Coby Batty

참여 작품

Telephone Man
두 사람은 남편과 아내로 동거를 함으로써 연방의 평화와 존엄을 위배했습니다 유죄를 인정합니까? 1958년, 타 인종간의 결혼이 불법이었던 미국 버지니아 주 서로를 영원히 지켜주고, 언제든 함께하기로 맹세한 ‘러빙 부부’가 오직 사랑으로 세상을 바꾼 위대한 러브 스토리
승부 없는 싸움
캘리포니아에서 사과수확을 하는 이주자들과 지역 농업인 협회간의 충돌로 인해 짐 놀란(제임스 프랑코)는 노동운동에 참여하게 된다
필드 오브 로스트 슈즈
Confederate Soldier #2
버지니아주 군사학교에서 전쟁의 포화를 피해 있던 소년병들이 직접 전투에 나서며 어른들의 끔찍한 싸움에 뛰어 들어야 하는 운명에 맞닥뜨리게 된다. 링컨 대통령에게 새로 임명 받은 율리시스 S 그랜트 장군은, 남부의 곡창지대인 섀넌도우 계곡으로 대군을 이끌고 전진한다. 큰 어려움에 직면한 버지니아 주 군사학교의 교장은 결국 어린 생도들을 죽음의 전쟁터로 보내게 되는데.. 그들의 운명은 과연 어떻게 될 것인가!
차일드 오브 갓
A dispossessed, violent man's life is a disastrous attempt to exist outside the social order. Successively deprived of parents and homes and with few other ties, he descends to the level of a cave dweller and falls deeper into crime and degradation.
위험한 유혹
Based on the classic novel by William Faulkner, first published in 1930, "As I Lay Dying" is the story of the death of Addie Bundren and her family's quest to honor her last wish to be buried in the nearby town of Jefferson.
Up From Slavery
In 1860, as the American Experiment threatened to explode into a bloody civil war, there were as many as four hundred thousand slave-owners in the United States, and almost four million slaves. The nation was founded upon the idea that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The nation would pay a bloody cost for denying that right to more than twelve percent of its population. But when slavery was first brought to America's shores, this war, and even the nation it tore apart, was centuries in the future. With incredibly detailed historical reenactments, expert commentary and the stories of slavery told through first-hand accounts, this is an epic struggle 400 years in the making. A journey into the past like none other. This is the story of these men and women who by their hands laid the foundation of what would become the most powerful nation on Earth.
Mr. Lincoln's Army
Union Soldier
An insightful 60-minute, live-action documentary DVD on the eastern theater Union Army Soldiers of the Civil War - Abraham Lincoln's Army of the Potomac. The film analyzes the various uniforms, Casey's musket drill, camp life, food, weapons and equipment, of some of the hardest fighting Army brigades of the eastern theater -- the Irish Brigade, the Iron Brigade, the first Vermont Brigade, the Pennsylvania "Bucktails" and the German's of the 11th Corps.
The Battles for Atlanta
The 145th anniversary of the Battle of Atlanta. The story of this pivotal 1864 Campaign from Tennessee to the Sea is witnessed and told from the common soldier's point of view. Kennesaw Mountain... Cheatham's Hill... Atlanta... Kilpatrick's Raid... Jonesboro... Four large-scale re-enactments between September 4 - 6, 2009; each taking place at the historic Nash Farm Battlefield in Hampton, Georgia.
Shadow in the Valley
Union Narrator
An impressive and epic commemoration of the 145th anniversary of the Battle of Chickamauga, tells the story of the pivotal 1863 battle in the western theater from the common soldier's point of view. This battle was the most significant Union defeat in the Western Theater, and fought with the second highest number of casualties in the war after Gettysburg. Generals Rosecrans and Bragg locked in a fight to the death.