Sun Daolin

Sun Daolin

출생 : 1921-12-18, Beijing, China

사망 : 2007-12-27

프로필 사진

Sun Daolin

참여 작품

Zhou Puyuan
The story of a love which develops unknowingly between step-brother and step-sister in a wealthy, respectable family in turn-of-the-century China.
The story of a love which develops unknowingly between step-brother and step-sister in a wealthy, respectable family in turn-of-the-century China.
The story of a love which develops unknowingly between step-brother and step-sister in a wealthy, respectable family in turn-of-the-century China.
Visions Cinema: Cinema in China - An Account by Tony Rayns
History of filmmaking in China from its beginnings in the 1920s to 1982, featuring Shanghai cinema of 1930s; the progressive filmmakers; the organisation of filmmaking under the post-war communist government; the impact of the Cultural Revolution; the work of Xie Jin.
The Go Masters
Ten years before the outbreak of the Second World War in Asia, a Japanese Go master and his Chinese rival meet in China to play a game of Go (loosely described as an Asian version of chess). It soon becomes evident that the Chinese master's son is the most talented player that the Japanese master has ever encountered, and he convinces the boy's father to let him bring the child back to Japan to train him as a professional Go player. Years pass, and as the young Chinese master grows to maturity in Japan, the Japanese invasion of China forces him to choose between his triumphant career and his loyalty to his native country. His decision is complicated by his marriage to the daughter of the Japanese master, with whom he has produced a child. His choice will profoundly alter the lives of two families. Their saga serves as a reflection of the tragic relations between their two great countries, and the possibility of reconciliation and healing.
Li Siguang
The biography of famous Chinese geologist Li Siguang.
이른 봄 2월에
Xiao Jianqiu
1926년 방황하던 청년 교사 초윤추는 절강성 동부에 있는 부용진 중학교에서 교사로 일한다. 그는 진(鎭)에 사는 가난한 과부 문씨를 동정하여 경제적인 도움을 주고 그녀의 딸 채련을 학교에 보내준다. 그는 채련을 매일 다리까지 바래다주고 마중을 나간다. 또한 그는 학장 도모간의 여동생 도남을 사랑하였다. 문씨의 어린 아들이 병으로 죽고 큰 슬픔에 빠져 의지할 사람이 없는 문씨를 불쌍히 여긴 초윤추는 그녀를 끝까지 보살펴주려고 아내로 삼기로 결심하고 도남과의 사랑을 포기한다. 그 일은 사람들로부터 비난을 받게 되었고 문씨는 크게 수치심을 느껴 강물에 뛰어들어 자살로 생을 마감한다. 초윤추는 어떻게 해야 할 바를 모르고 고뇌에 빠진다. 그러던 어느 날 그는 자신이 부용진에 들어선 날부터 시비의 소용돌이에 휘말린 것 같았고 문씨가 자살하고, 왕복생이 퇴학한 사건들이 자신을 어지럽게 만든 한편으로 머리를 맑게 해주었다고 밝히면서 이제 방황을 끝내고 나아가야 할 길을 찾았으며 시대의 큰 흐름에 뛰어들기로 결심하였다고 도남에게 편지를 쓴다. 그는 '우리에게는 기나긴 미래가 있다'는 희망을 안고 부용진을 떠나고 도남은 그가 남긴 편지를 읽고 감명을 받아 황급히 그의 뒤를 따라간다.
51 Depot
Political commissar
A Revolutionary Family
Meiqing Jiang
At the age of 16 Zhou Lian, who lost her parents at the age of two and was raised by a stepmother, marries Jiang Mei, a progressive young man from Changsha No. 1 Normal School. Jiang Meiqing has also lost both of his parents. The couple has two sons, Liqun, Xiaoqing and daughter Xiaolian. The film follows the family through turbulent times from 1924 to 1930.
Wan zi qian hong zong shi chun
Baoyang Zheng
The Eternal Wave
Xia Li
An underground CPC telegrapher, Li Xia, fights against the Japanese enemy and dies before the eve of Shanghai's liberation in 1939.
Wu Lei
Gao Juexin (First Young Master)
Based on the famous novel of the same name by well-known author Ba Jin, this movie traces the decline of a large, wealthy family in the early part of the twentieth century. The story focuses on three brothers and how they respond to the expectation that they will each marry women whom their grandfather has selected for them. The lure of family money on the one hand and modern individualism on the other plays out differently among the young men. Critics consider this movie an indictment against feudal ideas.
City Without Nights
Zhang Bo-Lun
A Chinese drama
The Story of South Island
Chengguang Han
Soldiers stay in Hainan Island and fight Japanese invaders in harsh conditions.
Reconnaissance Across The Yangtze
Lian-Zhang Li
In the spring of 1949, a war is about to happen between the Liberation Army and Kuomintang Army on the Yangtze River. The Liberation Army dispatches a reconnaissance to scout the southern parts of the River, whose work is actually full of hardships and dangers. However, with the help of the local crowd and the guerrillas, finally, the members of the reconnaissance succeed in the commission and offer valuable information to the Liberation Army, making great contributions in the war.
From Victory to Victory
In 1947, the Chinese Red Army sets a trap for the Nationalist forces in Jiangsu province.
Min zhu qing nian jin xing qu
Zhe-Ren Fang
Crows and Sparrows
Teacher Hua
At a Shanghai apartment, Mr Hou, a Nationalist official, gets ready to move to Taiwan upon the imminent defeat of the KMT during the Civil War. Mrs Hou gives an ultimatum to the rest of the tenants to move out on behalf of her husband, who is the "owner" of the flat and who is now planning to sell it. From the conversations with the rest, we find out that Hou has been a Hanjian during the Sino-Japanese War and that he has since taken over the apartment by force from the old landlord, Mr Kong. The tenants, including Mr Kong, Mrs Xiao, Little Broadcast (alias Mr Xiao, played by Zhao Dan) and a schoolteacher, Mr Hua, and his wife, initially plan to band together, but circumstances force them to find other ways out. Mr Hua tries to find a place to stay at the KMT-sponsored school he is teaching in. Little Broadcast and Mrs Xiao invest in black market gold. As the situation escalates, Mr Hua gets arrested by KMT agents and his young daughter falls desperately ill.