D. David Morin
출생 : 1955-04-20, Los Angeles, California, USA
Principal Mark
베스 리클스의 2012년 영어덜트 소설 원작, 빈스 마셀로 각본·감독의 "키싱부스"가 속편으로 돌아온다. 한때 `나쁜 남자`였으나 마음 잡은 남자친구 노아 플린과 함께 인생 최고로 로맨틱한 여름을 보낸 엘 에번스. 하지만 그 여름의 끝에서 노아는 하버드로 떠나고, 엘은 고등학교 졸업반이 된다. 장거리 연애를 하는 와중에 절친 리와 함께 꿈에 그리는 대학 진학을 위해 최선을 다하는 엘. 그러나 매력적이고 카리스마 있는 전학생 마코와 엘이 친해지면서 상황은 복잡해진다. 한편 노아가 완벽해 보이는 여대생과 가까워지면서, 엘은 노아를 얼마나 믿을 것인지, 그리고 제 마음이 진심으로 향하고 있는 사람은 누구인지 결정해야 한다.
Ash Resnick
Overcoming the seemingly insurmountable odds that life threw his way, Liston became heavyweight champion of the world when he knocked out Floyd Patterson in 1962. Eight years later, he died but friends questioned the cause of his death.
School Principal
첫 키스를 해버린 엘, 그것도 학교의 인기 넘버원하고! 하지만 그는 넘봐선 안 될 사람. 그와 사랑에 빠지면 평생의 단짝을 잃게 된다. 새가슴 엘의 선택은?
Judge Moore
This 90-minute factual drama goes behind the scenes of the hit video game Grand Theft Auto, arguably the greatest British coding success since Bletchley Park. The fastest-selling entertainment product in history comes not from Silicon Valley, but is driven by a bunch of British game designers. Friends since their school days, they are led by the game's mastermind-designer, Sam Houser. By 2002, Sam and his creative team have constructed for their fans a vast virtual world, teeming with a high-octane mix of criminal characters, lethal weapons and outrageous storylines. Here you can even shape and sculpt your avatar, crafting their character and appearance to your personal preference. This drama is for an adult audience and has not been authorised by the producers of Grand Theft Auto. Rather, it is based on court documents and interviews with many of those involved in the real events behind this compelling story.
When Dr. Drew Carter tragically loses his ten-year old son in a car accident, he didn’t expect to lose his whole family as well. Since the accident, his wife (Julia) has become emotionally absent towards him and their daughter. When Johnny, a terminally ill foster child with leukemia, is referred to Drew he sees a chance to heal his family. With Julia against the idea, Drew takes matters into his own hands and adopts Johnny. Johnny doesn’t know what he is in for, but believes he is here for a special mission.
When Dr. Drew Carter tragically loses his ten-year old son in a car accident, he didn’t expect to lose his whole family as well. Since the accident, his wife (Julia) has become emotionally absent towards him and their daughter. When Johnny, a terminally ill foster child with leukemia, is referred to Drew he sees a chance to heal his family. With Julia against the idea, Drew takes matters into his own hands and adopts Johnny. Johnny doesn’t know what he is in for, but believes he is here for a special mission.
When Dr. Drew Carter tragically loses his ten-year old son in a car accident, he didn’t expect to lose his whole family as well. Since the accident, his wife (Julia) has become emotionally absent towards him and their daughter. When Johnny, a terminally ill foster child with leukemia, is referred to Drew he sees a chance to heal his family. With Julia against the idea, Drew takes matters into his own hands and adopts Johnny. Johnny doesn’t know what he is in for, but believes he is here for a special mission.
Mark Rivers
인사조차 나누지 않았던 한 친구가, 집단 따돌림을 견디지 못해 학교에서 스스로 목숨을 끊는다. 그는 바로 어린 시절 절친했던 제이크의 친구 로저. 교통사고가 일어난 위험한 순간에 제이크를 밀어내고 대신 다리를 다쳐 평생 불편한 몸으로 살았던 로저와 함께 지내는 것을 주위 친구들이 불편해하자, 친구들을 잃기 싫었던 제이크는 로저와 거리를 두었던 것이다.
충격적인 로저의 죽음 이후 죄책감으로 힘들어하는 제이크에게 촉망 받는 농구선수로서 잘나가는 삶도 무의미할 뿐이다. 친구의 외로움과 상처를 외면했던 죄책감에 힘들어하던 제이크는 삶의 소중한 의미를 깨닫게 되고, 그의 외침은 무관심한 침묵의 세상을 향한 희망의 목소리가 되어 모두에게 놀라운 기적을 가져오기 시작 하는데…
Executive Producer
Suspecting his wife, Indigo (Vanessa Branch), has been sleeping around, multimillionaire Winston Thorpe (D. David Morin) pays a private detective (Geno Andrews) to spy on her. But he never expected his hired man to climb into Indigo's bed and plot to steal his most prized possession. Now, he's got two problems: an unfaithful wife who despises him and a skilled investigator who's willing to take him for everything he's ever loved.
Winston Thorpe
Suspecting his wife, Indigo (Vanessa Branch), has been sleeping around, multimillionaire Winston Thorpe (D. David Morin) pays a private detective (Geno Andrews) to spy on her. But he never expected his hired man to climb into Indigo's bed and plot to steal his most prized possession. Now, he's got two problems: an unfaithful wife who despises him and a skilled investigator who's willing to take him for everything he's ever loved.
Suspecting his wife, Indigo (Vanessa Branch), has been sleeping around, multimillionaire Winston Thorpe (D. David Morin) pays a private detective (Geno Andrews) to spy on her. But he never expected his hired man to climb into Indigo's bed and plot to steal his most prized possession. Now, he's got two problems: an unfaithful wife who despises him and a skilled investigator who's willing to take him for everything he's ever loved.
Suspecting his wife, Indigo (Vanessa Branch), has been sleeping around, multimillionaire Winston Thorpe (D. David Morin) pays a private detective (Geno Andrews) to spy on her. But he never expected his hired man to climb into Indigo's bed and plot to steal his most prized possession. Now, he's got two problems: an unfaithful wife who despises him and a skilled investigator who's willing to take him for everything he's ever loved.
Jack Stevens
억만장자 할아버지의 유산을 상속 받기 위한 조건으로 괴상한 임무들을 차례차례 수행해야하는 처지가 된 망나니 손자의 이야기.
Russell Carlisle
1890년 신학교 교수 칼라일은 그리스도의 가르침을 기준으로 쓴 자신의 책을 발간하기 위하여 동료들과 학장의 동의를 구한다. 모두가 적극적인 찬성표를 보내지만, 유일하게 그의 의견을 반대하는 노리스 교수. 그에게 그 이유를 묻자 노리스는 자신의 집에 칼라일을 초대한다. 노리스의 집을 찾은 칼라일은 예기치 않은 시간 여행을 경험하게 되고, 미래에 살고 있는 사람들의 삶에 충격을 받는데...
Special Agent Thomas
In the twinkling of an eye, a mass disappearance has occurred. Moments after the turmoil and confusion, the FBI is called in to investigate and locate the missing persons. For Agent Adam Riley (David White), it is personal. For Agent Charles Baker (Kevin Downes), it doesn't matter, it's just a job.
Phil Brighton
John and Ellen have a picture-perfect life: while John runs a successful business, Ellen works as a schoolteacher, and they've raised two beautiful children. But that picture is shattered when Ellen is diagnosed with a devastating disease. The couple's relationship faces its hardest test yet, and before long, John's business starts to suffer and his eye begins to wander after he finds a lovely new jogging partner.
TV Journalist
Two single mothers, polar opposites in personality, join forces to track down their children that have been kidnapped by their ex-husbands.
Terry Sabin
Ever since Pam Cheney (Cheryl Ladd) lost her baby during labor, she has been struggling with depression. She is not only supported by her loving, but hard working husband Sean (Robert Desiderio), but also by her friends Ella (Polly Draper) and Terry Sabin (D. David Morin), who have also lost a baby at age three. One year after labor, Pam decides to finally take a proposal to adopt a toddler. Going through official agencies proves unsuccessful, partly due to Pam's age, partly due to the growing demand of adoption. She is advised to take care of an orphaned teenager instead, but Sean refuses this option.
Fireman on Ledge
야심만만한 여기자 게일(Gale Gayley: 지나 데이비스 분)은 방송 기자상을 수상하기 위해 뉴욕의 시상식에 참석하러 갔다가 돌아오는 길에 비행기 추락 사고를 당한다. 이곳을 지나가던 버니(Bernie Laplante: 더스틴 호프만 분), 그는 이혼한 후 작은 공장에 다니며 소매치기, 장물거래 등을 부업삼아 살아가는데 그의 신조는 '남의 눈에 띄지않게 조용히 사는 것'. 그가 비행기 승객을 구해 준 것도 자의가 아니고 그저 우연한 '실수'일 뿐이었다. 그 다음날 버니는 길에서 우연히 고물차를 태워준 존(John Bubber: 엔디 가르시아 분)에게 자신의 무용담을 들려준 뒤 구두 한 짝을 그에게 주고 간다. 한편 게일은 폭발하는 비행기에서 자신을 구해준 신비의 영웅을 찾기 위해 백만달러의 포상금을 내건다. 밤이었고, 사고로 혼란했기 때문에 얼굴을 못본 것이다. 주인공이 남긴 유일한 증거는 구두 한짝. 수많은 사람들이 구두를 들고 방송국으로 몰려들었고, 결국 진짜 구두를 갖고 있는 버니는 졸지에 영웅이 된다. 그는 마치 성직자 같은 솜씨로 사람들을 매료시켰고, 게일의 사랑까지 받는다. 하지만 버니가 나타날까봐 점차 초조해 지기 시작한다. 그런 와중에 버니는 게일을 구해줄 때 훔쳤던 그녀의 신용카드를 팔다가 경찰에 체포되고 직장에서 해고 당한다. 그리고 감옥까지 가게 되는데, 그는 마지막으로 아들 조이(Joey: 제임스 마디오 분)에게 전화를 하게 되지만 그저 건달로만 생각하는 전처 때문에 할 말도 다 못한다.
Tom Pressman
Five ex-soldiers go to a small town in Oregon to help a friend investigate the murder of his brother.
In this road drama, a depressed ex-daredevil is hired to drive an experimental stunt car across the country to L. A. He is accompanied by a country-singer
Cameraman, Vietnam
2차 세계대전 당시 가수이자 댄서인 딕시 레오나드(베트 미들러)는 삼촌 아트 실버(조지 시걸)와 코미디언 에디 스팍스(제임스 칸)에 의해 크리스마스 쇼에 출연하게 된다. 처음에 딕시를 본 에디는 그녀를 싫어하나, 관중들이 열광하는 모습을 보고 그녀에게 호감을 갖는다. 에디의 도움으로 딕시는 스타덤에 오르고 둘은 전설적인 팀이 이룬다. 그러나 실버가 공산주의에 연루되자 에디는 실버를 해고하고 그 일로 딕시는 에디를 떠나간다. (최은영)
A young woman accidentally sees snuff films through a satellite dish aberration and alerts the police, who are already looking for a serial killer.
Skate Announcer
Corey and his band of skater buddies sometimes make mischief, but they're more interested in girls and having fun on their boards than in getting into any real trouble. Notorious enemy crew the Daggers, led by Tommy Hook, get their kicks terrorizing the locals at Venice Beach. When Corey starts dating Tommy's kid sister Chrissy, the Daggers are furious. The boys then take their beef to the "L.A. Massacre," a deadly skate race down a canyon road.
Camera Operator
Bones Brigade video 2. 1985. Powell Peralta skateboarding featuring: Steve Caballero, Adrian Demain, Richie Dunlap, Tommy Guerrero, Kevin Harris, Tony Hawk, Chris Iverson, Mike McGill, Lance Mountain, Rodney Mullen, Eric Sanderson, Steve Steadham, Ray Underhill, Per Welinder