폭력적인 남편의 사망 후, 마틸데는 여전히 트라우마와 외로움 그리고 유령같이 그녀의 주변을 맴도는 남편의 흔적에 시달린다. 이웃집 소년 미겔과 가까워진 마틸데는 미겔의 마약 판매에 가담하면서, 이전까지 경험하지 못했던 새로운 삶에 눈을 뜨기 시작한다. 나이 차에도 불구하고 두 사람이 나누는 평범하지 않은 우정은 서로의 상처를 보듬고 치유해 준다. 삶의 막다른 골목에서, 불가능해 보였던 희망을 향해 나아가는 마틸데와 미겔의 용기 어린 선택이 감동으로 다가온다.
Keta is a professional makeup artist with a big butt and large thighs, but she also has big dreams. The truth is that Keta with her overweight, her addiction to marijuana and her pink hair can not get a job anywhere, so she ends up as a drug dealer handing out goods to her neighbor - who is addicted to all kinds of painkillers-, to an actress of soap operas as schizophrenic as a cocaine addict; also going through a swinger couple, a prude housewife, a not so prude nun and a host of characters that will surely make more than one viewer is reflected.
The film tells the embarrassing event that breaks out when the protagonist of a pornographic film fails to fulfill during the filming, his commitment to maintain an indispensable erection in front of the cameras. His impossibility has hilarious consequences, culminating in the arrival of a mysterious character who claims to be a specialist in pornographic videos.
A woman who goes crazy when on her period