Denice Kumagai

출생 : , Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S


Actress Denice Kumagai (born July 7, 1956 in Honolulu, Hawaii) played the recurring role as Quon Le Duc-Robinson on the 1984-1992 NBC-TV series Night Court, a Vietnamese girl with whose family the Court Clerk Mac Robinson, who served in Vietnam, was accquainted with. Quon Le and Mac marry midway through the series. Denice has appeared in many TV films and guest spots on numerous television series over the past three decades; one notable TV series role was as Oksun Li, a cleaning girl which Klinger knows and stops from becoming a "working girl" in the eighth season M*A*S*H episode "Private Finance". She is also a co-fonuding member of the East/West Players theatrical group in Los Angeles.

참여 작품

Children of Divorce
The conflict and separation of their parents and the impact on four youngsters from three socially different families is the thrust of this drama.
1964년 아직 대규모의 무장 군대가 월남에 파견되지 않았을 때, 미국은 칸 장군의 정부를 지원하기 위해 군사 고문단이라는 명목으로 1만2천의 군대를 파견한다. 그 군사지원 사령부는 베트콩 섬멸 지시를 받고, 경험은 없지만 정의감에 불타 안전하다고 여겨진 위치에 낙하하지만 베트콩의 습격에 부대는 사방으로 흩어지고.