The village is brimming with stories and if you listen closely it might tell you a few. Perhaps the one about the businessman who dreams in Latin, or the one about the delicate boy who carves moorland birds, or maybe the one of the open-air sexual affair that has explosive consequences.
A widowed farmer begins a new life on her own terms by fighting against corruption and injustice in her community.
Gunnar Lögga
A man's shoe gets stuck under a car in a parking lot.
At a local party in the suburbs of Reykjavik, Hanna (19) and Jonas (20) escape into the laundry room to share an intimate moment, but when boundaries are crossed the emotional aftermath of guilt quickly follows.
A former police officer gets an unexpected guest on Christmas day.
Sangduen Chailert, or Lek, as she is generally known, has already rescued over 200 elephants. She has dedicated her life to saving the Asian elephant and founded a special camp, The Elephant Nature Park to protect them. We follow this winner of Time Magazine’s “Asian Hero of the Year” Award in her work. Lek is on a mission to save the Asian elephant in her native Thailand. This film looks at the plight of the Asian elephant, as it goes from being a widely used domestic animal, to becoming a burden on modernizing communities. With experts predicting its extinction within four decades, Lek’s work is needed now more than ever and she has gathered a large group of supporters and volunteers in her quest for a better future for the Asian elephant. This moving film demonstrates Lek’s natural understanding of and rapport with these huge animals and will stir the viewers emotions as it highlights the often desperate state some elephants are kept in.
Location Manager
The film follows a day in the life of a troubled elderly gentleman facing fear of death and visions of his late father who he gets mixed up with his favorite figure of fiction, Captain Ahab from Moby Dick. He has visions of rubber shoes in the sewer where he works leading him to think back on his childhood and the origins of his bizarre work of art for which he has sacrificed even his marriage. His masterpiece is a bizarre fence along a black beach which he tends to with tenderness but dreads to complete.
The film follows a day in the life of a troubled elderly gentleman facing fear of death and visions of his late father who he gets mixed up with his favorite figure of fiction, Captain Ahab from Moby Dick. He has visions of rubber shoes in the sewer where he works leading him to think back on his childhood and the origins of his bizarre work of art for which he has sacrificed even his marriage. His masterpiece is a bizarre fence along a black beach which he tends to with tenderness but dreads to complete.
The story revolves around the seacaptain Valdimar who marries Unnur, but on the night of their wedding strange things start to happen which leads them out to sea.
María has fled her home of Germany in the wake of the aftermath of the second world war and comes to Iceland to work on a farm.
오랜 옛날, 바이킹의 한 민족이 혈족간의 분쟁을 피해 아이슬란드로 이주한다. 이후 몇백년간은 평화로운 시대가 지속되지만, 왕이 되려는 야심을 품은 케틸(Ketil: 힌릭 올라프슨 분)의 무리가 법에 대항해 일어나 전쟁을 일으킨다. 뛰어난 용사였던 족장 발가트는 간신히 아들 키야텐을 도피시킨 뒤 명예로운 죽음을 택한다. 바다에 뛰어든 뒤 법관 마그너스(Magnus: 루릭 하랄드슨 분)의 농장까지 떠내려온 키야텐. 민족을 구할 용사가 바다로부터 나타나는 계시적인 꿈을 꾼 마그너스는 키야텐이 바로 그임을 확신하고 군나르(Gunnar: 스벤-올레 도르슨 분)에게 그를 용사로 될 것을 당부한다. 한편, 키야텐이 케틸의 동맹혈족 모르도(Mord: 한스 마틴 스티어 분)를 살해함으로써 원치않던 결혼을 하지 않게 된 구드런은 키애텐과 사랑에 빠지고 만다. 군나르의 강도높은 훈련 덕분에 키애텐은 점차 바이킹 전사로서의 풍체를 갖추게 된다. 마침내 케틸이 유혼검을 지닌 키애텐을 없애기 위해 나타나자 위급함을 느낀 구드런이 위험을 알리러 온다. 그러나 그녀를 뒤쫓아 온 케틸의 부하에 의해 키야텐은 커다란 부상을 입게 되는데