Mihai Dorobanțu
출생 : 1971-08-19, Bucharest, Romania
Production Design
뉴욕에서 펼쳐지는 세 남녀의 사랑이야기. 열정적인 안무가 잰더는 브로드웨이에서 가장 큰 기대와 관심을 받고 있는 공연 '프리 댄스' 오디션을 개최한다. 발로우는 어머니의 발레리나에 대한 기대를 저버리고 '프리 댄스' 수석 안무가가 되지만, 계약을 하지 않기로 했던 가수가 리드 댄서로 계약을 하면서 수석 안무가의 자리에서 물러난다. 한편, 잰더와 발로우는 연습 중 사랑에 빠지고 배달원이었던 천재 피아니스트 찰리는 '프리 댄스' 공연팀에 들어오면서 발로우를 짝사랑 하게 된다. '프리댄스' 초연 당일, 가수의 발목 부상으로 리드 댄서가 발로우로 변경되는데...
Trying to find their luck, husband and wife, Lucian and Andra start a new business by managing a guesthouse hidden somewhere deep in the mountains.
Trying to find their luck, husband and wife, Lucian and Andra start a new business by managing a guesthouse hidden somewhere deep in the mountains.
Set Decoration
Trying to find their luck, husband and wife, Lucian and Andra start a new business by managing a guesthouse hidden somewhere deep in the mountains.
Production Design
Robert is a young writer passing through a difficult time in his life. He decides to return home into his native village for the first time since his mother passed away three years ago. In more than 10 years, he paid only few visits to his parents and this fact is reflected by the distant relationship Robert has with his father. As it happens, he meets two former classmates: Petrica - his old best friend, now married with children and Paula- his teenage sweetheart. She is divorced after an unhappy marriage and is now working at a local store. She doesn’t seem to be engaged in a relationship…
Set Decoration
지역의 의사인 다니엘(스티븐 레아)은 늑대인간의 짓으로 여겨지는 끔찍한 결과들을 목격한다. 야수에 관한 무시무시한 소문은 현상금 사냥꾼과 스릴을 즐기는 젊은이들, 그리고 사기꾼들까지 이 작은 마을로 불러들인다. 그리고 다니엘 또한 이 인정사정 없는 포식자를 죽이기를 꿈꾼다. 어느 날, 한 정체불명의 이방인과 뛰어난 현상금 사냥꾼 팀이 이 늑대인간을 쫓기 위해 나타나자 다니엘은 어머니의 반대에도 불구하고 이 팀에 합류하게 된다. 그러나 곧 이 괴물은 그들이 그 동안 봐왔던 그 어떠한 것들 보다 훨씬 강하고, 영리하고, 더 위험하다는 것이 명확해지기 시작한다. 사상자 수는 점점 늘어 가고 마을 주민들은 자기 이웃들이 날뛰는 괴물들로 변해가는 것을 보면서 마을 사람들은 늑대인간의 실체를 찾기 위해 서로에게까지 무기를 들게 되는데…
One worker in a bankrupt factory finds an unusual solution to save his co-workers from unemployment. If it doesn't work the factory will be privatized and sold to a French company planning to convert the plant into a snail cannery. Only 300 of the 3000 workers will keep their jobs.
Production Design
A young Russian foreign exchange student arrives at the home of the vicar of a very proper english village whose residents are more than scandalised when her secret colorful past is suddenly revealed.
Set Decoration
Gabriel Ventuza lives the peaceful life of a herbalist, growing and cultivating medical herbs in Italy. One day he receives an order from his older brother who is just out of prison for one day. Gabriel should go to the remote little town of Bogdanski Dolina in Far-Eastern Europe, the place of their childhood and take out the mortal remains of their father, the late people smuggler, the famous Victor Ventuza. Gabriel leaves his "eventless" life behind and goes to accomplish his mission. He is robbed on the way, his belongings, passport, money and even his clothes are stolen and finds himself in a small closed town surrounded by hills of stinking toxic waste, where strange priests rule and fear keeps people quiet, producing a general atmosphere of insecurity.