Wong Cho-San

출생 : 1911-01-01,

참여 작품

Forsaken Daughter
Uncle Wan
The Lok's family disperses when Japanese occupied China. Mrs. Lok's company prospers in Hong Kong. Her son Tin-yam looks after her business. She misses her daughter. Another daughter Chui-yin dates Kuk-tat. Mrs. Lok hopes that Tin-yam will find a good partner. Wan Yuk-yin works in Mrs. Lok's company and meets Tin-yam. They fall in love. Mrs. Lok asks Yuk-yin to leave Tin-yam. Facing his mother's objection, Tin-yam falls ill. Mrs. Lok let them marry. The wedding guests despised the bride, which makes Mrs. Lok uncomfortable. The couple lives happily, but Mrs. Lok and Chui-yin make Yuk-yin embarrassed. Kuk-tat covets the Loks' fortune. He steals their jewels. Mrs. Lok thinks Yuk-yin did it. Yuk-yin is innocent, but she is expelled. Tin-yam returns. Yuk-yin's parents seek justice at the Loks. Mrs. Lok's saw the Yuk-yin's birthmark. She realizes Yuk-yin is her lost daughter. Mrs. Lok decides to be a dutiful mother. Tin-yam is an adopted son of the Loks so the couple lives happily.
The Great Devotion
Kwok-Hung's father
Poor teacher Chan Chi-hong, his wife Lee Yuk-mei and their five children survive on his meagre pay. When he is laid off by two schools in a row, the family runs into difficulties. The children resort to begging on the streets to pay the mother's medical bills. Turning to writing, Chan's novel fails to find a publisher and, worse still, he comes down with tuberculosis. Dealt a further blow by the death of the youngest daughter and the pressures from the loan sharks, Chan contemplates killing himself and his family but changes his mind when he witnesses the sacrifices made by other parents for their children. He vows to be a dutiful father and tries his best to overcome their adversities. His novel is finally published and sells well. Through thick and thin, the family at last sees the light at the end of the tunnel.
Human Relationships
Lee Sun-fung is renowned for adapting literary classics for the silver screen. To commemorate the seventh anniversary of the Union Film Enterprise known for producing quality films and co-founded by Lee, Human Relationships is adapted from writer Ba Jin's novel into film. The Yiu family moves into a manor. Mrs Yiu, while frustrated by the way her step-son is spoiled by her husband and mother-in-law, develops a friendship with a kid (Michael Lai) who steals flowers from the mansion's garden. She later learns that he is the son of the place's former owner whose downfall at middle age is the result of being spoiled when young. Lai was only a child but gained a foothold among seasoned veterans like Cheung Wood-yau, Ng Cho-fan and Pak Yin.
Story of the White-Haired Demon Girl (Part 1)
The late Ming court is a corrupt regime. Lin Ngai-sheung, nicknamed the 'Jade Killer', inherits the swordplay book of Tianshan and becomes a bandit of the people to rob from the rich. Her feud with Wudang Sect's Cheuk Yat-hong rooted from the time she held up a corrupt official. Cheuk, instigated by others, sees Lin as his enemy. However, Lin slowly falls for him. When Cheuk learns the truth, he helps Lin to defeat her enemies.
The Tormented Beauty
Troupe Leader Lee
Guerrilla member Ting Siu-yuen works as a playwright and Lee, the leader of an opera troupe. They conceal their identities in the troupe in order to gather military intelligence. Yuen gradually falls in love with the lead actress Mui Law-heung. Ting is unsettled to learn that County Chief Fong covets Mui. He sneaks into Fong's residence and is astounded by the sight of his old lover Pak Kuen, now Fong's wife. Fong colludes with the military chief in conducting vicious schemes. With Kuen's help, Yuen is able to get the intelligence. But as Heung is not an insider, she reports to the Governor about the illicit relationship between Yuen and Kuen. Kuen backs Yuen to eliminate the conspirators and bring about the union of Yuen and Heung.
Iron-beaked Hen's Sudden Rise to Power
Ching Hau
Iron-Beaked Hen and Fatso Bo on their way to the city to help a relative out of some trouble, they run into a band of robbers. They stop over an allegedly haunted house where they save the lovers To Lok-yin and Yu Mei-yung from their attemped suicide. Hen learn their story and decide to help them out. Yin comes from a rich family, he lost his father when he was very young and was brought up by his uncle. Now that he is old enough to claim his inheritance, the guardian, his uncle, in order to keep the fortune under control, forces him to marry a girl of his choosing. The couple cannot face separation and resolve to end their lives together. Hen thinks of a way to help them, which involves Yin pretending to comply; that is, to go ahead with the marriage arrangement. On the wedding day, they swap the bride with Yung. Disguised as a matchmaker and a county official respectively, Hen and Bo reprimand To's uncle who schemes to seize To's family fortune. To and Yu marry.
Black Cat, the Cat Burglar
Lee (Ng Cho-fan), who is the retired jewel thief the Black Cat Burglar, is suspected by the police in a string of burglaries. While fleeing from the police's search, he realises he can only prove his innocence by catching the new Cat in the act. Meanwhile, he is romantically caught in between a young girl from overseas and his goddaughter. As a Cantonese ripoff of Hitchcock's To Catch a Thief (1955), this remake does not have the beautiful scenery from the French Riviera but is full of economical wonders. Director Wong Hang employs westernised filmmaking troops to enhance the film, making it outstanding from other Cantonese films of the same time. From high society gatherings to a hide-and-seek in a masquerade, the film demonstrates not only an elegant style but the versatility and adaptability of Cantonese films. Unlike Cary Grant, Ng Cho-fan manifests himself with a mysterious and artistic aura.
The Seventh Heaven
Uncle Chuen
Chan Siu-hung is forced to become a prostitute, with the police following hot on her heels. Ching Chi-ko comes to her defence by claiming to be her husband. Chan is put up at Ching's roof hut named the 'Seventh Heaven' and the two gradually fall in love. Soon the war breaks out. Ching is drafted to do hard labour by the Japanese army. When the war is over, the crippled Ching returns and lies to Chan that he is already a married man, hoping to persvade Chan to marry someone else. Nonetheless, Chan's devotion overwhelms Ching.
A Beautiful Corpse Comes to Life
Old servant
Lau Mung-mui chances on To Lai-leung and their encounter transcends to a rendezvous in their dreams. They admire each other, but they do not know each other's names and addresses. They keep on thinking of each other and decide to take each other as their future husband and wife. Mui's father wants his son to get married, but he pays no attention to his father's wishes. Mui leaves home to look for Leung. Leung's father forces his daughter to marry her rich and powerful cousin. Leung becomes despondent and dies, following an arranged marriage with her cousin. Mui sought everywhere for Leung for three years, but to no avail. He locates the home of Leung, but the household has moved out. The house is guarded by an old servant. Mui, chasing Leung's spirit, has a brief romance with her. Acknowledging that their union will be hindered by their incompatibility as a mortal and a spirit, Leung reincarnates as a mortal so that their love may be rekindled.
Poon Chin-pang
Though her marriage with rich businessman Chan Hak-lit is crumbling, Anna Poon refuses to accept her childhood sweetheart Wong Kei-shu's courtship. Anna's younger sister Mei-na has a crush on Shu and treats Lee Man coldly. When she sees Anna being with Shu, she taunts Anna with stealing who she likes. Anna is hurt and goes back to Chan's house. Chan holds a house party and invites business celebrities. Shu attends it and when tells Anna he loves her when they dance. Anna rejects him and tells him never to see her again. Chan goes to the racecourse. When Shu falls down from a horse, Anna faints. Chan asks Anna what her relationship with Shu is. He warns her not to have any wrongdoing and ruin his reputation. Shu is fine and asks Anna to meet for the last time. Anna cannot turn down him and goes to meets him. Lit miscomprehends the situation and files a divorce. He even forbids Anna to see their daughter. A distressed Anna becomes a victim of love in a conservative society.
Backyard Adventures
Wong Kwok Tung
Reporter Yu Mong-yuen is recovering from a leg injury in his fiancee Man-wah's apartment. Bored, he looks out the rear window and observes the life of the neighbouring building. Among the tenants are a sugar-daddy and his mistress, a middle-aged man wants to marry a young girl, but she is in love with his son. Finally, she hatches a plot and makes the man agree to her marrying his son ; a sly fortune-teller ; a lively gym, a rich widow quarrels with the trainer of a gymnasium because his dog has bitten her cat ; and an opera school, a woman signs, leaning on the balcony, and a man tries to strangle her. In fact they are rehearsing an opera…… One evening, Wah is on the night shift, and Yuen watches the opera troupe rehearse to the end. Under the influence of drugs, Yu mistakenly believes that a divorced man has murdered a taxi dancer. He alerts the police, but the whole thing is nothing more than a misunderstanding.
Parents' Hearts
Chu-kot Yu
An opera troupe has to dissolve in view of the poor economy. Comedian star Sang Kwai-lei loses his job and he has no alternative but to play the lion character in the opera troupe of his former junior apprentice Chan Hau and pawn his stage costume. He aims at earning enough money to support the final year's secondary school studies of his elder son Chi-kuen. Kuen however refuses to continue his studies, seeing that his father has to put aside his dignity to earn money and his mother is worried. Lei is enraged and uses the money to support his younger son Chi-wai's studies. Again, Lei loses his job and he resorts to giving street performances, his wife takes up sowing work in her spare time and she dies after a long illness. Kuen works to support himself through school, but Wai is less fortunate, he is forced to enrol in an opera troupe as an apprentice. Years later, the dying father joyfully embraces Chi-kuen's return from his studies.
Nin Bak
Ah Hing is made pregnant by her master Fan Chun-kit. Fan soon leaves for his studies overseas while Ah Hing suffers gross prosecution and is reduced to becoming a prostitute. In a momentary slip of a struggle, Ah Hing commits manslaughter. Now a qualified lawyer, Fan acquits Ah Hing of the charge, and intends to marry her to redeem his negligence in the past. Ah Hing, however, is determined to pursue an independent life.
Cold Nights
Chung Bak
Cold Nights features great performances by both Pak Yin as a tough minded “new woman”, Shusheng, and Ng Cho-fan as her weak husband, Wang Wenxuan, whose spirits have been crushed by the Sino-Japanese war.
The Supernatural Go-Between
Early ghost film.
Ko Hak-on
Hak-ming heads the Ko Family, but he and his brothers, Hak-ting and Hak-on, and the second wife of the late Master Ko quarrel. Young Cousin Mui, who has tuberculosis, is forced by to marry an older woman. Kok-sun is guilty of being unable to stop the marriage. Sun and maid Chui-wan are wary of their feelings for each other due to class difference. Cousin Mui dies of illness. Hak-ting has his eyes on Wan. His wife, Wong, complains to their daughter, Shuk-ching, who cannot take it and commits suicide. Wong blames herself for her death. Undergone these tragedies, Cousin Kam's mother let Kam have a modern wedding with Kok-man. When Ming is ill, Ting and On want to sell the ancestral home. Hak-ming dies of angst. When the fifth uncle of Sun forces Wan to be his concubine, Wan tries to kill herself but is intercepted by Sun. Pressurised by people of the house over the issue of inheritance, Sun protests by declaring his love for Wan and leaves the family, with his mother, brother Man and Wan.
In the Face of Demolition
This early leftist social drama from Hong Kong offers a panoramic portrait of a crumbling apartment complex and its down-and-out denizens, including a taxi driver, an unemployed teacher, a professional reduced to selling his blood and, of course, a venal landlord. In addition to establishing an omnipresent theme in Hong Kong cinema – the plight of the urban poor – the film is also a prime example of the popular melodramas of the time, which featured displaced Mainland film stars.
Ko Hak-on
"Family" (1953), which launched the Union Film legacy, "Spring" (1953) and "Autumn" (1954) are adaptations of Ba Jin's highly regarded novel "Torrent Trilogy". In "Family", director Ng Wui skilfully condenses the voluminous first part of the novel into an emotionally powerful and intellectually focused story of youngsters struggling to survive oppression and repression in a feudalistic family. This well-received film quickly established the company's reputation.
The Life of Xiao Ming-Xing
Drama from Hong Kong directed by Chun Kim.
Autumn Tombs
Chinese Opera from Hong Kong directed by Chun Kim.
Why Not Return?
Drama from Hong Kong directed by Ng Wui
Mysterious Murder, Part 2
Fong Yim-fun puts on a tour de force as an ill-fated woman, separated from her lover through an arranged marriage to the terminally ill and impotent son of a warlord. The power struggle within the family led to an inevitable murderous consequence. Seven years later, the heroine's ex-lover, now an ambitious detective, is keen to solve this almost forgotten case, only to discover that he is also part of the enigma.
Mysterious Murder, Part One
Fong Yim-fun puts on a tour de force as an ill-fated woman, separated from her lover through an arranged marriage to the terminally ill and impotent son of a warlord. The power struggle within the family led to an inevitable murderous consequence. Seven years later, the heroine's ex-lover, now an ambitious detective, is keen to solve this almost forgotten case, only to discover that he is also part of the enigma.
The Wrongly Accused Lover
The sophistication of 1950s Hong Kong cinema is vividly illustrated in this film of limited budget and resources. Cantonese opera star Sun Ma Si-tsang plays a country boy who looks exactly like Sun Ma and is asked by a rich girl to impersonate the star, to help her stage an opera. The self-reflexive humour generated by the absurd situation not only provides delicious parody of celebrity culture but also comments subtly on class inequality and the perils of urbanisation. Sun Ma, who also appears as himself in a stage performance, is complemented beautifully by the brilliant comedian Yee Chau-shui as his sidekick and Hung Sin Nui, another opera superstar, as the spoiled and precocious rich girl.
Orphan Girl in Love
Wu To
Drama from Hong Kong directed by Ng Wui.
Ghost Woman of the Old Mansion
Uncle Tak
Mok Ming moves into Po Tak-yan’s old mansion. Po's mistress, the songstress Tsi Law-heung, has died in it. Her spirit haunts the mansion as she is unburied. Mok sees her ghost and notes that she resembles his late wife Kit-ching. Mok dreams that his wife has possessed Tsi's body in return. Mok asks Uncle Tak to take him to the coffin. Tsi resurrects as Kit-ching. Mok accepts that his wife has returned from death, but he is suspicious. He brings her to a nightclub, where they chance upon Po and his mistress, Chan Mei-chu. Po is suspicious. Mok explained that his wife has returned through Tsi's body. Two reporters are there and the news is reported in the papers. To resolve his suspicions, Po goes to the old mansion. He meets Mok, his “wife,” and Uncle Tak. The wife denies that she is Tsi. Po retrieves a pistol and goes to confront the woman. Mok intervenes. In the struggle, Po falls down the railing to his death, but Tsi is shot. Now it is time for her to tell Mok of her past.
The Humiliation of the Rickshaw Man
Hong Kong drama.
The Profligate Son
Hong Kong drama.
The Flying General
Hong Kong war film.
Temptations of the Silver Screen
Hong Kong romance.
The General of Dragon City
Hong Kong drama.
Back to the Motherland!
Hong Kong war film.
Born with a Silver Spoon
Hong Kong drama.
The Light of Women
‘After two relationships that fail to lead to marriage, Luk Mo-jing (Lee Yi-nin) moves to a nearby town to escape being married off to a rich factory owner. In her new life, she finally meets a man she loves, only to discover that he, too, is an incompetent coward. With her adopted daughter Sau-wah (Leong Tim-tim) in tow, Moying establishes a vocational school for children from poor families. Showing the harsh obstacles that face a woman in 1930’s Chinese society, the film depicts a new generation of women who believe in free will and independence.
The Wild Old Man
Hong Kong comedy.
The Mad Woman
Hong Kong drama.
A Stroke of Luck
Hong Kong comedy.
The Oil Seller and the Song Girl
Historical drama.