A large spaceship appears over Tokyo three years before the story starts. A one-sided war against the seemingly harmless aliens ensues, sparking controversy and pacifism. Despite this unique and tragic event, high school girls Koyama Kadode and Nakagawa Ouran behave as if nothing has changed. They live their days like they always have. The focus of this story is not the alien invasion, but human nature, dialogue, growing up, and life.
Second Unit Director
In 2038, Yuuma Sawatari is an elementary school kid who loves everything about space and astronomy. He was initially excited when his parents bought a robot called Nanako, but he was disappointed when he learned that she was basically just a boring housekeeping robot. However, when he does finally try to talk to her about space, something strange happens. Her system crashes and is taken over by what claims to be a marooned alien ship! The alien ship wants Yuuma's help to get back to space!
Storyboard Artist
In 2038, Yuuma Sawatari is an elementary school kid who loves everything about space and astronomy. He was initially excited when his parents bought a robot called Nanako, but he was disappointed when he learned that she was basically just a boring housekeeping robot. However, when he does finally try to talk to her about space, something strange happens. Her system crashes and is taken over by what claims to be a marooned alien ship! The alien ship wants Yuuma's help to get back to space!
In 2038, Yuuma Sawatari is an elementary school kid who loves everything about space and astronomy. He was initially excited when his parents bought a robot called Nanako, but he was disappointed when he learned that she was basically just a boring housekeeping robot. However, when he does finally try to talk to her about space, something strange happens. Her system crashes and is taken over by what claims to be a marooned alien ship! The alien ship wants Yuuma's help to get back to space!
Storyboard Artist
2116년에 일어난 동남아시아 연합 SEAUn에서의 사건 후, 코가미 신야는 방랑의 여행을 계속하고 있었다. 남아시아의 작은 나라에서 게릴라에게 습격 당하고 있는 난민 버스를 구한 코가미는 텐징이라는 한 소녀를 만나게 되고, 원수를 갚기 위해 싸우는 법을 가르쳐 달라는 부탁을 받게 된다. 출구가 없는 세상 가운데에서, 복수를 바라는 소녀와 복수를 마친 남자가 지켜보는 이 세상의 모습은...
Second Unit Director
2117년 겨울, 공안국 빌딩에 한 대의 폭주 차량이 돌진하는 사건이 일어난다. 운전자는 아오모리에 있는 잠재범 격리 시설 「생츄어리」의 심리 카운슬러인 야사카 이즈미였다. 하지만 공안국의 조사 직전에 야사카 이즈의 즉각 송환이 결정되고, 감시관 시모츠키 미카는 그녀를 송환하기 위해 집행관인 기노자 노부치카, 쿠니즈카 야요이 함께 아오모리로 향한다. 그리고 그 곳에서 그들을 기다린 건 “가짜 낙원”이었다.