Daniel Medrán

Daniel Medrán

출생 : 1957-07-10, Córdoba, Spain

프로필 사진

Daniel Medrán

참여 작품

A Thief's Daughter
Sara has been alone all her life. She’s 22, has a baby, and wants to form a normal family with her young brother and the father of her child. Her own father, Manuel, decides to come back into their lives after years of absence and his release from prison. Sara knows he’s the main obstacle to her plans and she makes a difficult decision: to distance him from herself and her brother.
Withering Rose Twice
When a woman catches her husband cheating on her with her best friend, a supernatural tale of envy and deceit ensues.
Contra el cristal
Quima goes to say goodbye to her best friend, who has died. During the bus ride to the morgue, she opens her heart to a stranger and with him she relieves the pain she has accumulated.
가비는 같은 학교 친구인 기예와 그 패거리들로부터 계속해서 괴롭힘을 당한다. 약자라고 전혀 봐 주지 않는 비정한 세계에서 가비의 유일한 해결책은 고통을 지워버리기 위해 계속해서 폭력에 안주하는 것이다. 그는 겁쟁이처럼 살아가는 것이 더 낫겠다는 괴로운 교훈을 얻게 된다.
Barcelona (A Map)
General Bautista
6 characters—contemporary archetypes of urban solitude—in an old Barcelona building: an old husband and wife, her sister, and 3 tenants: a teacher of French, a young ex-footballer, now security guard, and a pregnant Latin American girl.
Life in the Abyss
This film evokes Valencia illegal gaming back in the seventies. A young peasant -Ferran- plays cards not much to make a living but as a distraction of his daily routine. Ferran meets a larger-than-life character -el chino- who happens to play cards for a living. This other guy is depicted as a Toni Manero look alike but his charisma an arrogance lead the innocent Ferran to join him in his schemes to make money to end up betting all on the next card table. At some point the action moves to Madrid and Ferran steps down losing track of El chino who takes on more dangerous games making a living out of Russian Roulette until the round gets loaded. Based on real events this is no Hollywood epic but it captures the desperation of the characters very effectively.
Filmmakers vs. Tycoons
How the cinema industry does not respect the author's work as it was conceived, how manipulates the motion pictures in order to make them easier to watch by an undemanding audience or even how mutilates them to adapt the original formats and runtimes to the restrictive frame of the television screen and the abusive requirements of advertising. (Followed by “Filmmakers in Action.”)
Barcelona, 2002. A coffin is carried to the cemetery of Montjuïc in a chariot drawn by horses. The lifeless is Pep Grau, an old fisherman found drowned and subject to his boat by a complicated knot sailor. The Pep voiceover Grau, portrayed with affection and humor the curious characters he met in life, recounts the difficult moments of his childhood during the Civil War, and finally, we are introduced to Lola, the woman of his life , which has a fish stall in the Boqueria Market beautiful and, after the death of Pep, begins receiving anonymous gifts. Silvia, a teenage ambitious and attractive, is the attorney for the insurance company. Mario, her boss and lover, asked to investigate the strange circumstances surrounding the death of the fisherman. Silvia's inquiries aa allow us to know other characters, like the maverick Dr. Cipriano Mera, Pep old comrade, and his son Gabino Mera.
Dirty Vivancos III
Tres días de libertad
프론트 라인
1936년 7월 19일. 바르셀로나 근처의 한 마을. 혁명군에게 점거 당한 수녀원에서 탈출하여 피신처를 찾아온다. 그녀가 도착한 곳은 한 창녀촌. 이곳에서 그녀는 혁명군들에게 저항하는 레지스탕스들을 만나 그들에게 합류한다. 파이로가 이끄는 이 레지스탕스들은 먼저 창녀들을 해방시키고, 혁명군들에게 빼앗긴 자유와 정의를 찾으려 한다. 비굴하게 사는 것보다 차라리 죽음을 택한 이 6명의 여성 레지스탕스들은 지옥 같은 전쟁터를 뚫고 나아가며, 이 와중에 마리아는 한 남자를 통해 사랑을 체험하고 더 없는 전우애를 느끼게 된다.
¿Culpable de qué?
Mal de amores
Joven drogadicto
Little Andalucía
Pasajero autobús
Ojos sin luz
Lute: Forge On or Die
In Spain of the 1960s, a poor family of quinquis - a nomadic ethnic group with a tradition as old as that of the gypsises of Spain but with even more obscure origins - have a nomadic life marked by poverty. The son, Eleuterio Sánchez Rodriguez, nicknamed "El Lute", steals some chickens and is condemned to six months in jail. El Lute moves to the slum outskirts of Madrid with his common law wife, Chelo, starting an itinerant life as a peddler of pots and pans and living in a quinqui shantytown. He gradually embarks upon as life of petty criminality, eventually participating in the theft of a jewelry store during which a bystander is killed.
The Blonde at the Bar
Mario is dominated by his castrating wife, and is also suffering from writer's block. He goes to a local (very mixed) bar where he meets an exhuberant blonde prostitute, through her room mate, a gay gigolo. With Mario's help, the blonde goes on to better jobs in the world of pornography, involving traveling abroad. This may not seem like good news for Mario, but he may also move on to a better phase in his life as a result.
El primer torero porno
A teacher whose true vocation is that of a bullfighter and, since bullfights are frowned upon in Catalonia, he is having a hard time working on what he likes. The crisis will force him to work in a theater performing a pornographic act to replace his partner's partner, whose social security problems have forced him to leave his job.
While a youth group led by Daniel causes the explosion of a truck loaded with materials to build a nuclear power plant, Laura accidentally kills his mistress, Judge. Both cases will cross.
I, 'The Heifer'
Juan Jose Moreno Cuenca, alias the Heifer, is 23 years old and tells his story as a criminal offender from 1 Ocaña Toledo. Fatherless, the offender has his childhood and how everything changed when her mother went to prison.
Memorias del general Escobar
Miliciano (uncredited)
After the end of the Spanish Civil War, General Antonio Escobar Huerta stoically awaits his execution, accused of military treason and sentenced to death for having sworn allegiance to the Republic. Despite being a man of deep religious convictions, Antonio Escobar decided to make an oath honoring the legally constituted government of the Second Spanish Republic against the military uprising led by Francisco Franco and supported by the Catholic Church. While waiting for his execution in prison, he recalls the beginning of the Civil War, the years of battles during which he ascended to the rank of General, and his own decisions, of which he has no regrets. With a clear conscience, Escobar waits his own execution with the calm of those who know they have done their duty. "If my life and that of all who have fallen serves to avoid this from happening again, our blood will not have been in vain" - Antonio Escobar Huerta.
Fanny Straw-Top
In the slums of Barcelona, Fanny, a woman just released from prison, tries to carry out a revenge that has nourished for years: to kill "El Gallego", the corrupt and brutal policeman who killed her boyfriend
Victòria! 3: El seny i la rauxa
Victòria! 2: La disbauxa del 17
Victòria! La gran aventura d'un poble
In the middle of the first world war, Barcelona is the center of multiple operations related to war, although Spain is a neutral country.
El fascista, doña Pura y el follón de la escultura
The consortium of the people approve a proposal from the Mayor; instruct Ramon, a ruined sculptor, an equestrian statue of Franco. Luis, one of the councilors, visit Ramon and proposes the commission, Ramon rejects for ideological grounds, but after thinking it accepts as there are no marble equestrian statues. When Ramon finally finished the statue, the whole consortium believes it is past time to inaugurate a statue of Franco. To satisfy Ramon approve the making of a new statue. This is dedicated to democracy.
Los embarazados
Fotógrafo del periódico (uncredited)
La cripta
A patient is released from a mental hospital to help the police find a student who disappeared a few days ago.
La desnuda chica del relax
새벽의 위반자들
Crime drama centering on a gang of rapists, the aftermath of their crimes on the victims and the gang members being brought to justice.
Las marginadas
Ligón melenudo (uncredited)
¿Y ahora qué, señor fiscal?
Preso (uncredited)
Working-class dude grows up surrounded with petty delinquency and ghetto temptations; he marries a rich girl and faces the disapproval of her parents. Then the young couple plans a crime...
Aborto criminal
Chico herido (uncredited)
La banda de los tres crisantemos
Chico en iglesia
Chico, chica, ¡boom!
Hijo del pollero (uncredited)
Andres and Luis are two young taxi drivers eager to succeed. The first one sings and the other composes songs, and together they intend to record an album to finally jump to fame. They have it all planned. Taking advantage of a visit to the city of the famous singer Silvia, Luis tries to gain the confidence of her manager and, in this way, be directly launched to fame.
De picos pardos a la ciudad
Secretario de Catalino (uncredited)