Barry Kemp

참여 작품

포제션: 중독된 사랑
Assistant Set Decoration
로맨틱한 조각가 남편 라이언과 더할 나위 없이 행복한 나날을 보내고 있는 유능한 변호사 제스. 그들의 일상에 출소한 시동생 로먼이 함께 지내게 되면서 제스의 불안함이 커진다. 폭행 범죄로 법정에 섰을 당시 로먼의 변호인이 바로 제스였던 것. 시동생의 폭력적 성향과 자신을 향한 이상한 관심을 느낀 제스는 남편에게 불편함을 토로하던 중, 라이언과 로먼이 동시에 교통사고를 당한다. 형보다 먼저 깨어난 로먼, 그는 자신이 라이언이라 주장하며 제스에게 사랑을 호소한다. 믿지 않던 제스는 로먼이 말하는 모든 것이 자신과 라이언의 과거와 일치하자 어렵사리 그를 받아들이고 행복한 결혼 생활을 이어간다. 로먼의 여자친구였던 케이시는 정말 라이언이 된 것처럼 180도 돌변한 로먼을 계속 의심하던 중 실종되는데…
Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers - To Live and Die in Starlight
Set Decoration
After being punished for retreat from combat, Ranger David Martel is given command of the Liandra, a haunted 20-year old Minbari fighting ship. He's escorting ambassadors to a secret archaeological site, the oldest city on record and a clue to a dangerous ancient race.
Miracle on Interstate 880
Set Decoration
A man attempts to rescue people trapped on the I-880 bridge after the top half collapses during the 1989 San Francisco earthquake.
Mood Indigo
Set Decoration
Suspense tale -- a pilot to a prospective series -- involving a criminal psychologist, struggling to rebuild his life after his wife is brutally murdered by a patient, and a lady lawyer who enlists his help in solving a baffling crime.
Morning Glory
Set Decoration
An ex-convict who is on parole is accused of murdering a loose woman in the town where he works.
Set Decoration
A kid unknowingly carries a bomb to his parents. When they get killed he is traumatized. Many hellish years later he vows revenge against the criminals who gave him the bomb.
Hockey Night
Assistant Set Decoration
When a young girl wants to join her high school's hockey team as goalie, she meets with resistence, but also gets support, especially from the star forward of the team.
Countdown to Looking Glass
Set Decoration
A fictional confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union over the Strait of Hormuz, the gateway to the Persian Gulf. The narrative of the film details the events that lead up to the initial exchange of nuclear weapons from the perspective of an on-going news broadcast.