Matthew Tompkins
출생 : 1967-04-06, Oklahoma, USA
Victor Harrison
A private investigator is forced into a dangerous alliance with a killer in order to uncover a quiet town’s grisly criminal underbelly and clear the name of her mentor, who is implicated in the crimes.
Terrence Durrand
A young woman discovers just how far she will go to achieve immortality while receiving the role of a lifetime in a mysterious stage play said to be cursed.
Sheriff Hardy
A soldier turned gunfighter rises from the grave only to find himself in a modern time where the same werewolf outlaw gang that brutally murdered his wife are running rampant. Aided by a beautiful widow, a broken down sheriff, and a corrupt Mayor, Colt must face the blood thirsty creatures once again to save a small sleepy southern town.
Officer Braddock
뉴욕에서 자금세탁 감독원으로 일하는 ‘듀란’은 갑작스럽게 고향 엘바 지사로 발령받게 된다. 전임자의 업무를 정리하던 그는 우연히 의심스러운 가상화폐 거래 내역을 보게 되고, 비트코인에 빠져 있는 친구 ‘얼’의 도움을 받아 사건을 조사하게 된다. ‘듀란’은 점점 사건을 파헤칠수록 가상화폐가 러시아 마피아 조직과 연관되었다는 사실을 알게 되는데…
Ryan Calhoun
Accused of the ritualistic murder of his best friend, a vice detective bent on finding the truth is plunged into Hell when he goes undercover and discovers that demons might be real.
John Anson
In a dystopian world, a bounty hunter sets out to capture a ruthless band of outlaws who have kidnapped an important father and daughter through a world of multiverses. Unbeknownst to the Outlaws and the Bounty Hunter is that another, more powerful man known only as The Finisher has plans of his own.
Jessie Garza
미국과 멕시코의 국경지역 후아레즈는 멕시코 최대 마약조직의 본거지이자 온갖 범죄의 온상지. FBI 요원 케이트는 어린이 납치사건을 수사하다가 멕시코 마약 조직의 정체를 알게 되고 CIA가 계획하는 마약 조직 소탕 작전에 자원한다. 그녀는 그곳에서 작전을 이끄는 책임자 맷과 멕시코 검사 출신의 알레한드로를 만난다. 작전이 전개되면서 수사는 법의 테두리를 넘지 말아야 한다는 케이트의 정의와 원칙은 수단과 방법을 가리지 않고 임무를 완수하려는 맷과 개인적인 복수를 위해 작전에 개입한 알레한드로 때문에 흔들리는데...
American psychologist, Dr. Lesley Parker, is in Paris studying techniques with the aim of using hypnotism to treat phobias resulting from repressed childhood trauma. Her plans are interrupted when she meets Val Drakul, whose ancient ancestor was Dracula. His recurring blackouts coincide with recent grisly murders and is convinced that he is the nocturnal culprit, having fallen victim to the family curse. Intent on disproving Val's theory, Lesley brings him back to California making him part of a new group of patients suffering from phobias. But when the patients start dying one by one, questions arise as to whether Val is the vampire after all.
Vietnam vet Frank Vega now runs an East L.A. community center where he trains young boxers to survive in and out of the ring. But when his prize student falls in with the wrong crowd and turns up dead, Frank teams up with his pal Bernie to take matters into their own fists and prove that justice never gets old.
A woman wakes up locked in a small room with no memory of how she arrived there. Unable to escape, and tormented by a series of paranormal entities, she must uncover the riddle of who she is and how she got here.
A disgruntled grocery store clerk can't quit living in the past until one night his store gets robbed and it changes his future forever.
Mr. Bixler
미국의 정유 회사가 몽고의 광대한 사막에 실험 드릴링 공장을 세우면서 몽골리안 데스웜이 잠에서 깨어난다. 이 치명적인 생물은 급속도로 퍼지면서 닥치는 대로 사람을 해친다. 그걸 막을 수 있는 유일한 사람은 보물 사냥꾼이자 모험가로서, 몽골리안 데스웜이 지키고 있는 걸로 전해지는 칭기즈 칸의 무덤을 평생 찾아 헤맨 대니얼이다. 대니얼은 이 생물을 죽이기 위해 뭘 해야 하는지 잘 알지만, 그러기 위해서는 그가 평생 찾아 헤맨 보물도 함께 날려 버려야 한다.
Mr. Burns
Tommy Braxxton's father went away to war and never returned leaving Tommy faced with the daunting journey of becoming a man and the responsibility of supporting his single mom and sister. Along the way Tommy finds an unusual friend - a mule...that talks! Driven by the possibility of winning money to help save his family's farm Tommy ignores the insults hurled at him by the older kids and trains on his new mule friend Jackie A. for the big county stock show. Going against all odds Tommy and Jackie A. triumph over the older kids on horses in a spectacular show of resolve and determination.
Taylor Drake
Digging at a nearby cave, a careless industrialist unearths a vein of pure base Lithium and inadvertently brings it to the surface, where the Lithium combusts when coming into contact with water and begins to wreak havoc on the country side.
John Reno
옛 친구 J.J.의 장례식에 참석하기 위해 인디언 보호구역에 온 라이더는 J.J.의 죽음이 인디언 보호구역에 카지노를 설립하려는 존 리노 일당들에 의해 살해당했다는 사실을 알게 된다. 라이더는 우연히 불량배들에게 당하고 있는 빌리를 도와주고, 빌리는 리노의 일당들에게 습격을 받아 J.J. 집으로 피신하지만, 그들은 J.J. 집까지 쳐들어온다. 정의를 위해 라이더는 리노와 그 일당들에게 맞서 전쟁을 벌인다.
Steven Down
An army vet searching for the truth comes face to face with the man he thinks tortured him seven years ago. But how can he be sure? With limited resources and few details he must take down his torturer and expose the unsettling truth.
Ray Holden
A genetically-engineered virus, meant for good, but never before tested on humans, has found a host. This is the story of four desperate people who, in their search for medical answers, were exposed to this created virus, called radiant, and the solitary lab assistant who becomes their only witness.
Mike Kelly
Space pirates, led by diabolical Colonel Fraser, take over a cargo ship carrying anti-matter explosive and an important official. Space marines, led by Captain Gray, must stop their evil plans.
Family comedy about a pig.
A former special ops trainer becomes a high school history teacher. At his new school he fights off a drug operation that goes further than he expected.
A former special ops trainer becomes a high school history teacher. At his new school he fights off a drug operation that goes further than he expected.
It focuses on a crime scene clean-up team that discovers a cash-filled briefcase at a crime sight. The discovery pits them into battle with a crime boss, hitman and corrupt government agents searching for the cash.
Ed Wood, Jr.
During the final three days of his life, while battling hallucinations and depression, failed movie director Ed Wood Jr. attempts to recreate the former glory of his B-movie career by making one last monstrous epic.
During the final three days of his life, while battling hallucinations and depression, failed movie director Ed Wood Jr. attempts to recreate the former glory of his B-movie career by making one last monstrous epic.