking on Goliath and he has his back against the wall and a gun at his head. Enlisting the help of a woman's refuge counselor, David embarks on a do or die mission to save the girl.
See You in September
Feeling abandoned by her therapist who's gone on an extended vacation, beautiful Lindsay gets help with her fear of commitment from an ad hoc support group formed by other New Yorkers also left high and dry by their shrinks. But when her pals dare her to date fellow group member A.J., Lindsay begins to wonder if she's finally found her match.
미녀와 야수
벨은 세탁부의 딸로 아름답고 영리한 아가씨이다. 벨이 사는 나라의 국왕 맥시밀리언 13세는 임종을 앞두고 있지만 자식이 없어 귀족 친척들 간에 왕위 계승 문제를 두고 치열한 암투가 벌어질 조짐이 보인다. 그중에서도 비열하고 무자비한 루돌프 백작은 왕위에 오르기 위해 사촌을 죽이는 등 잔인한 짓을 서슴지 않는데, 어느 날 루돌프 백작 앞에 마녀 헬렌이 나타나 왕위에 오르도록 도와줄 테니 자신을 왕비로 삼으라는 제안을 한다. 한편, 벨은 숲 속에서 야수를 만나 도망치다 루돌프 백작을 만난다. 루돌프 백작은 야수를 잡아 백성들로부터 왕으로 추대되리라는 야망을 품고 야수를 뒤쫓는다. 그러던 어느 날 깜짝 놀랄만한 야수의 정체가 밝혀지고. 루돌프 백작과 마녀 헬렌은 야수를 없애고 왕위에 오르기 위한 무시무시한 계획을 세우는데...
Blue Seduction
A middle aged music composer finds himself trapped in the seductive web of a young, sexy vocalist who is looking for her own fifteen seconds of fame...
Newlyweds Adam and Lynda have the perfect life. They are completely enamored with each other and Adam has just sold a technology patent for millions. However, their marital bliss soon fades when Lynda begins to suspect that Adam's newfound fortune could be tied to the recent death of her beloved brother. With the truth slowly emerging, how far will Adam go to hide his dark secrets from the one he loves, and will he be ready to live with the consequences?
Lies and Crimes
Sally Hansen
A woman moves to a new home after her police officer husband is killed. She soon discovers a place where growing prescription drug abuse is creating a nightmare of lies, crime, and murder.
Frank Hopper is a former lawyer, long-term loser and constant dreamer - and frankly, probably just not all that bright. When he receives a credit card in the mail, he believes he's hit the jackpot. It's not long before he's working his way toward financing his dream - an all-woman hockey team. He's also put himself in debt to the tune of more than $300,000. Naturally, he winds up in court when his plan backfires
Her Minor Thing
Jeana does IT for the Sacramento Fire Department. She and Tom, a self-confident local TV news reporter, are about to go on a cruise to Rio when he lets slip on TV that she is a virgin. It's a slow news week, so this becomes a story: the media pursue Jeana, she breaks up with Tom and wants the tickets or her cruise money back, and Tom can't believe she's serious. Her path crosses that of Paul, a photographer recently arrived from Texas who's also Tom's cameraman; he's had six serious relationships that have ended with his heart broken. A triangle of sorts develops. Will Jeana end up with either man? Will she end up on the cruise? And what about that minor thing?
Emily Keats
A fast rising hi-tech executive must protect his career and family from the ruthless tactics of a homicidal corporate headhunter.
Kristy Goodman
A graduate student preparing his thesis on mythology leads his friends on a research expedition to an old plantation estate on the outskirts of the Big Easy. The site is reputed to mysteriously cause madness and death to all who enter it.
Blowing Smoke
Faye Grainger
Late one night, eight guys are sitting around at a cigar club in Beverly Hills, smoking cigars, playing high-stakes poker, and complaining about how, in life, men always seem to get screwed-over by women. Suddenly, there is a knock at the door.
I Accuse
Kimberly Jansen
Kimberly Jansen is a single mother who lives in a small Canadian town. After cutting her hand at a party, she visits the hospital to seek what she assumes will be routine treatment. Instead, she falls victim to a predator in a white coat: Dr. Richard Darian, who drugs her and rapes her while she is asleep. Kimberly attempts to press charges, but the townsfolk and the local police, who regard her as a tramp and respect the doctor, dismiss her accusations.
러브 인 카지노
버니 로투즈는 라스베가스에서 재수가 없기로 유명한 사나이. 어떻게 된 일인지 그만 나타나면 승승장구하는 카지노 선수들도 가진 돈을 모두 잃고 달아오르던 카지노의 분위기는 차갑게 얼어붙는다. 운도 없는 데다 빚쟁이 도박가였던 버니는 결혼에도 실패하고 아들과도 멀어졌다. 버니의 친구이자 샹그리라 카지노 주인인 쉐리 캅프로우. 버니는 그에게도 큰 빚이 있었다. 쌓여 가는 빚더미로 위기에 빠진 버니. 쉐리는 그의 빚들을 청산해주지만 대신 버니의 무릎을 쏘아 그를 절름발이로 만들고 나머지 빚들을 갚게 하기 위해 자신의 카지노에서 일하게 한다.
캥거루 잭
따라올테면 따라와 봐! 5만불을 가져간 솜씨좋은 캥거루와 이를 찾기 위한 두 친구의 좌충우돌 어드벤쳐 찰리 카본(제리 오코넬 분)과 루이스 푸치 (안소니 앤더슨 분)는 어릴적부터 단짝친구. 한방에 인생역전을 꿈꾸는 루이스는 20년 전 목숨을 구해주었다는 빌미로 소심한 찰리를 계속해서 대박껀수에 끌어들인다. 그들은 하는일 마다 꼬이게 되고, 그 덕에 찰리는 의붓 아버지이자 갱단 두목인 살 마지오 (크리스토퍼 월큰 분)에게 구제불능으로 낙인찍힌다. 어느날 루이스의 부탁으로 훔친 TV를 운반하던 찰리는 엉겹결에 살의 장물 창고로 경찰을 끌어들이는 실수를 범하게 되고, 화가 난 살은 찰리와 루이스에게 호주의 오지에 있는 자신의 사업 동료에게 5만 달러의 돈을 전달하고 오라며 마지막 만회의 기회를 준다. 사막 한가운데서 도둑을 맞을 줄이야… 그것도 캥거루에게! 산넘고 물건너 호주의 오지로 향한 찰리와 루이스. 목적지를 코앞에 둔 순간, 어디선가 나타난 커다란 캥거루 한마리가 그들의 차에 치인다. 쓰러진 캥거루를 본 루이스는 녀석에게 잭이란 이름도 붙여주며, 선글라스를 씌우고 행운의 빨간 재킷을 입혀 함께 사진을 찍는다. 그 순간, 기절했던 캥거루 '잭'이 거짓말처럼 깨어나 달아나버린다. 5만달러가 든 빨간 재킷을 입은채로... 졸지에 캥거루 한마리를 찾아 허허벌판 사막을 헤매게 된 찰리와 루이스. 우연히 만난 야생동물 보호 운동가인 제시(에스텔라 워렌 분)와 함께 캥거루 잭의 생포에 나선다. 한편 5만 달러를 전달받기로 했던 스미스는 일이 꼬였음을 알고 이들을 추적해오고 설상가상으로 살도 부하들을 보내어 찰리와 루이스를 추적케하는데...
Elise Stevens
A young man is found bruised, beaten and stumbling down a secluded road. As the police try to piece together what happened, the convoluted relationship between a young woman and her two suitors gradually emerges.
서기 2029년, 우주정거장에서는 인류의 종의 기원을 밝히기 위한 연구가 진행 중이다. 인간들은 훈련 받은 침팬지를 이용해 비밀을 밝힐 소 우주선을 은하계로 내려보낸다. 하지만 우주선이 레이더에서 사라지는 사고가 발생하고, 공군 대위 레오 데이비슨(마크 월버그)이 긴급 출동하지만 계기판이 작동을 멈추고 이상한 힘에 이끌려 우주선은 이름 모를 행성의 늪지대에 추락한다. 레오가 도착한 행성은 원시의 모습을 가지고 있는 암울한 곳으로, 그곳에 살고 있는 인간들은 유인원에게 길들여져 멸시당하고 노예와 같은 비참한 생활을 하고 있는데…
Sophia Simone
세계적 카레이싱 대회인 C.A.R.T 월드시리즈. 시즌 초반부터 혜성처럼 등장한 신인 레이서 지미(킵 파듀)로 인해 대회는 예측불허의 각축장이 된다. 하지만 지미가 전년도 챔피언 보(틸 슈바이거)의 명성을 따라잡기엔 아직 역부족인 상태. 팀 코치인 칼(버트 레이놀즈)은 기복이 심한 지미를 뒷받침하기 위해 왕년의 카레이싱 스타였던 조(실베스타 스텔론)를 불러들인다. 한편 지미의 출현으로 신경이 극도로 예민해진 보는 여자친구 소피아(에스텔라 워렌)에게 결별을 선언하고, 상처입은 소피아는 마음의 안식처가 필요했던 지미와 가까워진다. 그러나 보를 잊지 못하는 소피아를 보면서 지미는 마음의 동요를 일으키고, 급기야 경기에서 급격한 난조를 보이기 시작하는데...
A week in the lives of a group of models, photographers, agents, reporters, publicists and other characters during a wild modeling show in New York City.