An intimate look at the life, career and process of one of the most accomplished songwriters of all time, Diane Warren.
Self (archive footage)
1985년 1월 25일, 음악계의 내로라하는 유명 인사 수십 명이 로스앤젤레스의 한 스튜디오에 모인다. 각자 자존심은 문 앞에 잠시 내려놓고 아프리카 기근 구호 기금을 마련하기 위해 다 같이 노래를 녹음한다. 세계 팝 문화의 역사를 새로 쓰게 될 곡이었다. 다큐멘터리 "팝 역사상 가장 위대한 밤"은 스마트폰과 이메일이 등장하기 이전의 시대에 세계에서 가장 놀라운 슈퍼그룹을 탄생시킨 대형 프로젝트의 진행 과정을 시간의 흐름을 따라 보여준다. 노래의 공동 작곡가이자 20세기 가장 영향력 있는 뮤지션들로 꼽히는 마이클 잭슨과 라이오넬 리치를 중심으로 모인 아티스트들은 서로가 추구하는 음악 세계는 달랐지만 하나로 뭉쳐 ‘We Are the World’를 녹음했다. 이번 다큐멘터리에서는 미공개 영상을 포함해, 리치와 잭슨의 작곡 과정 등 프로젝트의 기획 초기 단계를 상세히 소개하고 ‘We Are the World’를 녹음한 그 유명한 헨슨 스튜디오(Henson Studios) 내부로 들어가 본다. 또한 역사적인 그날 저녁 현장에 있었던 리치, 브루스 스프링스틴, 스모키 로빈슨, 신디 로퍼, 케니 로긴스, 디온 워릭, 휴이 루이스 등 수많은 아티스트가 다른 뮤지션, 엔지니어, 제작진과 함께 음악 역사상 가장 빛났던 밤을 추억한다.
브로드웨이 뮤지컬 '컬러 퍼플'을 영화화한 작품. 1985년작 '칼라 퍼플'과 마찬가지로 앨리스 워커의 동명의 소설이 원작이다. 1985년 영화에 소피아 역으로 출연한 오프라 윈프리와 제작진이었던 스티븐 스필버그, 퀸시 존스가 프로듀서로 참여했다. 연출은 블랙 이즈 킹의 공동 감독 블리츠 바자울레가 맡았다.
Self (archive footage)
The film “takes fans back in time to the making of the record-breaking album and release of revolutionary short films that redefined the music video format and captivated audiences globally.”
Self (archive footage)
The 37th Annual Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony take place on Saturday, November 5, 2022 at Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles, California. This year’s Performer Inductees are Pat Benatar, Duran Duran, Eminem, Eurythmics, Dolly Parton, Lionel Richie, and Carly Simon. Judas Priest and Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis will receive the Musical Excellence Award, Harry Belafonte and Elizabeth Cotten the Early Influence Award, and Allen Grubman, Jimmy Iovine, and Sylvia Robinson the Ahmet Ertegun Award.
오프라 윈프리가 제작한 이 다큐멘터리는 상징적인 배우이자 영화 제작자, 인권 운동가였던 전설적인 시드니 포이티어를 기리며 드러낸다. 덴젤 워싱턴과 스파이크 리, 바브라 스트라이샌드 외 다른 이들의 인터뷰를 포함한다.
Self (archive footage)
Kylie and The Bee Gees are compared to see who had the better music, comebacks, dancing, legacy and more.
Twenty-something virtuoso multi-instrumentalist, singer and arranger Jacob Collier has managed to outdo The Beatles by winning Grammy Awards for each of his first four albums. Alan Yentob meets Jacob and musicians he has collaborated with, including Stormzy, Chris Martin and film composer Hans Zimmer. He also talks to music legends Quincy Jones and Herbie Hancock, who believe Jacob Collier is one of the most talented musicians on the planet today.
<황야의 무법자>, <원스 어폰 어 타임 인 아메리카>, <미션>, <시네마 천국>, <헤이트풀8>…
전 세계가 사랑하는 거장 엔니오 모리꼬네
그가 직접 들려주는 명작 탄생 비하인드
그리고 세계적인 아티스트들이 이야기하는 그에 대한 모든 것
Self (voice)
Live performance broadcast of The Weeknd's album Dawn FM.
The story of the iconic singer's fascinating six-decade career in both music and Black and LGBTQ activism.
Plot kept under wraps. In post- Production.
A joyful, cinematic celebration of this singular musical artist, who remains as vital and relevant today as when he exploded on the scene with his group, Brasil '66. With a rich, multi-layered approach to storytelling, the film digs deep to reveal the forces that shaped his incredible journey.
Self (voice)
The story of Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club
From the success of Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass, through the founding of A&M Records, to giving away more than $150 million to arts and education programs across the country, we’ll witness the humanity and the humility inherent in everything he does, as well as come to understand the power of creativity to entertain, inspire, heal and transform.
Executive Producer
Follow New York City maestro Arturo O’Farrill, Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra founder, to Veracruz, Mexico where he meets up with the masters of a 300-year-old folk music tradition called son jarocho and then joins them for a historical music festival called “Fandango Fronterizo” that takes place simultaneously on both sides of the United States-Mexico border transforming the wall from an object that divides to one that unites.
Told in Count Basie's own words, this biography sheds light on both the professional and the private life of the world-famous bandleader and pianist who became a jazz icon for his generation.
An illuminating portrait of Jay Sebring — the long-forgotten artist, designer, and entrepreneur who created a billion-dollar hair & beauty industry and defined iconic Hollywood styles for men.
캐나다 태생의 작곡가이자 프로듀서인 팝의 거장 데이비드 포스터. 수많은 히트곡을 탄생시키며 성공 가도를 달려온 그가 자신의 삶을 이야기한다. 그의 과거 사진과 영상 및 뮤지션들과 가족의 인터뷰까지 풍성히 담은 다큐멘터리.
마일즈 데이비스를 수식하는 단어는 무궁무진하다. 트럼펫 연주자, 밴드 리더, 혁신가, 고상한, 허영심 많은, 지식인, 훌륭한, 변덕스러운, 천재, ‘멋짐‘의 화신, 심장을 아프게 만들 정도로 아름다운 소리를 낼 줄 아는 음악인. 지금까지 공개된 적 없는 영상과 편집됐던 녹음 파일, 보기 드문 사진을 담은 이 영화는 독보적인 재능을 가진 한 남자의 트럼펫 뒤의 삶을 그린다.
음악, 영화, 방송, 정치. 다양한 분야에서 막강한 실력자이자 거침없는 조언자로 족적을 남긴 클래런스 에이반트. 그의 인생 역정과 성공의 지혜를 다큐멘터리로 만난다.
그는 사람들을 열광시켰고, 누군가는 그를 두려워했다. 소울 뮤지션이자 흑인 민권 운동의 열렬한 지지자였던 샘 쿡. 그의 충격적인 죽음을 새로운 각도에서 재조명한다.
“Q85: A Musical Celebration for Quincy Jones,” is a star-studded evening that celebrates the life and legacy of the icon. In celebration of such a legendary figure, some of the biggest stars came to share in on the celebration. Performers such as Stevie Wonder, Gladys Knight, Brian McKnight, John Legend, Gloria Estefan, Fantasia, Charlie Wilson, Jennifer Hudson, Ne-Yo, Sam Smith, Meghan Trainor, Patti Austin, Yolanda Adams, Ledisi, and Cynthia Erivo all hit the stage to pay tribute to Quincy Jones by performing his classic works. Additionally, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Danny Glover, Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle, LL Cool J, Rashida Jones, and Ludacris shared their personal stories of how Quincy has impacted them throughout the years.
The special was taped in September at the Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live in Los Angeles.
《퀸시 존스의 음악과 삶》은 팝의 거장 퀸시 존스의 삶을 들여다보는 다큐멘터리다. 70년간 대중문화와 음악계에서 독보적인 자리를 차지하고 있는 퀸시 존스는 음악과 인종의 경계를 넘어선 인물. 그의 삶은 미국 흑인 사회와 떼려야 뗄 수 없도록 이어져 있다. 또한 뛰어난 트럼펫 연주자, 제작자, 지휘자, 작곡가, 편곡자의 역할을 넘어, 퀸시 존스는 지난 반세기간 뛰어난 재능을 발굴해내는 데 탁월한 능력을 발휘했다. 레슬리 고어, 마이클 잭슨, 오프라 윈프리, 윌 스미스 등 재능있는 젊은이들의 능력을 개발하고 그들에게 조언을 아끼지 않았다. 뿐만 아니라, 늘 넘치는 에너지로 여러 세대에 인도주의의 중요성을 일깨워주었다. 넓은 마음을 지녔으며, 영원히 살고자 하는 의지가 그 마음보다 더 큰 퀸시 존스의 삶을 담은 《퀸시 존스의 음악과 삶》. 이 넷플릭스 오리지널 다큐멘터리의 연출은 래시다 존스(《앤지 트라이베카》 《핫 걸 원티드》)와 앨런 힉스(《킵 온 키핑 온》)가 맡았다. 제작진은 전설의 삶을 더욱 특별하게 전달하기 위해, 실제 촬영 영상과 개인소장 자료를 자연스럽게 엮는 방식을 택했다.
재즈의 전설적인 스타들, 마일스 데이비스, 허비 행콕, 존 콜트란스, 소니 롤린스, 웨인 슈터, 델로니어스 몽크와 퀸시 존스 등을 세계에 알린 재즈 레이블 ‘블루노트레코딩’. 1939년 히틀러의 독재를 피해 미국으로 온 두 젊은 독일인 알프레드 라이온과 프란시스 울프는 살아 숨쉬는 뉴욕 재즈 음악에 매료되어 ‘블루노트레코딩’을 설립한다. 아프리칸-아메리칸 뮤지션들이 차별받고 배척 당하던 시대, 그들의 열정과 천재성을 세상에 알리고자 했던 두 남자의 전설이 시작된다! “It must schwing!”
The Cold War and Civil Rights collide in this remarkable story of music, diplomacy and race. Beginning in 1955, when America asked its greatest jazz artists to travel the world as cultural ambassadors, Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie, Duke Ellington and their mixed-race band members, faced a painful dilemma: how could they represent a country that still practiced Jim Crow segregation?
마이클 조던의 농구선수로서의 독특한 플레이 특성과 다른 농구화와 구별되는 에어 조던1의 제품 차별성(기능 및 디자인)을 결합한 스타마케팅과 혁신적 시도가 NBA 규칙뿐만 아니라 사회문화에 가져온 혁명적 변화를 조명한 다큐멘터리
미국 교도소의 다양한 문제들을 짚어보는 다큐멘터리
Back in 2017, at the Jazzopen Stuttgart Festival, the great Quincy Jones put on a show that elicited many rapturous standing ovations from the capacity crowd. To kick things off, the seventy musicians of the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra and the SWR Big Band step out onto the stage. It is a warm summer’s evening and they play a grand opening medley in the fading light that seamlessly blends classic jazz with Michael Jackson numbers like “Wanna Be Startin Somethin.”
A star-studded roster of interviewees (including Jerry Lewis, Whoopi Goldberg and Billy Crystal) pay tribute to the legendary, multi-talented song-and-dance man.
FEEL RICH: HEALTH IS THE NEW WEALTH documents the nascent self-love revolution emerging in urban communities. Narrated by Quincy Jones III, the film features interviews with iconic artists, producers, urban farmers and meditators who have made dramatic changes in their lives by opening themselves up to new ideas about what it means to be rich. Our audience will embark on a journey led by Common, The Game, Crystal Wall, Paul Wall, Fat Joe, Russell Simmons, Stic.Man, Afya Ibomu, Jermaine Dupri, Slim Thug, Styles P and the legendary Quincy Jones that provides unique context to the global health crisis in urban communities by offering a backstage pass into the hearts and minds of the hip hop elite.
별 볼 일 없는 연예인들을 관리하는 할리우드의 괴짜 매니저 샌디 웩슬러. 그는 어느 날 놀이동산에서 미운오리새끼를 연기하는 코트니 클라크를 우연히 발견하고, 코트니의 감미로운 노래에 반해 그녀를 새로운 고객으로 맞이한다. 코트니는 뛰어난 음악적 재능으로 단숨에 스타덤에 오르고, 덕분에 샌디의 커리어도 날아오르기 시작하는데.... 능력도, 운도 지지리도 없지만, 성실성 하나로 근근히 버텨오던 샌디에게 드디어 찾아온 행운은 과연 계속 이어질 수 있을까?
"스타워즈", "007", "반지의 제왕" 시리즈부터 "매드맥스: 분노의 도로"… 할리우드를 빛낸 세기의 명작 뒤에는 그들을 빛내 준 영화음악이 있다! 한스 짐머, 존 윌리엄스, 하워드 쇼어 등 최고의 음악감독들이 직접 밝히는 전설의 명작을 완성시킨 영화음악의 탄생, 과정, 비하인드 스토리 그리고 잊을 수 없는 전율의 순간들까지!
Music Producer
The grand opening dedication ceremony of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture.
In I GO BACK HOME - JIMMY SCOTT, we meet the German music producer Ralf Kemper, who takes on the journey to produce a record with the almost forgotten jazz icon Jimmy Scott, who is publicly unknown, but in informed quarters perceived to be a musical legend. Ralf wanted to realize this project ever since he had heard Jimmy‘s voice singing for the first time 30 years ago. But it took a personal tragedy to finally put his thoughts into action. Meeting Jimmy Scott at the age of 85 years living secluded and chairbound after an accident in Las Vegas Ralf was shocked by Jimmy‘s surprisingly bad health condition. Will he be able to put his plan into reality?
A tribute to the 50th anniversary of the Montreux Jazz Festival, Switzerland, with Nina Simone, Miles Davis, Etta James, Marvin Gaye, David Bowie, and many more geniuses on tape; a cool Quincy Jones and a laughing Herbie Hancock; sweaty musicians, crazy audiences, and some very rare files.
Director Spike Lee chronicles Michael Jackson's early rise to fame.
A tribute concert celebrating Frank Sinatra’s 100th birthday that promises performances from Tony Bennett, Garth Brooks, Alicia Keys, John Legend, Adam Levine, Carrie Underwood, Usher, Zac Brown, Harry Connick Jr., Celine Dion, Lady Gaga and Juanes.
This documentary charts the complexity and genius of the NBA's all-time leading scorer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's legendary career, both on and off the court. Spotlighting a six-time MVP and six-time world champion, the film examines his controversial and landmark moments, his outspoken feelings about race and politics, and the evolution of the game.
The last two decades have seen a striking decline in the quality of sound and listening experience. Compressed music, MP3s and streaming, have diminished the quality and flattened the emotion. Marketing gimmicks and convenience now take the place of excellence. The Distortion of Sound is an eye-opening exposé of the current state of sound starring Linkin Park, Slash, Quincy Jones and more. This documentary will open your ears and inspire you to reach for richer, more soul-stirring musical experiences.
When Marvin Hamlisch passed away in August 2012 the worlds of music, theatre and cinema lost a talent the likes of which we may never see again. Seemingly destined for greatness, Hamlisch was accepted into New York’s Juilliard School as a 6-year-old musical prodigy and rapidly developed into a phenomenon. With instantly classic hits ‘The Way We Were’ and ‘Nobody Does It Better’ and scores for Hollywood films such as The Swimmer, The Sting and Sophie’s Choice and the Broadway juggernaut A Chorus Line; Hamlisch became the go-to composer for film and Broadway producers and a prominent presence on the international Concert Hall circuit. His streak was staggering, vast, unprecedented and glorious, by the age of 31 Hamlisch had won 4 Grammys, an Emmy, 3 Oscars, a Tony and a Pulitzer prize: success that burned so bright, it proved impossible to match.
This concert from July 8th, 1991 was the last of Miles Davis many appearances at the Montreux Jazz Festival and took place only a few months before his death. Despite a defiant never look back philosophy, Miles was persuaded by Quincy Jones and Claude Nobs to take part in this tribute to his great friend Gil Evans, who had passed away in 1988. This truly unique concert was an historical event and a musical triumph, thankfully captured here for posterity. Miles Davis was a giant of 20th century music and this concert is as much a tribute to him as it is to the late Gil Evans.
Filmed in high definition 3D, this set brings together the Experience Montreux film plus concert performances from the Montreux Jazz Festival by Herbie Hancock and Quincy Jones and the Global Gumbo All-Stars. Experience Montreux, filmed at the 44th Festival in 2010, contains full live tracks by a range of artists that reflects the breadth and eclecticism of the Montreux Jazz Festival. The performances are interspersed with interviews with festival founder Claude Nobs and many of the artists involved and are accompanied by stunning footage of the festival setting, the town of Montreux, Lake Geneva and the Swiss Alps. Quincy Jones and Herbie Hancock have both been frequent visitors to Montreux over the years and it s fitting that their performances form a part of this 3D celebration of the magic of the Montreux Jazz Festival.
Mike Epps, Richard Pryor Jr. and others recount the culture-defining influence of Richard Pryor - one of America's most brilliant, iconic comic minds.
'Iceberg Slim: Portrait of a Pimp', examines the tumultuous life of legendary Chicago pimp Iceberg Slim (1918-1992) and how he reinvented himself from pimp to author of 7 groundbreaking books. These books were the birth of Street Lit and explored the world of the ghetto in gritty and poetic detail and have made him a cultural icon. Interviews with Iceberg Slim, Chris Rock, Henry Rollins, Ice-T, Snoop Dogg, and Quincy Jones.
About Jimmy Scott, who has had profound influence on the world of jazz and pop, but was never recognized by a wider audience. The documentary takes us behind the record production, where artists and musicians like Quincy Jones, Kenny Barron, John Pisano or Peter Erskine are telling their own story about Jimmy Scott. We get a look behind the scenery and find out how this record is carried out. This Making-Of is a moving document about an unknown icon of music history.
[그레이스랜드] 음반 발매 25주년을 맞이해 남아프리카로 돌아온 폴 사이먼은 복귀 콘서트를 열고 음반이 탄생하기까지의 험난했던 과정을 공개한다. 반인종격리정책 운동가를 비롯해 퀸시 존스, 해리 벨라폰테, 폴 매카트니, 데이비드 번 등 음악계 전설들의 생각을 엿볼 수 있는 이 작품은 뛰어난 음악적 성취의 연대기인 동시에 사회에서 음악가가 지니는 역할에 대한 심오한 고찰이다. (2013년 제9회 제천국제음악영화제)
The true story of a British heiress's love for jazz genius Thelonious Monk.
A look at the 'Godfather' role of music legend Quincy Jones in the lives of today's top young artists. Also featured are some of Mr. Jones's charitable efforts around the world.
When an artist of the stature of Quincy Jones celebrates his 75th birthday you can be sure it's going to be quite a party. The main concert lasted over two and a half hours and the musicians then spilled out into the bars and cafes of Montreux with the music still going strong as the sun was coming up the next morning! Backing on all tracks provided by the Montreux In The Big Band conducted by Pepe Lienhard. Incredible line-up of artists including: Patti Austin, Petula Clark, Billy Cobham, Herbie Hancock, Mick Hucknall, Al Jarreau, Chaka Khan, Angelique Kidjo, Beverley Knight, James Moody, Nana Mouskouri, Naturally 7, Paolo Nutini, Freda Payne, Lee Ritenour, Curtis Stigers and many more. Performing songs and music associated with Quincy Jones throughout his long career.
Documentary about the writing and recording of Quincy Jones' score for Norman Jewison's 1967 film IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT.
King: Man of Peace in a Time of War documents the work Martin Luther King did in attempting to bring peace to people during the turmoil of the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights Movement. The film includes interviews with contemporaries such as Jesse Jackson, and military experts like Colin Powell.
Jazz Icons: Quincy Jones spotlights a young “Q” conducting his “dream band”—an 18-piece orchestra of world-renowned players such as Clark Terry, Phil Woods, Sahib Shihab, Budd Johnson and Benny Bailey. This 80-minute program, featuring 17 songs, is one of the finest examples of big band jazz ever to be captured on film. Shot in Switzerland and Belgium in 1960, these two concerts are the only known visual documents of this legendary tour—an important lost chapter in an illustrious career which has spanned six decades.
The film explores the history of the word throughout its inception to present day. Woven into the narrative are poetry, music, and commentary from celebrities about their personal experiences with the word and their viewpoints. Each perspective is unique, as is each experience... some are much more comfortable with the word than others.
Original Music Composer
마커스(50센트)는 언젠간 래퍼가 될 것이라는 것을 확신하고 있었다. 하지만 마커스의 엄마가 살해를 당하자, 젊은 마커스는 생계를 위해 뉴욕의 범죄단 두목 마제스틱 아래서 마약 거래를 하게 된다. 하지만 일을 하다 윤간으로 상황이 돌변하자 마커스의 상황은 수습할 수 없게 되어 결국 감옥에 들어가게 된다. 감옥에서 마커스는 손을 씻고 음악에 전념하기로 한다. 마커스가 마제스틱을 저버리니 그는 죽은 목숨이나 다름없다. 테렌스 하워드가 함께 출연하여 갱스터에서 래퍼로 변한 50센트의 이야기를 기반한 강렬한 영화에서 비극적인 시작에서 성공적으로 마친 잊혀지지 않는 여정을 보여준다
Executive Producer
Narrated By Snoop Dogg- Letter To the President is a feature documentary that showcases the close-knit ties between the Hip Hop Music community and America's social and political policy in the last 30 years.
Narrated By Snoop Dogg- Letter To the President is a feature documentary that showcases the close-knit ties between the Hip Hop Music community and America's social and political policy in the last 30 years.
Executive Producer
A drama set in the 1920s, where free-spirited Janie Crawford's search for happiness leads her through several different marriages, challenging the morals of her small town. Based on the novel by Zora Neale Hurston.
A meld of legendary performers and contemporary artists of today who have been influenced by Ray's music perform in this concert extravaganza.
Combining rare original archive footage, home movies and authored by 40 intimate interviews with friends and celebrity fans this feature length film charts Nat "King" Cole's battle with racist 50’s America to become a superstar. An intimate portrait, it’s filled with music and accompanied the release of the album of the same name.
Documentary containing interviews with performers discussing the influence that Michael Jackson had on their career, combined with clips from Jackson's music videos.
Collection of songs performed at the "Frank Sinatra Spectacular," a 1965 benefit by the various members of the Rat Pack.
Pop king Michael Jackson solidifies his title with this release of fifteen past number one hits. Songs include "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough," "Thriller," "Black or White," and "Blood on the Dancefloor."
스파이 업계 최고의 비밀요원 오스틴 파워는 세계 정복의 야심에 헛물만 켜온 닥터 이블을 상대로 오늘도 맹활약 중이다. 번번이 오스틴 파워에게 당한 닥터 이블 일행은 필사의 반격을 위해 온몸이 금으로 이루어진 골드멤버라는 무시무시한 파트너를 영입해 더욱 막강해진다. 그리고 오스틴 파워를 없애야 세계 정복이 가능하다는 결론을 내린 닥터 이블은 눈 안의 가시 같은 존재인 오스틴 파워를 제거하기 위해 모종의 음모를 꾸미는데. 첫번째 오스틴 파워의 아버지 나이젤 파워를 남칩하는 것. 그리고 두번째 작전명 'Preparation H', H 작전이란 바로 골드멤버가 개발한 트랙터 빔과 인공위성을 이용해 남극의 얼음을 녹여 지구를 물에 잠기게 하는 것. 초대형 잠수정까지 준비한 닥터 이블의 지구 정복 야욕은 더욱 치밀해지는데. 이에 오스틴 파워는 골드멤버와 닥터 이블을 체포하고 지구를 구하기 위해 FBI 정예요원 폭시 클레오파트라와 팀을 이루고 전세계를 무대로 시공간을 초월한 험난한 모험을 시작하는데.
A retrospective of the phenomenally popular 1984-1992 situation comedy, "The Cosby Show," complete with memorable clips, bloopers and comments from series stars, producers and Bill Cosby himself.
A star-studded tribute (from the creators of That's Entertainment) to the contributions of Afro-Americans in film over the last century. Vanessa Williams traces the struggles and triumphs of the superstars of music and film. Among the many artists featured are: Whitney Houston, Ella Fitzgerald, Sammy Davis Jr., Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Cab Calloway, Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, Ella Fitzgerald, and Little Richard, Also included are today's contemporary superstars: Snoop Dogg, Ice T, Quincy Jones, Spike Lee, Russell Simmons, and many, more! 80 minutes plus DVD bonus features.
Composer, record, TV and film producer, arranger, instrumentalist, magazine founder and multi-media entrepreneur - Quincy Jones has done it all. In his 50-year career, he has won 26 Grammy awards and an Emmy, earned seven Oscar nominations and helped ignite the career of megastar Michael Jackson. American Masters takes an all-access look at this remarkable star of the world stage. Narrated by Harry Belafonte, Quincy Jones: In the Pocket features interviews with friends and contemporaries such as former President Bill Clinton, Maya Angelou and Sidney Poitier. This candid profile also includes behind-the-scenes footage of the historic "We Are the World" all-star recording session, in-studio clips of Frank Sinatra and other exclusive visual materials.
The Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Special was a 2001 New York City revue show by Michael Jackson. It took place on September 7, 2001 and September 10, 2001. In late November 2001, the CBS television network aired the concerts as a two-hour special in honour of Michael Jackson's thirtieth year as a solo entertainer (his first solo single, "Got to Be There", was recorded in 1971). The show was edited from footage of two separate concerts Michael had orchestrated in New York City's Madison Square Garden on September 7 and September 10 of 2001. The shows sold out in five hours. Ticket prices were pop's most expensive ever; the best seats cost $5,000 and included a dinner with Michael Jackson and a signed poster.
Frank Sinatra, the greatest entertainer of the 20th century, is remembered by some of the brightest stars in Hollywood in this television memorial which celebrates his life and mourns his passing. Exclusive flashback interviews with Sinatra, his friends and his family, reveal little known facts about his overwhelming generosity and the sensationalized image created by the press. * In-depth interviews with those who knew him best... Ed McMahon, Tommy Sands, Shecky Green, Phyllis McGuire, Quincy Jones, & Betty Garrett, among others. * See highlights from some of Sinatra’s last films and farewell perfomances.
Executive Producer
Tired of being used and abused by the opposite sex, three girlfriends decide to turn the tables on the guys who cross them by teaching them a sex-ed lesson they'll never forget! But their little scheme backfires when their secret gets out, and when one of the school's jocks goes too far, he sets into motion a chain of events that could change all their lives forever.
Actor/director Sidney Poitier discusses his life and career. He tells of his upbringing in Jamaica; the difficulties he encountered in New York City at the start of his career; his involvement in the US civil-rights movement; and efforts to end apartheid in South Africa. Friends and acquaintances, as well as other performers, give their insights about what makes him so special.
Self - Host
1940년 작 환타지아의 후속편으로, 월트 디즈니가 생전에 계획했던 작품으로 알려져 있다. 월트 디즈니는 클래식 음악과 애니메이션을 결합한 환타지아를 제작하면서 매년 다른 시퀀스를 추가해 새로 개봉한다는 계획을 세웠지만, 개봉 당시 흥행의 실패로 계획을 수정한 것으로 알려져 있다. 그 후 조카 로이 에드워드 디즈니에 의하여 60년 만에 이 작품이 완성되었다. 8개의 단편으로 이루어져 있는 이 작품은 1940년 작에 포함되었던 마법사의 제자를 디지털로 복원해 삽입했으며 7개의 단편은 새롭게 창작했다. 모든 시퀀스는 대사 없이 클래식 음악으로만 진행된다.
One hour television documentary about the life and career of singer Natalie Cole which originally aired on Lifetime Television in 1998. Includes interviews with Natale Cole, Tony Bennett, Quincy Jones, Phil Ramone, David Foster, Chaka Khan, Luther Vandross, Maria Cole, Dan Cleary and narrated by Patrick Stewart.
금속 전문가인 존 헨리 아이언즈(John Henry Irons/Steel : 샤킬 오닐 분)은 그가 개발한 최신의 일급 초강력 무기가 도난을 당해 L.A.의 범죄조직에게 넘어가 악용된다는 사실을 알게 된다. L.A의 경찰국의 타락한 경찰 나다니엘 버크(Nathaniel Burke : 주드 넬슨 분)가 아이언즈의 무기를 스트리트 펑크족들에게 팔아넘긴 것. 사실을 알게된 아이언즈는 이를 막기 위해서 컴퓨터 천재와 철제 공장 일꾼과 의기투합하여 무적의 철갑을 개발하고 직접 나선다. 자신이 만들어낸 무기를 몸으로 막아낼 수 있는 방법은 그 자신이 철의 사나이로 변해버리는 것 밖에는 없었다. 아이언즈의 활약으로 점차 거리의 범죄는 없어지고, 이제 범죄 조직과의 최후의 일전만이 남는다.
To celebrate his illustrious 50-year career, legendary music man Quincy Jones calls on some of the biggest names in the business -- including Chaka Khan and Phil Collins -- to join him onstage for this memorable 1996 concert. Selections include "Stockholm Sweetnin'" with David Sanborn; "In the Heat of the Night" with Mick Hucknall; "After You've Gone" with Collins; and "Everything Must Change" featuring Hucknall and Khan.
Phil Collins, with members of his band, together with conductor Quincy Jones and special guests including Tony Bennett, David Sanborn and members of the WDR Big Band, play several of Collins' songs in jazz arrangements, both as a solo artist and with Genesis, as well as jazz standards and covers.
Wayne Shorter is one of the most significant jazz performers of modern times. He performed as part of Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers and then Miles Davis' band in the sixties before co-founding Weather Report with Joe Zawinul in the early seventies. This Montreux concert from 1996 features the Wayne Shorter Quintet and followed on from the release of his Grammy Award winning album "High Life".
This riveting music documentary traces the history of Jazz piano legend Oscar Peterson, from his early days as Montreal's teenage Boogie-Woogie sensation through his meteoric rise to international celebrity with Norman Granz and the ground-breaking Jazz at the Philharmonic and beyond. In this award-winning autobiographical portrait, legendary jazz pianist Oscar Peterson narrates his story, from his beginnings in smoke-filled Montreal clubs to hallmark performances with jazz greats. Concert footage includes an unforgettable combo -- Nat King Cole with Jazz at the Philharmonic and the Oscar Peterson Trio Wall reunion. Quincy Jones, Ella Fitzgerald and Dizzy Gillespie are interviewed, among others. - Ray Brown, Herb Ellis, Ella Fitzgerald
Self - Narrator
Art Kane, now deceased, coordinated a group photograph of all the top jazz musicians in NYC in the year 1958, for a piece in Esquire magazine. Just about every jazz musician at the time showed up for the photo shoot which took place in front of a brownstone near the 125th street station. The documentary compiles interviews of many of the musicians in the photograph to talk about the day of the photograph, and it shows film footage taken that day by Milt Hinton and his wife.
A funky hip-hop holiday special featuring a teenage boy named Orlando who lives in an underprivileged neighborhood.
Rising from the ashes of the legendary British post-punk unit Joy Division, the enigmatic New Order triumphed over tragedy to emerge as one of the most influential and acclaimed bands of the 1980's, embracing the electronic textures and disco rhythms of the underground club culture many years in advance of its contempraries. "New Order Story" is the definitive documentary on the band and traces their history all the way back to its origin with Joy Division. This extended version includes additional interviews and live footage, over 2 hours of great New Order footage. A longform video chronicling the band's history and music with interviews by Bono, Neil Tennant, Quincy Jones and others.
Director of Operations
The extraordinary life of Quincy Jones -- one of the 20th century's most influential and talented composers, musicians and music producers -- provides the basis of this offbeat, free-form documentary tribute. With little regard for formal timelines and traditional documentary biography methods, the film is an amazing patchwork of personal insights featuring a constellation of music stars including his long-time friend Ray Charles, Miles Davis, Frank Sinatra, Herbie Hancock, Ella Fitzgerald, Michael Jackson, Aretha Franklin, Dizzy Gillespie and rappers Big Daddy Kane and Flavor Flav, as well as politicians, filmmakers and other important people. Some of the most moving scenes involve Jones returning to his childhood home in Chicago and recounting honest and painful memories from his childhood. Jones does not shy from discussing everything -- from his mother's mental illness, to his marital problems, to his serious health conditions. He also looks frankly at his career.
The Earth Day Special is a television special revolving around Earth Day that aired on ABC on April 22, 1990. Sponsored by Time Warner, the two hour special featured an all-star cast addressing concerns about global warming, deforestation, and other environmental ills.
The WWII pivotal battle of Stalingrad is shown through the eyes of the soldiers and officers on both sides of the war.
Enjoy the smooth voice and cool rhythms of legendary American recording artist Nat "King" Cole with this music set, which includes popular hits like "Mona Lisa," "Save the Bones for Henry Jones," "Shine On Harvest Moon," "Sweet Lorraine" and more. The first African-American to host a television variety show, Cole sold millions of records throughout the course of his career and continues to possess enduring popularity worldwide.
A short documentary about the musician Prince. Features interviews with Eric Clapton, George Clinton, Terence Trent D'arby, Quincy Jones, Little Richard, Randy Newman and Miles Davis.
Music documentary directed by Patrick T. Kelly.
For the first short film for one of five consecutive record-breaking No. 1 hits from "Bad," Michael Jackson and director Martin Scorsese created an epic 18-minute tale of urban and racial challenges in the 1980s. "Bad" was named the second greatest of Michael's short films by Rolling Stone in 2014.
Celebrities are interviewed about the social and working lives of Bugs, Daffy, Porky and the rest of the Looney Tunes.
Original Music Composer
착한 천성의 셀리(우피 골드버그)는 열네 살 때 의붓 아버지의 아이를 둘이나 낳는다. 셀리의 유일한 낙은 두 살 아래 여동생 네티(아코슈 부시아)와 서로 의지하며 다정하게 살아가는 것이다. 그러던 중 미스터(대니 글로버)라는 남자가 네티에게 청혼을 한다. 그러나 의붓 아버지는 네티가 너무 어리다며 대신 셀리를 데려가라고 한다. 셀리는 미스터의 아내가 되나, 미스터의 전처가 낳은 아이들과 미스터의 난폭한 성격 때문에 비참한 삶을 살게 되는데...
착한 천성의 셀리(우피 골드버그)는 열네 살 때 의붓 아버지의 아이를 둘이나 낳는다. 셀리의 유일한 낙은 두 살 아래 여동생 네티(아코슈 부시아)와 서로 의지하며 다정하게 살아가는 것이다. 그러던 중 미스터(대니 글로버)라는 남자가 네티에게 청혼을 한다. 그러나 의붓 아버지는 네티가 너무 어리다며 대신 셀리를 데려가라고 한다. 셀리는 미스터의 아내가 되나, 미스터의 전처가 낳은 아이들과 미스터의 난폭한 성격 때문에 비참한 삶을 살게 되는데...
Executive Music Producer
An investigative journalist gets hooked on the subject of his inquiry — organized gambling.
Executive Music Producer
Eight young people from Ohio who are dancers, come to New York, to compete in a major talent competition. But when they get there, they learn that they have to wait some time before they take part in it. So they try to do their best to survive in the Big Apple before competition, and get some lessons about the real World.
We Are the World: The Story Behind the Song is a documentary which examines how the song was written, how producer Quincy Jones and songwriters Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie persuaded some of the most popular performers in America to donate their services to the project, and offers a behind-the-scenes look at the marathon recording session that produced the single.
Diana Ross' 1981 TV special featuring live concert footage from The Forum mixed with studio performances.
Music Supervisor
“마이클 잭슨과 다이애나 로스, 퀸시 존스가 재해석한 『오즈의 마법사』 뮤지컬 버전.” 평범한 가정에서 자라왔고 지금은 독립을 꿈꾸는 스물네 살의 도로시. 그런데 어느 날 그녀에게 상상도 못한 일이 벌어진다. 눈보라가 몰아치던 밤, 도로시는 강아지 토토를 찾으러 나갔다가 거대한 회오리 바람에 휘말려 어디론가 날아간다. 그리고 비현실적인 장소에서 정신을 차린 도로시는 충격적인 광경과 마주한다. 도로시가 부딪혀 떨어트린 조명 구조물에 누군가 깔려 죽고 만 것이다.
동화 『오즈의 마법사』를 과감하게 각색한 뮤지컬 영화. 거장 시드니 루멧이 연출하고 퀸시 존스가 음악감독을 맡아 원작의 동화적 풍경을 빌딩숲, 지하철, 공장 등 대도시의 인공적이고 삭막한 풍경으로 바꾸어놓았다. 또한 허수아비로 분장한 스무 살의 마이클 잭슨이 춤을 추고 노래를 하는 모습을 볼 수 있는 것 역시 에서 놓칠 수 없는 부분.
(2016년 제1회 충무로뮤지컬영화제)
Music Arranger
“마이클 잭슨과 다이애나 로스, 퀸시 존스가 재해석한 『오즈의 마법사』 뮤지컬 버전.” 평범한 가정에서 자라왔고 지금은 독립을 꿈꾸는 스물네 살의 도로시. 그런데 어느 날 그녀에게 상상도 못한 일이 벌어진다. 눈보라가 몰아치던 밤, 도로시는 강아지 토토를 찾으러 나갔다가 거대한 회오리 바람에 휘말려 어디론가 날아간다. 그리고 비현실적인 장소에서 정신을 차린 도로시는 충격적인 광경과 마주한다. 도로시가 부딪혀 떨어트린 조명 구조물에 누군가 깔려 죽고 만 것이다.
동화 『오즈의 마법사』를 과감하게 각색한 뮤지컬 영화. 거장 시드니 루멧이 연출하고 퀸시 존스가 음악감독을 맡아 원작의 동화적 풍경을 빌딩숲, 지하철, 공장 등 대도시의 인공적이고 삭막한 풍경으로 바꾸어놓았다. 또한 허수아비로 분장한 스무 살의 마이클 잭슨이 춤을 추고 노래를 하는 모습을 볼 수 있는 것 역시 에서 놓칠 수 없는 부분.
(2016년 제1회 충무로뮤지컬영화제)
Emerald City Gold Pianist
“마이클 잭슨과 다이애나 로스, 퀸시 존스가 재해석한 『오즈의 마법사』 뮤지컬 버전.” 평범한 가정에서 자라왔고 지금은 독립을 꿈꾸는 스물네 살의 도로시. 그런데 어느 날 그녀에게 상상도 못한 일이 벌어진다. 눈보라가 몰아치던 밤, 도로시는 강아지 토토를 찾으러 나갔다가 거대한 회오리 바람에 휘말려 어디론가 날아간다. 그리고 비현실적인 장소에서 정신을 차린 도로시는 충격적인 광경과 마주한다. 도로시가 부딪혀 떨어트린 조명 구조물에 누군가 깔려 죽고 만 것이다.
동화 『오즈의 마법사』를 과감하게 각색한 뮤지컬 영화. 거장 시드니 루멧이 연출하고 퀸시 존스가 음악감독을 맡아 원작의 동화적 풍경을 빌딩숲, 지하철, 공장 등 대도시의 인공적이고 삭막한 풍경으로 바꾸어놓았다. 또한 허수아비로 분장한 스무 살의 마이클 잭슨이 춤을 추고 노래를 하는 모습을 볼 수 있는 것 역시 에서 놓칠 수 없는 부분.
(2016년 제1회 충무로뮤지컬영화제)
Self - Music Arranger / Emerald City Gold Pianist
A short promotional film on the making of “The Wiz” (1978). Includes a brief history of Oz portrayals in film and behind the scenes interviews.
Original Music Composer
무장 강도 혐의로 4년의 형기를 마치고 출감한 맥코이. 가석방의 조건으로 부패한 정치인 잭이 요구하는 일을 하기 위해 아내 캐롤과 함깨 다시 일당을 조직, 은행을 털 계획을 세우고 치밀한 계획하에 은행을 습격, 수백만불을 강탈한다. 하지만 경찰과 충돌, 간신히 탈출하여 2차 집결지로 모인다. 그러나 일당 중 루디라는 자가 배신, 수백만불을 독차지 하려고 하는 것을 알고 그에게 총격을 가하고..
An idealistic rookie cop joins the LAPD to make ends meet while finishing law school, and is indoctrinated by a seasoned veteran. As time goes on, he loses his ambitions and family as police work becomes his entire life.
A boy and his dog take a wondrous trip under the earth's crust and through the geological eras of time, introducing children to geology in the form of a musical fantasy.
Original Music Composer
Dortmunder and his pals plan to steal a huge diamond from a museum. But this turns out to be only the first time they have to steal it...
A doctor trying to fight a diphtheria epidemic comes into conflict with a police captain who is using all his resources to track down a cop-killer.
죠 콜린스(Joe Collins: 워렌 비티 분)는 지하 개인용 금고속에 잠들고 있는 악당들의 부정으로 차지한 돈을 가로채기로 한다. 어느날 금고속으로 숨어든 죠는 TV 카메라의 감시를 피해 150만 달러의 현찰을 디바인(Dawn Divine: 골디 혼 분)의 금고로 옮기는데...
Original Music Composer
Black girl from rich family loves white boy from poor family.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
An enigmatic man (Sidney Poitier) returns to his Alabama hometown as his sister is dying of cancer and incites the suspicion of notable town officials.
Original Music Composer
10년의 형기를 마치고 출옥한 금고털이 전문가 앤더슨은 출소하자마자 또다른 계획을 추진한다. 조직의 재건을 위한 자금 마련을 위해 뉴욕동쪽의 호화 빌딩을 매입하려는 계획을 세운다. 앤더슨은 7명의 전문가들을 모아서 계획을 추진하는데 이들은 FBI 경찰 등 모든 수사기관의 감시망에 그들의 계획이 도청되고 있다는 것을 알지 못하고 있다. 하지만 이들은 이 상황을 역이용하는데.
Original Music Composer
A police detective's investigation of a prostitute's murder points to his best friend.
Original Music Composer
George & Gwen Kellerman make a trip to New York, where George is going to start a new job, it turns out to be a trip to hell.
Original Music Composer
A new bride gets caught between her decadent husband and his black half-brother.
Original Music Composer
자신이 사랑하던 중년의 치과의사 줄리안(월터 매튜)에게 작별의 편지를 보낸 토니(골디 혼)는 가스자살을 시도한다. 마침 옆방에 살던 극작가 이고르(릭 렌즈)가 가스냄새를 맡고 그녀를 구한다. 줄리안과 그의 치과에 근무하는 간호사 스테파니(잉글리트 버그만)는 서로에게 마음이 있었지만 감정을 숨기고 있는 상태. 그래서 줄리안은 토니에게 자신은 유부남이고 애가 셋이나 있으며 부인도 이혼을 원한다는 식으로 거짓말을 하며 토니와 줄다리기를 하던 중이었다. 토니가 줄리안에게 부인과 직접 만나서 그녀의 진심을 알고 싶다고 말하자 줄리안은 스테파니를 내보내 가짜 부인 행세를 하게 한다. 스테파니는 얼떨결에 가짜 부인 역할을 수락한다. 하지만 스테파니와 만나서 얘기를 나누던 토니는 스테파니가 아직까지 남편을 사랑하고 있다고 오해하게 되고, 줄리안은 아내에게 남자가 있다는 거짓말까지 하게 된다. 설상가상으로 토니는 아이의 계부가 될지도 모를 아내의 남자까지 만나고 싶어 한다. 그동안 해왔던 거짓말들을 수습하기 위해 줄리안의 자신의 친구를 아내의 남자친구로 둔갑시키기까지 한다. 하지만 바에서 친구의 진짜 애인을 만나게 되면서 사태는 걷잡을 수 없이 꼬이기 시작하는데...
Original Music Composer
John and Mary meet in a singles bar, sleep together, and spend the next day getting to know each other.
Original Music Composer
정신 치료 그룹에 다녀온 후 섹스에 대한 생각이 진보적으로 변한 밥(로버트 컬프 분)과 캐롤(나탈리 우드 분)은 자신들의 결혼 생활에 '솔직함'과 '자유 연애'라는 개념을 적용해 보기로 한다. 밥과 캐롤의 소식을 전해들은 친구 테드(엘리엇 굴드 분)도 라스베가스로 가는 여행 길에 아내인 앨리스(다이안 캐넌 분)에게 자신의 연애 사건을 털어놓는다. 그러자 앨리스는 크게 화를 내며 차라리 네 사람이 성적인 경험을 공유하자고 주장하며 파트너 체인지를 요구한다. 결국 그들은 서로 다른 파트너와 침대까지 이르게 된다. 그러나 막상 관계를 가지려 하자 슬슬 다른 생각이 나기 시작한다.
Original Music Composer
A gang of black militants plots to rob a factory to finance their "revolutionary struggle."
Original Music Composer
감옥에서 출소하는 찰리 크로커. 죽은 동료가 미처 실행치 못했던 계획을 떠맡게 된다. 그것은 바로 교통정체를 이용한 4백만불 금괴 강탈 계획. 이 일생일대의 건수를 위해 찰리는 컴퓨터 전문가, 미니쿠퍼의 운전사, 행동대원을 모은다 금괴 탈취를 위한 그들만의 계획이 시작되고...
전설로 전해져 내려오는 황금의 계곡. 그곳으로 향하는 지도를 가지고 있던 늙은 추장이 임종 직전, 보안관 맥켄나(MacKenna : 그레고리 펙 분)에게 그 지도를 넘긴다. 몇몇 탐욕스런 인디언들과 결탁해서 그 뒤를 쫓던 무법자 콜로라도(Colorado : 오마 샤리프 분)는 맥켄나가 이미 지도를 없앤 것을 알자 그를 인질로 삼아 황금의 계곡으로 향한다. 여기에 산체스의 무리들이 합류하여 일행은 대규모로 불어난다. 이들 중에는 아파치에 의해 장님이 되기 전에 황금의 계곡을 보았다는 노인도 있었다. 포악한 인디안들과 군대에 쫓기서 일행은 결국 뿔뿔이 흩어져 맥켄나와 콜로라도를 포함한 5인만이 남게 된다. 맥켄나는 비상한 기억력으로 지도에 있던 지형을 하나둘 더듬어 간다. 마침내 아주 잠시동안 계곡으로 향하는 길을 알려주는 독수리 바위 앞에 도달하는데...
Original Music Composer
A group of thieves attempt a daring robbery of a football stadium.
Original Music Composer
In the second "Ironside" movie, the Chief has his spine jolted during a hospital encounter with a narcotics pusher, not only raising the possibility for an operation that might cure his paralysis but also putting him in jeopardy because he can identify the man who had just shot a guard.
Original Music Composer
In 1946 North Africa, two former US Air Force pilots are forced to work for an international smuggler to get money needed for their return to civilian life after fighting in World War II.
A white family has had the same Black maid for many years. When she tells them she wants to go back to school and will be leaving soon, the 20ish year old son decides what she needs is a change and begins searching for a man to wine and dine her, but who won't marry her, thinking that this will distract her from her plans. The man he finds doesn't entirely cooperate.
After inadvertently ingesting some sugar laced with LSD, a man wakes up with amnesia and in the middle of a murder plot.
A Secret Service agent poses as a waterfront hit man to infiltrate a global ring of counterfeiters.
Original Music Composer
Double-agent Alexander Eberlin is assigned by the British to hunt out a Russian spy, known to them as Krasnevin. Only Eberlin knows that Krasnevin is none other than himself! Accompanying him on his mission is a ruthless partner, who gradually discovers his secret as Eberlin tries to maneuver himself out of a desperate situation.
Original Music Composer
After a botched robbery results in the brutal murder of a rural family, two drifters elude police, in the end coming to terms with their own mortality and the repercussions of their vile atrocity.
Original Music Composer
A playboy golf pro, kicked off the circuit for alleged cheating, is forced to hustle for a living.
Original Music Composer
60년대에도 여전히 흑인들이 목화 농장에서 노예 취급을 받았던 미국 남부 스파르타에서 한 북부 사업가가 피살된다. 조사에 착수한 보안관이 흑인이라는 이유로 체포한 사람은 바로 가족들을 만나러 온 형사 버질 팁스(시드니 포이티어)다. 무능하고 한심한 수사를 보다 못해 직접 나선 팁스는 사사건건 시비를 거는 백인 보안관 길레스피(로드 스타이거)와 함께 수사를 진행한다. 길레스피와 버질은 함께 사건을 겪으며 서로를 알아가고 차츰 인간적으로 가까워진다.
Original Music Composer
Citizens of San Francisco are stunned by the news that Robert Ironside, the city's hard-nosed, tough-talking chief of detectives, has been shot and left for dead while vacationing at his friend the Police Commissioner's rural retreat. Ironside survives the murder attempt, but the bullet has damaged nerves in his spine, leaving him a paraplegic. Unable to gain reinstatement as chief of detectives, Ironside gets permission to continue investigating criminal cases as a citizen volunteer. With the assistance of two former protegees, Det. Sgt. Ed Brown and Officer Eve Whitfield, and a newly-hired aide/driver, Mark Sanger, Ironside sets out to solve his first case as a civilian by finding the people responsible for the attempt on his life.
David Kolowitz, a nice young man living with his parents in New York City in 1938, works at a machine repair shop. His parents want David to study to become a pharmacist. But what he really wants is to be an actor like his idol, Ronald Colman. One day, at his friend Marvin's suggestion, David tries out for a part in a play, and gets it, despite his obvious lack of acting experience (not to mention ability). True, it's a rather small part in a low-rent production. Leading the troupe is a washed-up, alcoholic actor who hires David at the urging of his actress-daughter, who finds David "cute." To play his part, David must come up with his own costume - a tuxedo - and pay the house five dollars a week, ostensibly for tuition. But it is David's first acting job, one which calls for him to "enter laughing." And if it doesn't work out - well, there's always pharmacy school.
Original Music Composer
David Kolowitz, a nice young man living with his parents in New York City in 1938, works at a machine repair shop. His parents want David to study to become a pharmacist. But what he really wants is to be an actor like his idol, Ronald Colman. One day, at his friend Marvin's suggestion, David tries out for a part in a play, and gets it, despite his obvious lack of acting experience (not to mention ability). True, it's a rather small part in a low-rent production. Leading the troupe is a washed-up, alcoholic actor who hires David at the urging of his actress-daughter, who finds David "cute." To play his part, David must come up with his own costume - a tuxedo - and pay the house five dollars a week, ostensibly for tuition. But it is David's first acting job, one which calls for him to "enter laughing." And if it doesn't work out - well, there's always pharmacy school.
Original Music Composer
Charles Dobbs is a British secret agent investigating the apparent suicide of Foreign Office official Samuel Fennan. Dobbs suspects that Fennan's wife, Elsa, a survivor of a Nazi Germany extermination camp, might have some clues, but other officials want Dobbs to drop the case. So Dobbs hires a retiring inspector, Mendel, to quietly make inquiries. Dobbs isn't at all sure as there are a number of anomalies that simply can't be explained away. Dobbs is also having trouble at home with his errant wife, whom he very much loves, having frequent affairs. He's also pleased to see an old friend, Dieter Frey, who he recruited after the war. With the assistance of a colleague and a retired policeman, Dobbs tries to piece together just who is the spy and who in fact assassinated Fennan.
Original Music Composer
During the housing shortage of the Summer Olympic Games in 1964, two men and a woman share a small apartment in Tokyo, and the older man soon starts playing Cupid to the younger pair.
Original Music Composer
Alan is a Seattle college student volunteering at a crisis center. One night when at the clinic alone, a woman calls up the number and tells Alan that she needs to talk to someone. She informs Alan she took a load of pills, and he secretly tries to get help. During this time, he learns more about the woman, her family life, and why she wants to die. Can Alan get the cavalry to save her in time before it's too late?
Original Music Composer
어느 날 뉴욕의 한 건물에서 갑작스런 정전이 일어난다. 회계원인 데이빗는 전등을 들고 건물을 빠져 나오던 중 도움을 요청하는 여성을 만나 입구까지 바래다 주지만 그 여성은 데이빗의 얼굴을 보자마자 반색을 하며 달아나버린다. 의아한 마음으로 건물을 빠져 나온 데이빗은 한 유명인사가 정전 중 건물을 뛰어내려 자살을 한 것으로 추정되는 현장을 보게 된다. 그리고 집으로 돌아가던 중 평소 알던 사람들이 자신을 대하는 태도에 이상한 점이 있다는 것을 깨닫고 건물에서 만난 여성을 떠올리지만 기억을 하지 못한다. 점점 의혹이 커지는 상황에서 집에 도착한 데이빗은 어떤 남자로부터 살해협박과 함께 도시를 떠나라는 강요를 받는데...
Self - Conductor
The Rat Pack -- Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., and Dean Martin -- in their only joint television performance. This special was televised via closed-circuit from St. Louis to a select group of theaters, where ticket buyers watched the live performance on screen. The concert was organized by Sinatra as a fundraiser for Dismas Clark Half-Way House of St. Louis, the first halfway house for ex-convicts.
Original Music Composer
로드 스타이거가 연기하는 전당포 주인 솔 네이절먼은 유태인이다. 그는 늘 무덤덤한 표정으로 너무도 냉정한 태도로 물건을 저당잡고 돈을 빌려준다. 그는 신도 믿지 않고 과학과 예술도 인정하지 않고 오로지 돈만 믿을 뿐이다. 시드니 루멧 감독은 자신의 성역인 전당포 안에서 하루종일 돈만 세며 사는 솔의 지난 과거를 섬광처럼 뛰어드는 플래시 백으로 그의 일상 속에 끌어들인다. 나치 강제 수용소에 감금되어야 했던 기억, 사랑하는 아내와 자식들의 죽음 앞에 무기력하게 바라볼 수밖에 없었던 악몽 같은 기억이 되살아나며 그의 일상에 파문이 이는 것이다.
Original Music Composer
Göte is a young teen who seems to be at odds with his family and may not know his own mind that well either. Discontented and rebellious, Göte joins up with two mean-spirited game poachers in spite of the fact that he loves animals and nature. This contradiction between his own feelings and his need to rebel reaches a climax when a forest ranger starts to track down the young men in ever-tightening circles.