Brad Hill

참여 작품

배드 애스 2: 배드 애시즈
Location Manager
Vietnam vet Frank Vega now runs an East L.A. community center where he trains young boxers to survive in and out of the ring. But when his prize student falls in with the wrong crowd and turns up dead, Frank teams up with his pal Bernie to take matters into their own fists and prove that justice never gets old.
The 41–Year–Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It
Location Manager
Follows Andy, who needs to hook up with a hottie, pronto, because he hasn't had sex in... well, forever - and his luck isn't the only thing that's hard. His equally horny teenage roommates also need it superbad, and with the help of their nerdy pal, McAnalovin' and his fake I.D., they may tap more than just a keg.
Extreme Days
Location Manager
As four lifelong friends, Will, Bryan, Matt, and Corey, are on the road trip they've been planning their whole lives, Corey's beloved grandfather unexpectedly dies. When going to claim Corey's inheritance, the gang meets Matt's beautiful cousin Jessie and embark on a hilarious, extreme sports-filled adventure.
Allyson Is Watching
Innocent, sexy Allyson leaves her boyfriend Peter to go to acting classes in Los Angeles. In Los Angeles she rents a room in an apartment building from the grumpy Mr. Merry next to the resident working girl, Bridget. During the day Allyson struggles with her acting lessons at arrogant Eric Constantine's acting school whilst at night she plays with herself as she watches beautiful, confident Bridget through the keyhole servicing her clients. In class she meets professional photographer Jerry who offers to shoot her a portfolio.
Striking Resemblance
In this erotic mystery, an incredibly handsome photographer and his beautiful supermodel are on the roof of the photographer's building having sex, where an intruder murders them. The police assign Detective, Jessica Brody, to the case, but when she becomes sexually involved with the prime suspect, the photographer's identical twin brother, she risks becoming another victim in a series of murders.
Line Producer
In the town of Amity, the cops take crime off of the streets and put it into the police station where it belongs.
Between the Lies
A private detective has an affair with an obsessed client. She then starts putting ideas into his head that his wife is cheating on him with her dance partner hoping he will leave his wife for her. The private detective then thinks that his wife is actually having an affair and starts spying on her and ends up having an affair with his client again thinking it is OK because his wife is cheating on him when she is actually completely innocent.
Timeless Obsession
A romance novelist has a bad habit of cheating on his girlfriends after just two months. His latest girlfriend happens to be a shrink who hopes to get to the bottom of things before it's too late. Meanwhile, the novelist falls in love with the image of a beautiful woman in a painting and has dreams / fantasies set in the 17th Century where the romantic tables are turned on him.
Damien's Seed
A detective is hired by a rich woman to find her runaway step-sister. Little does he know that the step-sister is actually being held by a cult of women who seek to propagate their male cult-leader of 30 years ago by capturing his son, and the detective's client is in on the deal.
Security Officer
안젤라 베네트(Angela Bennett: 산드라 블록 분)는 미모의 컴퓨터 프로그래머. 새로나온 소프트웨어의 바이러스나 에러를 분석하는 일이 전문이다. 취미는 인터넷의 컴퓨터광들과 채팅하는 것이 전부. 컴퓨터와 붙어사는 그녀는 집밖으로 나올 일이 거의 없다. 피자는 PC 네트워크로 주문하면 곧바로 배달되고 항공권도 마찬가지다. 그녀가 외출하는 이유는 단 하나, 요양원에 있는 어머니(Mrs. Bennett: 다이안 베이커 분)를 만나러 갈 때이다. 안정된 일상만이 존재했던 안젤라에게 어느날, 동료 데일(Dale: 레이 맥킨논 분)이 새 인터넷 프로그램에 문제가 있는 것 같다며 분석을 의뢰한다. 겉으로는 평범한 음악용 소프트웨어에 불과한 '모짜르트 밴드'. 그러나 이 프로그램에는 연방정부의 극비 데이터베이스 시스템이 고스란히 담겨져 있다. 놀란 안젤라가 데일에게 도움을 요청하지만, 데일은 안젤라에게 오던 중 의문의 비행기 사고로 죽는다. 데일의 죽음에 충격을 받은 채 안젤라는 멕시코로 휴가를 떠난다. 이때 안젤라에게 잭 데블린(Jack Devlin: 제레미 노담 분)이라는 매력적인 남자가 접근하고, 휴가 기분에 취한 안젤라는 잭과 하룻밤을 보낸다. 그러나 안젤라는 잭에게서 수상한 점을 발견하고, 격투 끝에 구사일생으로 달아난다. 하지만 때는 이미 늦어 안젤라의 존재는 컴퓨터 네트워크 상에서 완전히 '지워진' 상태였다. 여권도, 신용카드도 모두 도둑 맞은 안젤라에게 남아있는 것은 오직 파손된 디스켓 한장 뿐. 안젤라는 주변 사람들에게 도움을 청하지만, 모두 의문의 사고로 사망한다. 컴퓨터 마피아 프레토리안의 검은 그림자는 시시각각 다가오고, 그들의 검은 손은 드디어 안젤라의 어머니가 있는 요양원에 까지 뻗치는데.