An animated film for five- to eight-year-olds about international adoption and the difficulty of adapting to a new environment. The film also gives a glimpse into the problems of abandoned children in developing countries. In A Family for Maria/Une famille pour Maria, love triumphs over the insecurity of a little Latin American girl who finds a new family in North America.
Animation Production Assistant
프로방스 지방의 어느 고원지대. 사람들의 분별없는 욕망으로 폐허가 된 마을들, 나무를 마구 베어 살벌한 바람만 불어대는 버림받은 땅, 이 황량한 땅이 매일 나무를 심고 가꾸는 한 양치기의 외롭고 헌신적인 노력으로 숲이 다시 살아나고 맑은 강물이 흐르며 새들이 지저귀는 생명의 땅으로 되살아난다.
An animated film created from pastel drawings by Clorinda Warny, Premiers Jours traces the complete cycle of life, from birth to adulthood, in four seasons, and through the evolution of earthly landscapes that become human bodies. Completed Postumously by Suzanne Gervais, Lina Gagnon