Mitsusaburō Ramon

출생 : 1901-10-10, Imamiya, Osaka Prefecture, Japan

사망 : 1976-05-06

참여 작품

자토이치: 흉상려
After arriving in the town of Shimonita, Ichi finds that a price has been put on his head by a local yakuza boss. He's drawn into a trap, but after hearing of the slaying of a former love, Ichi furiously fights his way through the entire clan to face the killer, a hired ronin.
Satan's Sword: The Dragon God
The sequel to Daibosatsu tôge (1960) and the second of the trilogy follows the adventures of Ryunosuke Tsukue after he is blinded.
Jirocho - The Chivalrous
The exciting story of Jirocho and his yakuza gang that controlled the area of the Tokaido during the latter days of the samurai era. Awesome fighting from Katsu Shintaro as One-Eyed Ishimatsu highlights this great tale taken from Japanese history!
The Lord Pretends
Tomoe no Tajû
Jan Arima no shûgeki
Gambler and the Princess
Film directed by Kenji Misumi.
Ambush at Iga Pass
Nichiren and the Great Mongol Invasion
During the 1200's, legendary Buddhist monk Nichiren returns from his studies to lead Japan out of moral crisis and prepare to fight Mongol invaders by creating a new form of Buddhism. He runs afoul of the existing Buddhist sects and their government supporters and is persecuted. Can Nichiren persevere before the Mogol fleet reaches Japanese shores?
White Snake Woman
While transporting a bride-to-be in a closed carriage (kago) while during a thunderstorm, a group of servants and onlookers suddenly come upon an apparition of a ghostly white-draped female figure floating down to the ground. As she turns to face the crowd, the woman reveals the disfigured right side of her face. As the procession stands in utter horror, the ghost then takes flight again and down a side street. After the shock wears off, the bride is checked on and everyone is safe in the group. Once the wedding party finally arrives at the groom's home, they apologize for the delay... and proceed to open the kago, only to realize that the bride-to-be is now missing... and all that's left in the carriage is a single white snake slithering about.
Tales of Young Genji Kuro
Genji Kurô is a master swordsman and entrusted with protecting the ancient sword Kaen by the Otsubo family.
Flowery Hood
Flowery Brothers
Early film by Kenji Misumi.
Seiryū no dōkutsu
Part 2 of adventure movie
Jagā no me
First part of adventure movie
Matashirō Fighting Journey
Taira Clan Saga
Special Forces commander Captain Tadamori returns to Kyoto after successfully defeating the uprising of pirates in the western sea of Japan. But because the high courtiers dislike career soldiers gaining power and influence, they ignore the will of ex-Emperor Toba and refuse to reward the captain. Reward recommender Lord Tokinobu is punished, and the captain sends his son Kiyomori to the Lord's residence, where he falls in love with Tokiko, the Lord's daughter. Meanwhile, Kiyomori finds out that he is possibly the ex-Emperor's son... Written by L.H. Wong
The Young Lord
Tanuki Battle of Awaodori Festival
A tanuki-themed musical.
우게츠 이야기
Captain of Tamba Soldiers
도공 겐주로는 전란의 혼란을 틈타 큰 돈을 벌 생각을 한다. 한편 그의 매제 도베이는 사무라이로서 출세하는 것이 꿈인 사내다. 겐주로의 처 미야기는 돈은 못 벌더라도 가족 간의 단란함이 훨씬 소중하다고 생각한다. 겐주로는 만들어놓은 도기를 팔러 도회로 나가 상당기간 소식이 끊어진다. 그는 시장에서 어느 귀부인으로부터 물건을 배달해달라는 부탁을 받는데, 그녀의 아름다움에 한눈에 반하고 만다. 현실과 환상의 구분을 일거에 무너뜨리는 뛰어난 영상미와 인간의 어리석음의 근원을 파고드는 설득력 있는 스토리로 미조구치 겐지의 이름을 세계에 알린 작품일뿐 아니라 후대의 영화 작가들에게 큰 영향을 끼친 영화이다.
Kojiki Taishô
Kii Shigefusa
Gotō Matabei is the most able and fierce samurai of the Kuroda clan. However, he gradually dislikes the ruthless personality of Kuroda Nagamasa and leaves the clan. Seven years later, he joins Toyotomi Hideyori's army. Filmed in 1945 and released in 1952.
Dedication of the Great Buddha
Dedication of the Great Buddha is a 1952 Japanese film directed by Teinosuke Kinugasa. It was entered into the 1953 Cannes Film Festival.
Story of Lightning
Gensaburo Funaki and Oyuki were childhood friends, but Gensaburo misunderstood that Oyuki was hesitant to get married because he had to feed his father and younger brother. I left the town.
Lantern Under a Full Moon
Judge of the Ashuras
Tōkaidō wa kyōjō tabi
Adaptation of the original story by Hida Yoshiro, whose depiction of the world of the yakuza is unparalleled. Gisuke, a weather-beaten yakuza with nostalgia and memories of love in his heart.
The Invisible Man Appears
Inspector Matsubara
Jewel thieves become interested in an invisibility formula invented by Professor Nakazato and want to use his invention to acquire a diamond necklace called the "Tears of Amour."
Ghost Train
Directed by Akira Nobuchi
Goblin Courier
Jida-geki by Santaro Marune.
Nocturnal Gate
The Woman Who Opens the Door
A Baby Given by a Fox
A lowly drunken samurai finds an abandoned baby in the woods and takes it home. A gift from a fox. But there's something special about the boy.
Wrestling-Ring Festival
According to Donal Richie in The Japanese Film it was meant to do for sumo wrestling what Kurosawa had done for judo in Sanshiro sugata, and that Kurosawa wrote it for Daiei after "drinking up all [his] money" (from his autobiography).
Oichi no kata
Vengeance at Iga
Famed swordsman Araki Mataemon must face his best friend as they are forced to take opposite sides in a vendetta caused by the murder of a family member.
Masujiro Omura
A story about Ômura Masujirô
겐로쿠 주신구라
Tokubee Izeki
18세기 초, 막부정치가 안정되고, 산업이 발달해 도시가 성장하던 겐로쿠 시대. 쇼군의 명령에 따라 에도에 머물던 아코의 영주 아사노가 고관 기라와 대립해 싸움을 벌이고 만다. 평화의 시대, 성에서는 칼을 뽑지 못하게 한 법도를 어긴 아사노에게 할복하라는 명령이 떨어진다. 오오이시를 비롯한 아사노의 부하들은 주군을 잃고 절망에 빠진다.
A 1941 Japanese film directed by Shinzo Yoshida.
Araki Mataemon: Master Swordsman
Araki Mataemon was a very strong warrior, and his feud against the samurai Kawai Matagorō is one of the most famous in Japan. Matagoro killed Gendayu, the little brother of Mataemon's brother in law, Watanabe Kazuma. Becoming a murderer out of jealousy for a childhood friend, Matagoro fled in another domain, using friends of his father and his lineage linked to Tokugawa Ieyasu. It was somehow a complicated matter, as it seems at that time, a law from Toyotomi Hideyoshi allowed a little brother taking revenge for his elder brother, but not the reverse. After some years, the lord of Kazuma and Mataemon found a way, and they were allowed to take revenge for the murder. They fought and killed Matagoro and just one other samurai who was helping the culprit. It seems at that time, Kazuma was Mataemon's only assistant.
오센의 몰락
비가 억수같이 내리는 밤의 정거장, 정전과 고장으로 승객들이 오도 가도 못하게 된다. 술렁이는 승객들 사이에서 한 신사가 역사 저편을 바라보며 회상에 잠긴다. 처지를 비관해 자살하려던 소년 소키치를 우연히 발견한 오센이 그를 꾸짖는다. 소키치는 오센과 함께 비열한 쿠마자와의 집에서 지내게 되고, 오센은 친동생을 돌보듯 소키치를 보살핀다. 우여곡절 끝에 쿠마자와의 손아귀에서 벗어난 두 사람. 오센의 도움으로 소키치는 꿈에 그리던 의학 공부를 이어간다. 한편, 소란스러운 승객들 틈에서 한 여성이 쓰러지고, 그녀의 얼굴을 본 소키치는 소스라치게 놀란다.