In the late 17th century Russia, a dark magician arrives at the capital in search of the ultimate power hidden within the Magic Worlds, the entrance to which is located inside the Sukharev Tower and is tightly guarded by Jacob Bruce, the Wizard of Balance. When Jacob's apprentice Petya and daughter Margarita accidentally rip apart the ancient manuscript that is the source of his powers, they must venture into the Magic Worlds to restore it.
On a deserted railway line two trains have stopped because of repair works. Opposite each other. Time goes by, and movement is still not restored. Among the passengers some strange relations begin to develop...
Mirror Wars: Reflection One is a post-cold-war thriller from the Russian point of view. Bad-guy British arms dealer Murdock (Malcolm McDowell) and numerous mercenaries and clandestine agents tries to steal a new Russian stealth fighter. Murdock is foiled by the hero, a patriotic Russian fighter-jet pilot who was recently branded a potential traitor because of his romantic fling with an alleged American ecologist. She was actually a shadowy intelligence operative before her untimely assassination in her lover's arms.