Yves Lambrecht

Yves Lambrecht

프로필 사진

Yves Lambrecht

참여 작품

Twisting Fate
Michel - Le père de Mia
17-year-old Claire spends her vacation in South Africa with her family, when a tragic accident takes the lives of her parents and younger brother. By a stroke of luck, Claire survives, but finds herself alone, far from home in a country where everything is unfamiliar and intense. Distraught and consumed by guilt in the belief that she is somehow responsible for the death of her family, she runs away and decides to let fate, which saved her from death, guide her from now on.
Régis Laspales est Landru
On n'a qu'une vie
A man and a woman meet and decide to leave everything behind. They leave for Malta and it is great happiness, ecstasy, but the past soon resurfaces.
Flairs ennemis
By becoming attached to animals, one can learn to love humans. This is what Mathias Lefort, a thirty-five year old photographer, will discover. Mathias has a feeling of disgust towards dogs, all dogs, coupled with an irrepressible terror. This very special phobia will change Mathias' life the day he witnesses an attempted murder.
Guy Etamble
Drunk, Betty is feeling worse and worse, the previous evening is slowly coming back to her: her husband and her husband's family had criticized her harshly, had sent her away. But Betty hadn't wanted to get married in the first place. She knows that she always ruined everything, that she drinks to much, that she has had several affairs. Laure, who is taking care of her, suggests that Betty stay with her in the hotel where she lives, as long as Betty would like. Laure, too, finds solace and companionship in alcohol.
세상의 모든 아침
17세기 중반 프랑스는 루이 14세가 집정하고 있던 시기. 당시 잘 알려지지 않았던 비올라의 거장 쌩뜨 꼴롱브는 어린 두 딸과 함께 아내의 죽음을 맞이하게 된다. 아내의 죽음으로 인해 충격을 받은 쌩뜨는 두 딸을 유일한 제자로 삼으며 궁정에서 제의하는 모든 제안을 거절하고, 자연 속에서 오두막을 짓고 생활한다. 어두운 성격의 소유자인 그는 악기만을 다루며 생활한다. 그는 두 딸에게는 물론 제자가 되기위해 찾아온 마랭 마레에게도 그리 친절한 스승이 되지 않는다. 가난한 구두 수선공의 아들인 마랭은 가난한 삶에서 벗어나기 위해 쌩뜨의 제자가 되기를 자청한다. 음악적으로 성공하기 위함이다. 그가 열 두 번째 교습을 받으러 갔을 때 스승의 딸 마들린은 홍조 띤 얼굴로 문을 연다. 마랭은 그런 마들린을 사랑하게 된다. 하지만 마랭이 궁중에서 음악을 연주했다는 것을 안 쌩뜨는 마랭을 내쫓는다. 마랭은 결국 마들린을 버리고 화려하고 낭만적인 궁중 생활로 빠져드는데...
Captain Blood: His Odyssey
Capt. Piter Blood
After being wrongly convicted as a traitor, Peter Blood, an English physician, is sent to exile in the British colonies of the Caribbean, where he becomes a pirate.
The House of Jade
During a ceremony in an orthodox church in Paris, a 40-year-old writer and journalist is seduced by a young man, whom with she will live an extraordinary story of love and passion that will drive them to madness.
L'enfance de l'art
This drama attempts to be a film within a film. In the outer story, Andre Dussolier stars as a film director working with drama students at the Paris Conservatory, making a film (the inner story) about a woman's obsession with a foreign desert. Wallowing in maudlin sentimentality, this feature fails to live up to the promise of its probable inspiration, Fame (1980), and was not well-received at the 1988 Cannes Film Festival. However, as a medium for instructing director Francis Girod's actual students at the Paris Conservatory about the art and perils of filmmaking, it was undoubtedly a good deal more successful.
돈 쥬앙
청년이 된 로져는 여름휴가를 보내기 위해서 아버지가 마련해준 시골별장에 내려간다. 건장한 일꾼들과 하녀들 간에 은밀히 행해지는 유희를 호기심에 차 관찰하던 로져는 서서히 이성에 대한 안목이 뜨여간다. 그 무렵 2차세계대전에 휘말려 젊은 일꾼들이 모두 전장으로 나가게 되어 별장에는 늙은 신부와 로져, 이렇게 두 남자만 남게 된다. 이를 기회로 로져는 젊은 하녀와 애틋한 연정의 싹을 틔우게 되고, 휴가가 끝날 무렵, 로져는 어엿한 성인이 되어 별장을 떠난다.