Chieko Higashiyama
출생 : 1890-09-30, Chiba, Japan
사망 : 1980-05-08
A dynamic woman who aspires to be a writer, living a wild life in constant search of freedom while indulging in lust with four men.
Yuji, a budding writer, meets and starts falling in love with his best friend’s girlfriend, Natsuko. The attraction is mutual but due to the circumstances, they try to not act on their attraction. However, as time goes by, they realise that, perhaps, they cannot be without each other. Will the forbidden love affair move forward and can they finally be with each other?
Adaptation of the Shôji Yuki novel.
A survivor of the tragic mass suicides on Tokashiki Island in 1945 falls in love with a near-mute motorcycle engineer.
Eiho, nun
In the year 1786, Shogun Ieharu Tokugawa selected beautiful Ochisa to be his concubine. It causes other concubines to become very jealous and mean. When the Shogun passes away, his concubines are forced to become nuns, which they are not happy to be. The subject is life inside a shogun's harem, and the treatment is again more restrained than in most of the historical pinku eiga films being produced by independents at the time, but the tone of this middle installment in the trilogy is decidedly more grim than that of its predecessor. There's a good deal of abuse and violence on display, as the shogun dies and his concubines are sent to a remote convent to become buddhist nuns. the hysterical nuns are being punished for their transgressions and committing suicide in grand exploitation fashion.
Toyono, Hana's grandmother
Epic saga of an idealistic land-owning family dealing with militarism, war, social change and economic reform.
One day a company executive learns that his younger brother, whom he recommended, embezzled company funds. To save the situation he withdraws his life savings and gives money to his younger brother. He then suddenly disappears…
Strange Beauty
In the fourth installment, Musashi's potentially greatest opponent Kojiro jumps in and out of the story at the oddest and most coincidental moments. As his great love Otsu has succumbed to madness. Musashi then sets off to beat the functionaries of a treacherous clan in an arranged duel. 73 against one. Boastful Kojiro watches, secure in the knowledge that only he is a worthy opponent.
Okada's grandmother
A story about four best friends and their lives inside and outside college. Then suddenly one of them receives a surprising offer to be a movie star.
Shizu Tsutsumi
One of many adaptations of "Onna no isshō", this time by Yasuzo Masumura as a starring vehicle for famed actress Machiko Kyo.
Hama, Tokusuke's wife
Utsugi, a seventy-seven-year-old man of refined tastes who is recovering from a stroke, discovers that, while his body is decaying, his libido still rages on -- unwittingly sparked by the gentle, kindly attentions of his daughter-in-law Satsuko, a chic, flashy dancer with a shady past. Pitiful and ridiculous as he is, Utsugi is without a trace of self-pity, and his diary shines with self-effacing good humor.
Japanese drama.
Hikaru and Ichiro are close friends in high school. Hikaru's elder brother Tadashi fell in love with Ichiro's elder sister, Mikako at first sight. Although she gave the cold shoulder to Tadashi, she gradually became fond of Tadashi.
Two obaachans become fast friends listening to music in front of a record store. They both boast about their loving sons but in reality, one had just escaped a retirement home and the other was looking for an escape from her son and daughter-in-law. With nowhere to go, the two wander around, befriending a cosmetics salesman and a kind waitress who give them beer. This biting social satire starring two memorable grandmothers, scripted by Yôko Mizuki, picked up on Japan’s aging population problem far ahead of its time.
A case of mistaken identity in which a woman assumes the role of widow to a man killed in a train accident.
Nao Sugawara
만주사변 이후 건국된 만주국은 저마다의 사연을 가진 다양한 나라의 사람들이 모인 곳이었다. 청나라 마지막 황제의 동생이자 만주국의 군인이었던 푸제는 일본인 여성 류코와 혼인을 맺는다. 하지만 전쟁과 정치적 긴장 같은 급변하는 정세와 함께 두 사람의 관계는 한 치 앞을 내다 보기 힘든 상황에 처한다. 실제 역사의 주인공인 아이신 가구라(사가 히로)가 쓴 회고록을 바탕으로 만들어진 작품.
When a wealthy, selfish family decides to take care of an elderly hobo who collapsed near their home, they are beset by visits from his numerous friends.
Story of a romance between a middle-aged journalist and a young woman.
lchiro, the president of Mihara & Co., is henpecked by his wife Momoko, a clever and beautiful woman, but prattling and intrusive. She makes her younger sister Nashiko marry lchiro's younger brother, Jiro, manager of his company and now plans to marry her youngest sister Kyoko to her husband's youngest brother, Saburo. This means her domination of the Miharas and their business, a fine triple play which would gain her the title of "The Most Valuable Madam." However, in opposition to Momoko, Kyoko boldly declares that she will never marry Saburo. However Saburo is a most attractive young man and attracts Kyoko. Will she or her elder sister be able to win the title of "The Most Valuable Madam"?
소작인의 딸 하루코는 대지주 나구라 가의 차남 히데오와 용서되지 않는 사랑에 빠져 동반자살을 기도한다. 하지만 하루코만 홀로 살아남고, 임신 중이던 그녀는 마을 사람들의 차가운 시선 속에 아들 스테오를 낳아 키운다. 19년 후, 장성한 스테오는 나구라 가 장남의 딸 사쿠라에게 연정을 품게 되나, 어머니의 처지를 생각해 마음을 드러내지 못한다.
монахиня Масамицу
Shizue Hirooka
작은 마을에서 할머니와 단둘이 살던 오노 유코는 갑작스러운 할머니의 죽음과 함께 자신이 아버지와 비서 사이에서 태어난 사생아이며, 생모는 2차 대전 이후에 연락이 끊겨 할머니가 맡아 기르게 되었음을 알게 된다. 도쿄에서 부유하게 살고 있는 계모의 집에서 살게 된 그녀는 계모와 이복형제들의 멸시를 받으며 하녀처럼 생활하지만 언제나 밝은 면만을 보며 자신의 삶을 긍정적으로 받아들이는 '명랑소녀'이다.
Based on the original work by Shuji Hojo, Itohan Monogatari depicts the fate of a clumsy and kind-hearted woman in the Taisho era.
Adaptation of the novel by Kan Shimozawa.
Kuniko's mother (segment 2) (voice)
A young woman decides to leave school in order to help her sister.
After Shuichiro moved to Tokyo, the Tanno family became completely female, including Mrs. Tanno, Shuichiro's daughter-in-law Manzuko, painter Takashiro Egi, Shizu Kazemaki, Mitsue Nanbu, an intellectual who works in a university laboratory, and an old woman.
During the Warring States era of early 17th century Japan, teenage princess Sen is besieged with other members of her family in Osaka Castle, by a rival force led by her grandfather.
A student at a woman's university takes a controversial action against the school's old-fashioned doctrines.
A film about the Ghost of Okiku that's based on the kabuki play Bancho Sarayashiki.
Tomi Hirayama
2차 세계대전 후. 결혼하여 도쿄에 살고 있는 자식들을 만나기 위해 노부부가 상경한다. 의사 장남과 미용실을 운영하는 둘째 딸은 곧 부모님의 방문을 부담스러워하고 바쁜 일상을 핑계로 소홀히 대한다. 전쟁 중 남편을 잃은 며느리 노리코만이 노부부를 극진히 모시는데…
Retired Person
This film stars Tanaka Kinuyo as the mother of the heir to the Hosho name, a famous lineage of Noh actors. The heir, Hosho Yagoro, is played by Hasegawa Kuzuo who went on to become familiar among Ichikawa Kon fans as Yukinojo in An Actor's Revenge, which was also co-written by Ito, adding to the relatedness of An Heir's Place.
Motoko Fujikawa works in the Seisen Church as an assistant to pastor Maki Inokichi. Motoko falls in love with Inokichi's virtuous character and devotes herself to the rehabilitation of a delinquent girl, gradually finding her job at the institution more worthwhile than the marriage recommended by her parents. Meanwhile, inside Inokichi's heart a flame of unknowing love for the single-minded Motoko begins to burn...
Каё Фукуда
A young student falls into a hopeless romantic attraction to a sick girl, whom he can only see from afar.
Born to a prestigious family, Natsuko is not impressed by any one of her suitors. Determined to spend her life serving god, she sets off to a convent in Hakodate, Hokkaido, and meets along the way a young bear-hunter with whom she begins an adventure.
오랜 스트리퍼 친구인 아케미와 아사쿠사의 스트리퍼 카르멘은 아버지가 없는 아이를 부잣집 문 앞에 버리고 온다. 그러나 그 부잣집 가족은 이제 막 파리에서 돌아온 아방가르드 화가 아들의 전 애인이 복수를 위해 자신의 아이를 문 앞에 버리고 간 것이라고 오해한다. 그 부잣집 아들은 카르멘에게 누드 모델을 서줄 것을 부탁하고 카르멘은 그와 사랑에 빠지는데...
A family of Kyoto textile workers struggles after tragedy.
A Japanese soldier who died in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp in Hawaii entrusted Henry Gray with an unfinished score and promised to complete it.
A fishing union depends on two brothers to make up the losses caused by the dishonest captains they replaced.
Shige Mamiya
혼기에 찬 노리코는 조건이 좋은 혼처를 거부하고 부모 형제와 상의 없이 오빠의 친구이자 아이 딸린 홀아비 켄이치와 결혼하겠다고 선언한다. 갑작스런 노리코의 태도에 가족들은 당황한다.
오즈 야스지로의 대다수 영화들이 산업화와 서구화에 따른 가정의 해체에 관한 것이듯 이 작품도 딸의 결혼으로 대가족이 해체된다는 기본 골격을 따라 몇 개의 에피소드로 연결 된 홈 드라마이다. “스토리 자체보다 더욱 깊은 의미를 지닌 ‘윤회’라든가 ‘무상’이라든가 하는 것을 묘사하고 싶었다”는 오즈의 언급처럼 이 작품에서 스토리나 플롯이 중요한 기능을 하지 않음은 명백하게 드러난다. 일상적인 삶에 대한 세심한 탐구, 이야기의 과감한 생략, 시공간의 독특한 사용, 계속해서 변하는 행동의 리듬을 통해 오즈 특유의 소시민적 관점이 투영된 작품이다.
Lady Kokiden
성년이 된 히카리겐지의 1년반 세월에 초점을 두어 그린 영화.
Satoko, Ayako's mother
가메다는 전범으로 총살 직전에 구출 된 쇼크로 전간성 백치가 되었다. 막대한 유산을 상속하기 위해서 삿포로로 향하는 아카마는 너무나 적의 없고 순수한 가메다에게 매력을 느껴 친해진다. 아카마는 정치가인 도바타에게 둘러싸여 있던 아름다운 여자, 다에코를 사랑하고 있다. 도바타는 지참금과 함께 다에코랑 결혼할 남자를 찾고 있다. 지참금을 원해서 다에코랑 결혼을 하려 하는 가야마는 사실 아야코를 사랑하고 있고 아야코는 가메다의 아름다운 마음에 반한다. 가메다는 다에코의 얼굴에서 총살 당한 전우의 옛모습을 보고 눈물을 흘린다. 아카마가 거액의 지참금을 가진 다에코를 빼앗으러 나타나자 다에코는 돈을 난로에 던져 버리고 가메다의 행복을 빌며 아카마와 함께 떠난다. 가메다는 다에코를 따라간다. 질투를 한 아카마는 밤중에 길에서 가메다를 몰아 부쳐 간질 발작을 일으키게 한다. 아카마에게 불려간 가메다는 다에코의 사살 사체를 목격한다. 아카마의 정신도 이상해져 두 사람은 같이 정신 병원에서 일생을 보내게 된다.
The Angry Street includes a great deal of location shooting in the rebuilt city, including downtown streets, residential neighborhoods, the campus of the University of Tokyo, and the high life of jazzy dance halls. Sudo (Hara Yasumi) and Mori (Uno Jukichi) are two university students who make money by picking up rich girls in dance clubs and conning them into giving them cash. Mori is the brains of the operation, and Sudo is the suave dancer who picks up the girls. Over the course of the film, Sudo becomes involved with three different girls and is drawn into the gangster milieu, which he seems unable to resist even though he is responsible for his mother, grandmother, and sister, Masako (Wakayama Setsuko). In this world of bad boys and girls, Masako is the pillar of strength and moral virtue who finally enables Mori to straighten out.
A village struggles to survive when the nearby lake becomes barren of fish.
Woman melodrama by Shiro Toyoda
When the future of his construction company falls into danger, a controlling father pushes his children into unsatisfying marriages and careers in order to regain financial stability.
Japanese mystery thriller.
A love triangle among a girl, her poor boyfriend, and a rich company president.
Yasuko's mother
케이죠는 좋은 집안의 딸 야스코를 중매로 만나 데이트를 즐긴다. 케이죠는 발레를, 야스코는 복싱 관람을 경험하며 서로에 대한 흥미를 키워가지만, 점차 밝혀지는 야스코 집안의 상황 탓에 갈등이 벌어진다.
A teacher at a Japanese school tries to hide his outcast upbringing.
The mistress of a crook real estate broker comes to terms with her soulless existence after an artist paints her portrait.
서양 연극을 도입한 연출가 시마무라는 "인형의 집"을 무대에 올릴 준비를 하는데, 여주인공 노라 역 때문에 고민이다. 그러다 시마무라는 남편과 싸우고 헤어졌다는 여배우 마츠이 스마코를 만나게 되는데, 거침없이 이야기하는 당찬 그녀를 노라 역에 발탁한다. 스마코와 사랑에 빠진 시마무라는 그녀와 함께 하기 위해 가족까지 버리고, 둘은 연극계에서도 쫓겨난다. 20세기 초에 활약했던 여배우 마츠이 스마코를 소재로 한 나가타 히데오의 희곡을 각색했다.
1947 Toho film directed by Tadashi Imai
Fumie's mother
In postwar Japan a young woman is unable to marry her sweetheart because her family's in difficult circumstances and needs her income to keep afloat.
Mother Okin
A young man who is unable to tell his childhood friend how he feels makes a pledge with her to reveal all of their secrets during the upcoming festival.
Three IJN flyers Mikami (Susumu Fujita), Kawakami (Masayuki Mori) and Murakami (Akitake Kono) are good friends, and they are all renowned for their torpedo techniques. Mikami is posted as a staff officer at a base on an island in the Pacific. Kawakami and Murakami later joins him as the base squardron is reinforced. The enemy task force approaches the island and all three of them attack the fleet, killing themselves in the process.
Kitamura's wife
제2차 세계대전이 발발하기 전, 남규슈의 어느 항구 마을. 15년 전 이곳에 조선소를 지으려다 실패하여 마을을 떠났던 남자의 아들이 아버지의 유지를 잇겠다며 찾아온다. 이어서 남자의 아들이 또 한 명 나타난다. 마을 주민들은 두 사람을 환영하지만, 사실 이 둘은 어느 쪽도 남자의 아들이 아니다. 조선소의 재건을 명목으로 한 몫 잡아 보려는 사기꾼들이었던 것. 순박한 마을 사람들 속에서 두 사기꾼이 펼치는 소동을 유머러스하게 그린 인간 희극.
The Siege of Osaka