Steve Hutchings

참여 작품

Home Beyond the Sun
Home Beyond the Sun is the story of persecution, faith, and freedom escaping a world of fear. A bible college student, Jenna goes to teach in an area of China where her faith is forbidden. She discovers an orphanage and befriends a Chinese orphan, Chu Lee. Jenna helps with the adoption to a family in the United States. However, the Chinese police are strictly preventing this when they find out that they are Christians.
The Mark Of the Beast
It is one of the clearest prophecies of the Bible. It simply says that in the last days no man or woman will be able to buy or sell anything unless they are willing to receive a mark in their right hand or forehead.
Startling Proofs
It is the demand of every skeptic: prove to me that God exists. Of course making a decision to accept the Gospel of Christ is a matter of faith.