Tatsuya Mihashi

Tatsuya Mihashi

출생 : 1923-11-02, Tokyo, Japan

사망 : 2004-05-15


Tatsuya Mihashi (三橋 達也 Mihashi Tatsuya, November 2, 1923 - May 15, 2004) was an actor, known for Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970), Dolls (2002) and High and Low (1963). He was married to Kyôko Anzai. He died on May 15, 2004 in Tokyo.

프로필 사진

Tatsuya Mihashi

참여 작품

Dr. Furoi
戰爭우리가 걸어온 역사와는 전혀 다른 역사를 지닌 세계. 50년이나 계속된 큰 전쟁으로 세계는 대아시아연방공화국과 유럽연합이라는 두 개의 진영으로 갈라져 있다. 결국 전쟁은 대아시아연방공화국의 승리로 끝나 동아시아에서 유라시아 대륙 일대를 지배하게 되지만 승리로 얻은 것은 화학, 세균무기, 공해, 바이러스, 방사능 등에 의해 황폐해진 대지와 피폐해져 버린 민심뿐이다.終末인류는 이대로 종말을 맞이하게 될 것인가? 여기에 해결책을 제시하고 나선 사람이 바로 아즈마 박사였다. 그는 인간의 모든 부위를 자유자재로 만들 수 있는 신조세포(新造細胞) 이론을 제창, 학회에 원조를 요청한다. 아즈마는 중병에 걸린 아내 미도리를 위해 무슨 수를 쓰더라도 이 연구를 실용화해야만 했다. 하지만 기득권을 빼앗길까 두려워하는 보건성의 관료들은 박사의 이론을 기각한다. 그러나 박사의 이론으로 사욕을 채우려고 하는 군 관계자의 은밀한 원조로 연구는 조용히 시작되었다. 新造人間 VS 人間군 당국에서는 무참하게 변이 신조인간들을 사살하고 몇 명의 신조인간은 그곳을 탈출, 인간에 대한 증오심을 품고 자신들의 왕국을 만들기 시작한다. 한편, 아즈마 박사는 아들 테츠야의 시신을 다시금 신조인간으로 살려낸다. 살아남은 신조인간들은 로봇을 생산해서 인간들을 공격하고, 테츠야는 루나를 데리고 도망치게 되는데, 그 곳에서 군부대의 공격에 무참히 살해되는 사람들의 모습을 보며 테츠야는 마을의 수호신인 캐산이라는 이름을 빌어서 사람들을 지켜낸다.드디어 캐산 이라는 이름의 영웅이 탄생하고 신조인간과 로봇부대와의 대혈투가 시작되는데...
Akira Kurosawa: It Is Wonderful to Create: The Bad Sleep Well
Documentary made by Toho for the Masterworks reissue of all of its Kurosawa films. This one focuses on "The Bad Sleep Well" (1960).
Akira Kurosawa: It Is Wonderful to Create: High and Low
Documentary made by Toho for the Masterworks reissue of all of its Kurosawa films. This one focuses on "High and Low" (1963).
마츠모토(니시지마 히데토시)는 부모의 강권에 못 이겨 사장 딸과 정략 결혼을 하려 한다. 마츠모토와 오랜 연인인 사와코(칸노 미호)가 실연의 아픔을 이기지 못하고 정신이 이상해지자 이 소식을 전해 들은 마츠모토는 결혼식장을 박차고 나온다. 마츠모토는 실성한 사와코와 자신의 몸을 끈으로 연결한 후 길을 떠난다. 마츠모토와 사와코는 정처 없는 여행 도중 자신들의 처지와 비슷한 커플들을 스쳐 지나가게 된다. 젊은 시절 성공을 위해 사랑을 버린 야쿠자 보스 히로(미하시 타츠야)는 40년이 지난 후 약속을 지키고, 교통사고로 재기 불능의 상태에 놓인 아이돌 스타 하루나(후카다 교코)는 팬으로서 자신을 연모해 스스로 장님이 된 남자 누쿠이(다케시게 츠토무)를 받아들인다.
Not Forgotten
Three WWII veterans, reunited by family circumstances, quickly find their life savings threatened by a private corporation; they band together to fight back.
The Woman Who Disappeared From Her Red Car
Inspector Totsugawa
Katsura Aya (Shiratori Yasuyo), a young and popular actress, is kidnapped. Igarashi (Honda Hirotaro), the president of the production company, calls Totsukawa (Mihashi Tatsuya) and Kamei (Aikawa Kinya) of the police. Totsukawa and Kamei learn that the kidnapper's name is Aoi Hebi (Blue Snake) and that Aoi Hebi is asking for one million yen for ransom.
Murder on Raicho 9
Inspector Totsugawa
Haneda, the president of a company dealing in gold, is shot to death on the Raicho 9 limited express from Osaka to Kanazawa. Detective Kamei begins an investigation in cooperation with the Fukui Prefectural Police. In the Green Car, Detective Nishimoto had noticed a beautiful woman talking to the victim just before he was killed. Looking into her background, she turns out to be Yumiko Miura, living in Setagaya in Tokyo. An eyewitness who claims that she is the murderer also appears, and she is taken into custody. Before long, the victim's unexpected relationships will be revealed one after another...
The Hall of the Crying Deer
A lavish retelling of the true story of the final voyage and ultimate destruction and sinking of the battleship Yamato, Japan's greatest flagship during the Second World War.
Drive for the Future
Risaburo Oshima
The Way to The Gold Medals
Kenzo Masuda
About Soviet and Japanese volley-ball players who are both rivals and friends. The events cover the period from the 1976 Montreal Olympics to the eve of XXII Olympics in Moscow.
킨다이치 코스케의 모험
Inspector Todoroki in "The Woman in the Eye"
유명한 코스케 긴이치 시리즈에 대한 오바야시의 견해는 부분적으로 이누가미 가족으로 가장 잘 알려진 이치카와 콘의 수많은 영화 각색 덕분에 인기를 얻었다. Kindichi Koske는 일본에서 가장 유명한 탐정이다. 긴키치는 누가 귀중한 조각상을 참수하고 그것의 머리를 가지고 달아났는지 알아내기 위해 새로운 사건을 얻는다.
New Prison Walls of Abashiri: Stormy Cape
Former inmate Katsuji gets involved in the horse gambling business while lending a helping hand to a ranch operator.
The Militarists
Takijiro Onishi
This tremendous blockbuster hit from 1970, showing the rise to power of Tojo Hideki, is perhaps the most important film to come out of Japan since the 7 Samurai! Interspersed with actual footage dating back to the 1930’s and throughout the Great Pacific War it shows in exciting detail the early successes and ultimate failure of the Japanese war machine. Never before has there been a chronicle of this magnitude about the war in the Pacific Theater of Operations, rivaling Saving Private Ryan with its intense battle scenes. With a brilliant cast featuring Kobayashi Keiju as Tojo, Yamamura So as former Prime Minister Yonai, Mifune Toshiro as Admiral Yamamoto, and Kayama Yuzo as an intrepid newspaper reporter whose articles detailing Japanese losing battles infuriates Tojo to the point of putting his life in danger! The final hour of this film features some of the most disturbing aspects of how the Japanese fought to save their nation and their honor!
The Japan Derby Race
A story about a man who stakes his life on horse racing.
도라! 도라! 도라!
Commander Minoru Genda
독일, 일본, 이탈리아의 3국 동맹계약 결성 후 일본 군부는 미 함대가 모여있는 핵심요지, 진주만의 기습 공습을 결정한다. 이 극비의 공습작전은 전투기들을 동원한 극비의 침투작전이었다. 비행사들의 맹훈련을 통해 진주만 기습작전을 빈틈없이 꾸민 일본 전투기들이 마침내 진주만을 향한다. 한편, 이를 상상도 못한 진주만 미국 사령관은 전투기들과 항공모함들을 한곳에 모아 배치해놓고, 방만한 휴가를 보낸다. 죽음의 D-데이. 진주만 상공에 도착한 일본 전투기들은 작전성공을 알리는 암호 도라 도라 도라를 외치며 무차별 폭격을 가하는데...
The Resurrection of the Beast
Crime film released in 1969
New Prison Walls of Abashiri
Isamu Gunji
Former soldier, Suehiro Katsuji, fights violent gangs and powerful Chinese merchants during the post-war period in Japan.
Sasaki Kojiro tells the story of the genius who staked his love, glory, and life on a duel with the supreme master of the sword, Miyamoto Musashi (Tatsuya Nakadai). Oscar winning Hiroshi Inagaki directs this epic motion picture based on Genzo Murakami’s fascinating story. Despite his humble birth, the orphan Sasaki Kojiro (Onoe Kikunosuke) is determined to become the foremost swordsman in all Japan, a title that traditionally belongs to a nobleman. At fencing school, young Kojiro receives the contempt of his classmates because of his superior swordsmanship. When rumors of the upcoming civil war between Toyotomi and Tokugawa clans spread, Kojiro leaves the school and sets out, seizing every opportunity to realize his dream.
The Killing Bottle
Jiro Kitami
In Hong Kong an International Secret Police (ISP) Agent is murdered while investigating ZZZ, a group bent on assassinating the Prime Minister of Buddhabal. ISP Agents Carter and Kitami are assigned to the case. When the Prime Minister arrives in Tokyo for a friendship visit, Carter and Kitami are on hand to protect him. On hand, too, are assorted ZZZ blackguards. Several attempts on the Prime Minister's life fail, until finally the ZZZ introduces a new device designed to eliminate not only the Prime Minister but the ISP Agents as well: THE KILLING BOTTLE, then, is a pocket-sized container filled with a substance that can expand to thousands of times its size and throttle its victim, then disappear leaving only the corpse.
What's Up, Tiger Lily?
Phil Moscowitz
In comic Woody Allen's film debut, he took the Japanese action film "International Secret Police: Key of Keys" and re-dubbed it, changing the plot to make it revolve around a secret egg salad recipe.
Adventure in Kigan Castle
The King
Osami, a soldier-of-fortune from Japan, joins with priest Ensai in a quest for the ashes of the great Buddha. Their journey takes them to a kingdom in the Middle East, where they find intrigue and romance in the court of an evil king.
여자 안의 타인
Ryukichi Sugimoto
친구인 스기모토와 다시로는 스기모토의 아내 사유리가 갑작스럽게 사고를 당했다는 소식을 듣는다. 스기모토는 처음엔 교통사고 정도로 생각했지만 더 심각한 범죄가 벌어졌다는 걸 곧 알게 되고, 아내가 지금까지 어떤 비밀을 숨기고 있었다는 것도 알게 된다. 한편 다시로 역시 이 사건과 어떤 연관이 있음이 드러난다. 에드워드 아티야의 범죄 소설 『가는 선』(1951)을 원작으로 한 작품
Key of Keys
Jiro Kitami
Kokusai himitsu keisatsu: Kagi no kagi is the fourth instalment of five films in the "Kokusai himitsu keisatsu" series. The film is a parody of James Bond-style spy movies, and was used by Woody Allen, along with footage from the third instalment, in one of his first films, "What's Up, Tiger Lily?", in which the original dialogue is redubbed in English to make the plot about a secret egg salad recipe.
고도의 영웅들
Lt. Kuroki
2차 세계대전 중 태평양의 작은 섬에 고립된 일본군은 섬을 탈출하기 위해 배를 만들고 있었다. 그러던 어느 날, 미군 비행기가 불시착하면서 공군과 해병대 병력이 뒤섞인 미군들이 이 섬으로 오게 된다. 미군과 일본군 모두 본대와의 통신은 두절되고 처음에는 교전을 벌이며 치열하게 대립하지만 시간이 갈수록 서로의 필요에 의해 교류하며 우정을 나누게 되는데... (채널 더 무비)
Ankokugai zenmetsu sakusen
The 1965 Japanese yakuza film is the last episode of the Ankokugai series.
A Keg of Powder
Jiro Kitami
In the third installment in the "Kokusai himitsu keisatsu" series, agent Jiro Kitami investigates the mysterious disappearance of a prominent scientist. Edited into Woody Allen's "What's Up, Tiger Lily?" along with the 4th film in the series, "Key of Keys".
Ant Hell War
The sixth film of the desperado outpost series directed by Takashi Tsuboshima
Tiger Flight
Officer Yamazaki
A 1964 war film directed by Kengo Furusawa
Trap of Suicide Kilometer
Jiro Kitami
Klima, Deputy Minister of Industry of the Republic of Alabanda, has come to Japan to purchase materials for the water dam construction. Kitami, who called himself a salesman and met with Klima, acts as his bodyguard. However, Kitami learns that a large number of industrial cylinders unrelated to dam construction have been purchased, and Klima secretly confined her secretary, a former army colonel, and threatened to produce poisonous gas. Klima packed the gas in a cylinder and sent it to Alabanda in an attempt to cause a civil war between the government and the tribes. Around that time, Klima secretly investigated Kitami's identity and learned that he was a secret agent.
Operation Mad Dog
Film number six in the Desperado Outpost serie directed by Jun Fukuda
Interpol Code 8
Jiro Kitami
Agent Jiro Kitami attempts to stop a smuggling ring from shipping arms to Vietcong guerrillas.
Outpost of Hell
The fifth film of the desperado outpost series directed by Senkichi Taniguchi
Legacy of the 500,000
Captain Keigo Gunji
During World War II, Japan sends gold to the Phillipines. After the war, the gold is lost in the bay of Manille. Former soldier Takeichi Matsuo is now working as a business executive. He meets Mintsura Gunji, the boss of a large company, who offers him to go to the Philippines and bring back the gold.
천국과 지옥
Kawanishi, Gondo's secretary
신발 제조 회사의 중역인 곤도는 회사의 주도권을 잡기 위해 자신의 전 재산을 회사에 투자한 상태다. 어느 날 그는 자신의 아들이 납치됐으며 범인이 엄청난 몸값을 요구하고 있다는 통보를 받고 회사냐 아들이냐 하는 선택의 기로에 서게 된다. 하지만 정작 납치된 것은 그의 아들이 아니라 그의 운전사의 아들이란 사실이 밝혀지면서 곤도는 또 다른 고민에 빠지게 되는데...
The Weed of Crime
Toho-produced crime drama involving the drug trade.
충신장 : 47인의 자객
Yasubei Horibe
아코낭인 사건 이라고도 하는 이 사건은 도쿠가와 막부의 제 5대 쇼군 도쿠가와 쓰나요시가 집권하고 있던 1701년 에도성에서 일어났다. 칙사 접대를 담당한 아코성의 성주 아사노 다쿠미노카미가 의전 담당인 기라 고즈케노스케를 칼로 쳤으나 미처 죽이지 못하였지만, 그날로 할복을 하고, 가옥과 성이 몰수된다. 도쿠가와 막부의 조치에 불만을 지닌 아코성 가신인 오이시 구라노스케 이하 낭인 46, 총 47명이 그 다음해 12월에 기라의 저택을 급습하여 그를 죽인 후, 그 목을 아사노가 묻혀있는 센가쿠지(泉岳寺)로 들고가 복수를 완성하고, 1703년 3월 도쿠가와 막부의 결정에 따라 46명 할복했던 실제 사건을 그린 영화이다.
The Wiser Age
Drama about the lives of the five daughters and daughter-in-law of a store owner.
The Witness Killed
Japanese neo-noir crime drama movie directed by Jun Fukuda
Love's Family Tree
Procurer of Hell
Osamu Tobe
Tobe is a small-time crook who runs a prostitution business of blonde girls, as well as sells pornographic pictures. He frequents a cafe run by two women, one of them a young widow with a son. They like him and think that he is an ordinary office worker. One day, Tobe accidentally discovers pictures of an acquaintance, Kanzaburo, with a woman and sets out to blackmail him. He soon finds out that Kanzaburo died in a train accident but things may not be what they seem
Snow in the South Seas
Japanese soldiers stranded in Manokwari, New Guinea, improvise a theater play to keep their spirits up and endure the extremely difficult conditions.
Challenge to Live
An employee at an oil cartel (Mihashi) is haunted by an act years before when he euthanized a fellow soldier when the two were adrift at sea during the Pacific War. Matters are complicated further when he falls in love with the soldier's younger sister (Tsukasa).
The Masterless 47 – Part II
암흑가의 탄흔
Azuma, police detective
에 이어 세키자와 신이치가 각본을 맡은 오카모토 기이치 감독의 '암흑가'시리즈 중 하나. 테스트 드라이버 였던 형의 사고사를 수상하게 여긴 한 남자가 사건의 진상을 파헤치던중 국제적인 산업스파이단이 관련있음을 알게되는데… (2011년 한국영상자료원 - 오카모토 기하치 감독전)
The Wayside Pebble
In Meiji era Japan a sixth grade boy is smart, likable and confident and owing to his academic success liked by his teacher. Things are not going well at home, however, where his father does not work leaving the mother to toil . With the boy's family having no money he cannot progress his education and has to drop out of school. A neighbour, who is a bookstore owner, offers the family money to allow the boy to continue his schooling, but the father is too proud to accept and rebuffs the offer forcing the boy to work.
The Human Vapor
Detective Okamoto
A librarian is subject to a scientific experiment which goes wrong and transforms him into 'The Human Vapour'. He uses his new ability to rob banks to fund the career of his girlfriend, a beautiful dancer. The Human Vapour is ruthless in his quest for money and kills anyone who stands in his way, especially police. He soon becomes Tokyo's most wanted criminal. Can he be stopped before he kills again?
The Akasaka Sisters: Soft Touch of Night
Tôzô Nakahira
Set in the postwar turmoil, Akasaka no shimai paints a vivit portrait of the life of three sisters who struggle to live in Tokyo.
나쁜 놈일수록 잘 잔다
Tatsuo Iwabuchi
어느 대기업 회장의 딸과 회장 비서의 결혼식장에 케이크가 배달된다. 몇 년 전 기업의 뇌물 수수 스캔들을 잠재우기 위해 강제적으로 투신자살한 간부의 아들이 보낸 것이다. 케이크의 배달을 시작으로 그의 복수가 시작되는데...
The Lovelorn Geisha
A woman and her daughter are in love with the same man, a chef at the restaurant that the mother manages. He is slightly crippled from frostbite in his years in Siberian labor camps and considers himself "already dead."
Storm Over the Pacific
Lt. Koji Kitami is a navigator-bombardier in Japan's Naval Air Force. He participates in the Japanese raid on the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in 1941 and is welcomed with pride in his hometown on his return. As Japan racks up victory after victory in the Pacific War, Kitami is caught up in the emotion of the time and fights courageously for the standard of Japanese honor. But his assuredness of his government's righteousness is shaken after the Japanese navy is defeated in the debacle of Midway.
The Cola Game
Explicit drama about a young woman who becomes involved with a group of college students who play "spin-the-bottle" and the women must make love or strip. The woman, Junko, becomes involved with Makoto, leader of the gang, becomes pregnant, has an abortion, then gets involved with an architect.
Submarine I-57 Will Not Surrender
In World War II, the commanding officer of a sub, against his will takes on board two Western diplomats, to take them to the Canaries and arrange an armistice. When they get there, peace has been declared, but the sub's crew don't know as their radio has failed. They send their passengers ashore and go out to face a final battle...
Temptation on Glamour Island
Comedy about three soldiers, two female reporters, six prostitutes, and the wife of an officer, all stranded on a South Seas island at the end of World War II.
Mermaids and Sea Robbers
Rival bands of pirates try to get hold of a priceless treasure.
All About Marriage
Shunji Koga
Ultra-perky model likes single freedom but feels ryosai kenbo ("good wife, wise mother") pressure, exemplified by her bored-to-tears sister.
여자라는 것
이치코는 변호사인 남편 사야마와 긴 시간을 함께 살아왔다. 그런데 자녀가 없던 두 사람은 사야마가 변호했던 죄수의 딸 다에코를 데려와 돌봐주기로 하고, 여기에 이치코의 친구의 딸 사카에가 무작정 가출해 이치코의 집으로 온다. 서로 다른 성격을 가진 사람들이 한자리에 모이자 집안에는 묘한 긴장이 발생하고, 급기야 사카에가 남편을 유혹하자 이치코는 전에 느껴본 적 없는 감정에 휩싸인다. 가와바타 야스나리의 소설을 원작으로 한 작품.
The Champion
Eikichi Yamashiro
Eikichi Yamashiro, who is a former contender for the boxing title, works as a manager at a Club Champion owned by his fiancé Natsuko’s father. He lost a title match five years ago as he was besotted by Natsuko, but Eikichi actually cannot give up the dream of the championship. One day, he meets Shuntaro Fuma, who is a punk kid but a promising boxer, and realizes the dream that he himself could never fulfill. Then, they together start to train with the aim of the title. Mari Shiraki is an up-and-coming ballerina under the patronage of Eikichi as well. Eikichi forbids Shuntaro and Mari to be romantically involved with someone during their training, however, they start to go on a date. (source: Nikkatsu International)
Dancing Sisters
It’s been five years since her husband had passed away. Fuyuko lives in the quiet suburbs, in a small but loving home with her three beautiful daughters. Haruko, the eldest, is the lead vocalist in a band. Natsuko is the conscientious type, who spends her days in ballet classes beautifying herself. The youngest of the three, Akiko is a bookworm who found her niche in philosophy. Although the sisters may appear to have nothing in common, there is one thing they all agree on; "Mom needs a new husband".
Hungry Soul, Part II
Retsuto Tachibana
A continuation of Hungry Soul, from the same year. Reiko, who tolerates abuse in her marriage to a man 23 years her senior, is friends with Mayumi, a beautiful widow. Reiko meets her husband’s business rival, a young, capable businessman, and falls for him. Meanwhile, Mayumi enters into a relationship with Shimotsuma, a friend of her late husband.
Hungry Soul
Retsuto Tachibana
Reiko, who tolerates abuse in her marriage to a man 23 years her senior, is friends with Mayumi, a beautiful widow. Reiko meets her husband’s business rival, a young, capable businessman, and falls for him. Meanwhile, Mayumi enters into a relationship with Shimotsuma, a friend of her late husband.
Summer Storm
Keiji Akimoto
A woman falls in love with her sister's fiancé.
Our Town
Jiro Hanai
In 1906, after finishing a tough migrant job in the Philippines, Takichi has returned to Japan. He starts to work as a rickshaw driver, but his lover had died of an illness, leaving a baby girl, Hatsue. Hatsue grows up beautifully and falls in love with Shintaro. But Takichi objects to their relationship...
스자키 파라다이스
전후 부흥이 한창 진행되고 있던 1950년대의 일본. 당시의 도쿄에 점재한 홍등가의 하나 ‘스자키’로 이어지는 다리의 기슭에 낡은 선술집이 있다. 매춘방지법시행 이후 머지않아 사라질 풍경 스자키의 유곽과 선술집을 배경으로 그곳에 출입하는 사람들의 일상과 남녀의 관계를 메마른 정서와 유머로 그려내고 있다.
Hi no tori
Emi Ikushima, a star actress in the Roses, is half-hearted, but she wasn't disappointed by the news of her father Enmy's sudden death, and she performed enthusiastically on the stage that night, attracting a crowded audience.
Jigoku no hatoba
A battle for a large sum of money unfolds on the docks near a steel mill in a foggy atmosphere. Manzo, an engineer on the verge of retirement, witnesses two men shooting each other and collapsing on the quay while his assistant Shinsuke is away.
The Balloon
Keikichi Murakami
Haruki Murakami is a successful family man and the head of a camera company. Unbeknownst to Murakami, his arrogant son oscillates between a mistress and a new lover who sings at a nightclub. When Murakami’s disabled daughter befriends the mistress, the affair throws the family into turmoil.
버마의 하프
1943년 8월, 일본 군대는 진군 중이다. 버마에 파견된 한 소대는 사기 진작을 위해 노래를 부른다. 하프 연주의 달인인 병사 미즈시마가 반주를 하고 음악학교 출신의 소대장이 지휘를 하면서 이 소대는 합창단 소대라는 별칭을 얻는다. 일본이 패전하자 그들은 영국군이 관리하는 무동의 포로 수용소에서 송환을 기다린다. 그러던 어느 날 미즈시마는 항복하지 않는 일본군 중대를 설득하기 위해 산 위에 있는 진지로 보내지는데…
The Motherless
Japanese drama film.
Tales of Ginza
Kan Mimurodo - Konî
In the thriving Tokyo neighborhood of Ginza, a woman in the process of selling her estranged husband’s art collection attempts to identify the man who painted her own portrait fifteen years prior.
The Heart
In the dying months of the Meiji era, a sympathetic student befriends a married couple, but soon realizes they share a curiously strained relationship stemming from an unknown incident in their past.
Vanished Glory
In the first group of Yoshitake Ichi and Taketatsu Sada Preparatory Training, the team leader was Sou Adachi, a veteran warrior with strict training. Yoshitake's father was called, and his mother lived in the house where he used to work, but Midori, a female student at that house, secretly loved Yoshitake.
Till We Meet Again
Kappei Ohnuki
Sonejiro sacrifices all comfort to devote himself to research. Young housewife Yachiyo is disappointed with her husband Kappei, who is more attracted to mountain climbing and another girl. When Yachiyo’s father is introduced to Sonejiro, good will turns evil, and all happiness is at stake.
Ghost Story of Youth
Shinichi Utsunomiya
Burden of Love
Jotaro Araki / Joichiro Kaita / Chanbara Actor
The female members of the family of the Minister of Health and Welfare, who has just proposed a program of birth control, become pregnant one after the other. - Nikkatsu
당신의 이름은 3부
젊은 커플이 2차 세계대전의 공습하에 동경의 수키야바시대교에서 만나게 된다. 둘은 반년 후 다시 만날 것을 약속하나 결국 약속을 지키지 못하게 된다. 그녀는 다른 남자와 결혼하게 되고... (2004 한국영상자료원 - 1950년~60년대 동아시안 멜로영화전)
Haru no Wakakusa
Aiyoku no sabaki
Motoko Fujikawa works in the Seisen Church as an assistant to pastor Maki Inokichi. Motoko falls in love with Inokichi's virtuous character and devotes herself to the rehabilitation of a delinquent girl, gradually finding her job at the institution more worthwhile than the marriage recommended by her parents. Meanwhile, inside Inokichi's heart a flame of unknowing love for the single-minded Motoko begins to burn...
New Tokyo March
Follows six male friends from elementary school whose career paths diverge—newspaper reporter, engineer, boxer, sushi restaurant owner—but whose romantic lives intersect. (MoMA)
Sincere Heart
Tôru Shimura
A young student falls into a hopeless romantic attraction to a sick girl, whom he can only see from afar.
Hawai no yoru
Shi no machi wo nogarete
Group of women escape Chinese controlled area for Japanese occupied lands during Pacific War.
The Ataka Family
Joji Ataka
Soichi Ataka is the eldest son of Ataka family. Although mentally challenged, he's a person with a gentle heart. Soichi's wife, Kuniko is devoted to her husband and together the couple runs the family farm. Their happy family life comes to an abrupt halt when Soichi's half-brother, Joji returns with his wife Masako after failing in a business.
Sisters of Nishijin
A family of Kyoto textile workers struggles after tragedy.