Production Design
During the Christmas season, Christine, a singer and her friends find themselves penniless. She falls asleep and dreams that she goes to heaven, followed by her friends...
Production Design
Russia, 1835. Lieutenant Hermann, a compulsive gambler, is fascinated by an infallible martingale held by Countess Tomski, nicknamed The Queen of Spades. The day Hermann wants to wring the secret from her, the countess dies of fear. Following this tragic scene, Hermann sinks into dementia. Luckily, Lisa, his frail lover, brings him back to life and happiness.
Production Design
Espionage, war and romance in the Far East in 1904: Russian naval officer Boris Ranewsky marries Youki, the sister of a fanatical Japanese officer, but war is imminent.
Art Direction
Ivan Mozzhukhin is a " Caucasian mountaineer leader whose irrational behavior comes to the attention of the Czar . Hoping to use Hajji Murad as a go-between in his plans to conquer the Caucasus mountaineers, the Russian ruler finds that the hero is not so easily manipulated. Rescuing the beautiful Saira from the Czar's clutches, Hajji Murad leads the mountain people's revolt against the despotic regent." Needless to say, the film ends in tragedy.
Art Direction
Pieter Kruis runs a grocer's shop in a small Dutch town, with which he and his wife Johanne can hardly feed themselves. Nonetheless, he is satisfied with his life, although he suspects that he will probably never win the jackpot. Suddenly Pieter receives a telegram from America: his old school friend Joe, who has made a fortune in the “new world”, asks whether Pieter would like to visit him. As “compensation” for expenses incurred, Pieter will also receive $ 50,000! Of course, Pieter doesn't hesitate for long - the suitcase is quickly packed and a ship ticket reserved. But the little “world traveler” has no idea what kind of adventures await him! Fearing that his insidious brother might speculate on his life insurance and stage a small “accident” on board the ship, Pieter disembarked in Rotterdam, where his entire travel budget was by a few crooks. Then he learns that his ship has actually sunk and suspects that his brother is already worried about the sum insured...
Assistant Art Director
나폴레옹의 어린 소년 시절, 사관학교에서 천재적인 용병술로 전쟁 놀이를 승리로 이끄는 에피소드를 효과적인 접사와 이중 인화 미쟝센으로 인상 깊게 묘사하는 장면에서 영화는 시작 된다. 나폴레옹의 고향이자 프랑스, 영국, 이탈리아, 스페인의 접점이기에 늘 국제적으로 쟁점이 됐던 작은 섬 코르시카에서의 성장 과정을 거쳐 쉬이 현실과 타협하지 않는 과감성, 프랑스를 조국으로 인지하면서 생겨난 애국심과 민족주의적 성향, 정확한 판단력과 기회를 놓치지 않는 결단력으로 격변기 프랑스의 동력으로 자리매김 되기까지 나폴레옹의 영웅적, 인간적 내면 세계를 깊이 있게 묘사한다. 그 뿐 아니라 프랑스 혁명, 1793년 영국-이탈리아-스페인 연합군과의 트론 전쟁, 당통의 사형, 로베스 삐에르의 공포정치와 공화제 폭정에 고통받는 민중들, 정치 역학의 소용돌이에서 부침을 거듭하는 나폴레옹의 역경과 국민공회에 의한 최고 사령관 추대, 그의 처 죠세핀이라는 인물의 조망까지 당대의 상황을 아벨 강스는 탁월하게 담아냈다.