Rachid Yous

Rachid Yous

프로필 사진

Rachid Yous

참여 작품

킹 오브 섀도
아버지의 죽음 이후, 악화일로를 걷는 두 이복형제. 둘의 대립은 비극적인 결과들을 낳고, 결국 둘은 서로 함께할 수 없는 양극단에 서게 된다.
The Horizon
On the northern outskirts of Paris, where housing projects rise out of fields, Adja, 18, burns with the desire to live intensely. While her brother breaks out as a pro soccer player, her best friend blows up as an influencer on social media, and her mother struggles to save her hometown in Senegal, Adja has only a blurred vision of her future. With Arthur, who becomes more than a friend, her political and environmental awareness rises, and Adja joins the fight of her generation.
나는 어떻게 슈퍼히어로가 되었는가
Sbire 3
평범한 시민들과 슈퍼히어로가 공존하는 현재의 파리. 일반인에게 초능력을 부여하는 약물의 등장과 함께 사건이 줄을 잇자 두 경찰이 수사에 나선다. 무책임한 힘의 범람을 막아야 하기에
La Maquisarde
Le fiancé
Laure, a single thirty-five-year-old, accumulates a series of fixed-contract jobs, unsuccessfully hoping each time that her work will lead to a permanent position. As her periods of employment shrink, her love affairs take the same path.
파티마: 엄마의 일기
The Guy on the Train
알제리에서 온 프랑스 이민자 '파티마'는 서툰 프랑스어 때문에 프랑스에서 태어난 딸들과의 소통이 어렵지만, 자식이 자신보다 더 나은 삶을 살길 원하는 세상 모든 엄마처럼 '파티마'도 딸들의 미래를 위해 팍팍한 이민생활을 이겨나간다.
South of France. In the sultry August heat, Geronimo, a young social educator, tries to ease tensions between the youngsters of the St Pierre neighborhood. The mood changes when Nil Terzi, a teenage girl of Turkish origin, flees an arranged marriage, running to the arms of her gypsy lover, Lucky Molina. Their escape sparks hostilities between the two clans. When the jousting and the musical battles begin, Geronimo struggles to quell the ensuing unrest around her.
La Braconne
Driss (as Rachid Youcef)
Driss, carefree, smug and naive, lives off petty theft and minor racketeering. Until he meets Danny, an old crook who takes him under his wing and shows him the ropes. Through knowing him, young Driss will gradually lose his innocence.
That I'm Falling?
Searching for a seed, a young man emerges from the underground where he hangs out with his friends. They all embark on a long digestive trip.
Flowers of Evil
Paris-Tehran. A rootless love story between Gecko, young and free, and Anahita, an Iranian woman in exile - tangled up in History and steeped in Internet, unique and spontaneous