Fearless Edo-period police inspector Hanzo Itami, nicknamed The Razor, has developed his own unique way of extracting information for his inquiries. His first adventure sees him investigating his superior officer's mistress, whom he suspects of having ties with a reputed criminal on the loose.
Priest Genkai
This period thriller concerns a very famous cat known as the "monster cat of Nabeshima". This cat, a symbol of vengeance in human disguise, takes revenge for the death of its master as well as for the corruption in the feudal system.
The tragic, yet exciting story of the friendship between Nakayama Yasubei, a member of the 47 Ronin, and Tange Tenzen, a relative by marriage of the vile Lord Kira. Remake of Hakuôki AKA Samurai Vendetta (1959).
Zatoichi runs afoul of some evil fugitives, working for a corrupt law official.
On the night of the summer Obon festival, Hagiwara Shinzaburo meets a beautiful courtesan named Otsuyu. Not knowing she's a ghost, he becomes infatuated by her.
Isazo is a traveling gambler and living legend in the world of yakuza, known for his swordsmanship and bravery, his impeccable manners, and his brilliant talent in gambling. One late fall at an inn in Kiso Fukushima, Isazo befriends a young boy whose mother turns out to be his old love Yoshino, with whom he was not unable to consummate a marriage due to the class differences between them.
A greedy developer, in league with a corrupt Shrine Magistrate, brutally tries to drive people out of a tenement building and destroy the shrine in back. But he makes the fatal mistake of hosting a 100 Ghost Stories ceremony without the closing cleansing ritual, opening the door for the Yokai Monsters to punish the wicked.
하나오카 세이슈는 전신마취술을 연구하는 의사로, 그의 아내와 어머니는 세이슈를 사랑한 나머지 서로 실험대상이 되려고 경쟁한다. 세이슈는 두 사람의 경쟁관계를 교묘히 이용하여 실험에 성공한다.
Hozan Tamura
A Japanese film
A naively honorable samurai (played by Raizo) comes to the bitter realization that his devotion to moral samurai principles makes him an oddity among his peers, and a very vulnerable oddity in consequence. He takes the blame for the misdeeds of others, with the understanding that he will be exiled for one year and restored to the clan's good graces after the political situation dies down. As betrayal begins to heap upon betrayal, he realizes he'll have to live out his life as a master-less ronin, if not hunted down and killed.
A father decides to put his delinquent daughter into a temple in Kyoto known for its austere novitiate. Initially resistant to all forms of discipline, she ends up falling in love with the nun who is in charge of her.
전당포 사장의 딸 오츠야는 종업원 신스케와 함께 사랑의 도피를 떠난다. 둘의 짧은 사랑도 잠시, 그들이 묵던 숙소의 주인 켄지는 신스케를 죽이고 오츠야를 유곽에 팔아 넘길 궁리를 하고 문신사 세이키치는 오츠야의 아름답고 흰 피부에 일생일대의 문신을 새기고자 하는 욕망에 이끌린다.
Nemuri Kyoshiro, a youthful and cynical ronin with unparalleled skill, is approached by both sides in a game of corruption, ambition, and double crosses. The leader of the Kaga clan, who thinks he has killed his smuggling partner, fears that the shogunate will discover his illegal activities. He learns of evidence that will prove his guilt. Meanwhile, his partner is not dead, and, assisted by a master of Shorenji boxing, is looking for revenge and for his loot. The Kaga leader sends the beautiful Chisa to enlist Nemuri's aid. The unexpected happens: the hard-bitten Nemuri falls in love. Can he protect her, topple the criminals, and avoid the boxer's deadly skill?
Yoso is truly a lost classic, set in the Nara Era (710-794), from Kinugasa Teinosuke the same writer/director who gave us the recognized classic Gate of Hell (Jigokumon, 1952) & the milestone silent surrealist masterpiece A Page of Madness (Kurutta Ippeji, 1926).
In the mountain regions of Hida, the dreams of a peasant named Kyonosuke, who longed to be a samurai, come true when he becomes one of three doubles, of shadows, of Lord Yasutaka. After months of intense and cruel training, he faces his destiny when the Lord and the other two shadows are killed in battle and he must take on the role of Lord Yasutaka....
Jinpachiro Kanda
Wishing to find peace, Zatoichi travels to his old village but only finds trouble when he ends up in a love triangle and finds old scores have followed him home.
거물 도둑으로 유명한 이시카와 고에몬을 권력에 대항하는 반역자로서 그린 무라야마 토모요시의 소설을 영화화한 작품. 탁월한 기능을 갖고 있으면서도 신분제도로 인해 최하층민으로서 살아갈 수 밖에 없는 이시카와를 이치카와 라이조가 연기하고 상업적으로도 크게 히트하여 시리즈화 되었다. 당시 황당무계한 내용이 유행하던 닌자영화에 리얼리즘과 호쾌한 액션, 권력투쟁이라는 모티브를 도입하여 시대극에 새로운 지평을 여는데 공헌한 사회파의 거장 야마모토 사츠오의 작품.
Gouemon Kashiya
Returning to the village where a year before he had killed Hirate, a much-admired opponent, Zatoichi encounters another swordsman and former rival in love.
Prof. Akihara
Kazue Yasutomi
사무라이 액션영화에서 특히 빛을 발했던 대스타 이치카와 라이조 주연의 ‘검 3부작’ 중 1편. 영화가 시작하면 한 몸종이 주인을 칼로 살해한 후 순순히 체포당해 죽음을 택한다. 그리고 20년의 시간이 흘러 한 사내가 등장해 전국을 떠돌며 여행을 다닌다. 과연 그의 정체는 무엇일까. (한국시네마테크협의회)
Kaio Takeda
교토의 사원을 무대로 주지 스님과 첩이 펼치는 애욕과 이를 차갑게 바라보는 동자승의 반역과 복수를 그린 문예대작. 문예영화의 진중한 분위기 속에서 어떠한 필연성도 없이 화장실의 장면이 등장하곤 하는데, 이러한 장면은 배설이라는 행위가 인간 본연의 모습을 가감 없이 보여주는 행위라고 생각한 가와시마의 영화에서 종종 보이는 설정이다. (2014 한국영상자료원 - 가와시마 유조 감독전)
An Indian prince leaves his world of comfort and riches behind to wander and meditate for six years in search of spiritual enlightenment. Siddartha (Cojoin Hong) turns his back on the old religion when people are starving needlessly and holy rituals include human sacrifices. During his meditations, he is tempted by erotic dancing women, demons, and the evil machinations of his criminal cousin. Devastate to attain the spiritual perfection and become the Buddha. He travels to convert followers by his kindness and wisdom, gaining a multitude of believers when he stops an elephant from crushing a local priest. Buddha of course goes on to become one of the great religious leaders of the world.
Katayanagi Banjirou
The Dai-bosatsu toge trilogy is based on Kaizan Nakazatos unfinished long series of novels (41 books, written from 1913 to 1941). Set in the last period of the Tokugawa Shogunate, Daibosatsu Toge tells the story of Tsuke Ryunosuke, a nihilistic swordmaster who doesn't hesitate to kill anyone, bad or good.
Princess Kiyo accidentally injures a local priest, Anchin, while on a hunt. She apologizes, but feels irritated by Anchin’s indifference to her in spite of her beauty. One night, while Anchin is recuperating in a hot spring, he is approached by Kiyo. She tells him that she is in love with him.
The exciting story of Jirocho and his yakuza gang that controlled the area of the Tokaido during the latter days of the samurai era. Awesome fighting from Katsu Shintaro as One-Eyed Ishimatsu highlights this great tale taken from Japanese history!
A demon-faced monster seeking revenge appears in the forms of a gigantic ox and a huge spider! The young Genji warrior protects the Fujiwara Clan and the beautiful lady in tragic love! A grand visual epic told with mesmerizing extravagance!
Hidesato Sugawara
만주사변 이후 건국된 만주국은 저마다의 사연을 가진 다양한 나라의 사람들이 모인 곳이었다. 청나라 마지막 황제의 동생이자 만주국의 군인이었던 푸제는 일본인 여성 류코와 혼인을 맺는다. 하지만 전쟁과 정치적 긴장 같은 급변하는 정세와 함께 두 사람의 관계는 한 치 앞을 내다 보기 힘든 상황에 처한다. 실제 역사의 주인공인 아이신 가구라(사가 히로)가 쓴 회고록을 바탕으로 만들어진 작품.
Two amiable samurai wind up on opposite sides of the vendetta between Lord Asano's retainers and the family of Lord Kira that led to the famous revenge of the 47 Ronin.
Hanzaemon Muramatsu
Sakutaro Ishikawa
The former Japanese Naval Academy was at Etajima, one of the many islands of the beautiful Inland Sea. Among the new cadets were Ishikawa and Murase. Murase's mother had remarried after his father's death and the impressionable boy hated his overbearing father who held the whip-hand over his gentle mother. Out of defiance of his step-father he became wayward. But he was bright and his teacher persuaded him to enter the Academy as he knew that if he left home, his mother need not feel apologetic towards her husband on his account.
Discipline was strict, their studies were hard and, in between, all the new cadets received an ample share of beatings, at the hands of the senior cadets, for the slightest mistakes. Murase thought all picked on him the most, especially Cadet First Class Kogure, who manhandled him at the slightest excuse.
고미술 감정가인 겐모치는 부인 이쿠코에게는 비밀로 정력 증진을 위해 주사를 맞으러 병원에 다니며, 병원 인턴인 기무라를 딸 도시코의 남편으로 생각하고 있다. 병원에 온 이쿠코는 남편의 통원 사실을 알지만 아무 말도 하지 않는다. 부부는 상대가 훔쳐 보고 있다는 것을 서로 알면서 각자 일기를 쓰고 있다. 기무라가 집을 방문하여 같이 술을 마신 날 밤 목욕탕에서 잠이 들어버린 이쿠코의 나신을 겐모치는 기무라에게 맡긴다. 이렇게 세 명의 기묘한 관계가 시작되고 질투로 부부 관계를 다시 일으키려 하는 겐모치는 고혈압으로 위험한 상태가 된다. 한 편으로 기무라와 도시코는 이미 관계를 맺고 있으며 이쿠코와 기무라와의 관계를 의심하면서도 기무라와 약혼을 한다. 결국 겐모치가 죽고 장례식이 끝나 재산 정리가 되자 이 집의 재산으로 개업을 생각했던 기무라는 실망하여 관계를 끊고 싶다고 생각한다. 도시코는 엄마의 홍차에 농약을 넣지만 노파의 잘못으로 약은 바뀌어져 3명의 셀러드에 뿌려져 있다.
During the 1200's, legendary Buddhist monk Nichiren returns from his studies to lead Japan out of moral crisis and prepare to fight Mongol invaders by creating a new form of Buddhism. He runs afoul of the existing Buddhist sects and their government supporters and is persecuted. Can Nichiren persevere before the Mogol fleet reaches Japanese shores?
While transporting a bride-to-be in a closed carriage (kago) while during a thunderstorm, a group of servants and onlookers suddenly come upon an apparition of a ghostly white-draped female figure floating down to the ground. As she turns to face the crowd, the woman reveals the disfigured right side of her face. As the procession stands in utter horror, the ghost then takes flight again and down a side street. After the shock wears off, the bride is checked on and everyone is safe in the group. Once the wedding party finally arrives at the groom's home, they apologize for the delay... and proceed to open the kago, only to realize that the bride-to-be is now missing... and all that's left in the carriage is a single white snake slithering about.
The magical swordsman battles a gang of cutthroats, who are led by a peg-legged villain.
In 1905, Japan was seriously threatened in the Russo-Japanese War. Japan determined a decisive attack on Russia to end the war. A reconnaissance troop was organized to penetrate into the supreme headquarter of Russia in Tieling Mountain of China to find out the enemy's situation...
Dr. Hayakawa
A series of ghastly murders are being committed. The one similarity in each of the murders is that a weird buzzing sound is always heard right before the murder occurs. Is the killer invisible or possibly some other incredible creature?
In the first two films we learn the character's origins, including his childhood and how he learned his fighting skills. Later, he must face his friend, who has joined a gang of criminals.
First of nine films based on the novel. The first live-action adaptation focuses on the origins of how Akadô Suzunosuke learned his skills as a swordsman.
A poor peasant, after years of scraping, becomes a rich and powerful Osaka merchant. Mizoguchi Kenji's final project; he died before completing it and directing duties turned over to Yoshimura Kozaburo.
Bundayû Akamatsu
Early film directed by Kenji Misumi.
In Kyoto a young kimono maker with traditional ideas gets involved with a married professor.
It is brother against brother in this tale of love and betrayal within the famed Yagyu clan. In one of their earliest films together, superstars Ichikawa Raizo and Katsu Shintaro are magnificent as the two finest young swordsmen in the clan. As they vie for the hand of a beautiful woman their loyalty comes into question during an attack on their lord. When one of them masters the secret technique taught to him by Miyamoto Musashi, it leads to bloody violence that can tear the clan apart! Filled with superb swordplay this rare classic is not to be missed!
Large star shaped aliens travel to earth in hopes of warning them about an oncoming catastrophe. To prevent panic about their appearance, one alien takes the form of a popular singer.
The Elder Dr. Itsobe
Large star shaped aliens travel to earth in hopes of warning them about an oncoming catastrophe. To prevent panic about their appearance, one alien takes the form of a popular singer.
Special Forces commander Captain Tadamori returns to Kyoto after successfully defeating the uprising of pirates in the western sea of Japan. But because the high courtiers dislike career soldiers gaining power and influence, they ignore the will of ex-Emperor Toba and refuse to reward the captain. Reward recommender Lord Tokinobu is punished, and the captain sends his son Kiyomori to the Lord's residence, where he falls in love with Tokiko, the Lord's daughter. Meanwhile, Kiyomori finds out that he is possibly the ex-Emperor's son... Written by L.H. Wong
The Great White Tiger Platoon was part of the Aizu clan's last ditch efforts to stop the advance of Imperial troops after the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate. Meant to be a reserve unit as it was made of the young, 16-17 year old sons of Aizu samurai. Their story is one of the great tragedies of the Boshin War (1868-1869) as they were called into action. Getting cut off from the main body of their platoon, a group of 20 from the 2nd squad retreated to Iimori Hill, where they looked down upon fires surrounding Aizu Castle and thinking that the castle has fallen and all is lost, they choose to die as samurai by committing seppuku. A superb rendition of this true story that shows the true honor of the samurai.
Masasue Taira
여행 중 인신매매범의 손에 걸려 모친과 헤어지게 된 주시오와 안주의 오누이는 호족 산쇼다유에게 팔리게 된다. 노예나 다름없게 된 이 두 사람은 중노동에 시달리면서도 모친과의 재회를 꿈꾸며 하루하루를 보낸다. 그로부터 십년 후 여전히 산쇼다유의 수용소에 갇혀있는 이들은 어느 날 새로 들어온 젊은 여인이 부르는 노래에 자신들의 이름이 들어있는 것을 알고는 깜짝 놀란다.
인신매매가 횡행하는 헤이안 시대를 배경으로 부모 자식 간의 애정 그리고 인신매매 등의 인권 문제를 그리고 있는 작품으로, 단순한 이슈로서의 사회성을 인간 조건의 비극성에까지 끌고 간 걸작이다.
12세기 에도 시대, 곳곳에서 반란이 일어나고 혼란과 공포가 교토를 뒤덮는다. 교토의 산조성 또한 공격을 당하고, 왕족인 키사는 젊은 사무라이 모리토에게 구출된다. 이때의 인연을 시작으로 모리토는 그녀를 사랑하게 되지만 키사는 벌써 모리토 보다 계급이 높은 사무라이 남편이 있는 몸이다. 모리토는 충성스러운 사무라이지만 그녀를 향한 사랑 때문에 결국 이성을 잃게 되고 키사의 고모까지 인질로 잡으면서 키사를 자기 것으로 만들려고 한다. 일본에서 처음으로 이스트만 컬러를 사용한 작품으로, 화려한 색감과 의상으로 한 순간도 눈을 떼지 못하게 만든다. 기쿠치 칸의 역사극을 영화화했으며, 1954년 칸 영화제 그랑프리를 수상했다.
Shintô Priest
도공 겐주로는 전란의 혼란을 틈타 큰 돈을 벌 생각을 한다. 한편 그의 매제 도베이는 사무라이로서 출세하는 것이 꿈인 사내다. 겐주로의 처 미야기는 돈은 못 벌더라도 가족 간의 단란함이 훨씬 소중하다고 생각한다. 겐주로는 만들어놓은 도기를 팔러 도회로 나가 상당기간 소식이 끊어진다. 그는 시장에서 어느 귀부인으로부터 물건을 배달해달라는 부탁을 받는데, 그녀의 아름다움에 한눈에 반하고 만다. 현실과 환상의 구분을 일거에 무너뜨리는 뛰어난 영상미와 인간의 어리석음의 근원을 파고드는 설득력 있는 스토리로 미조구치 겐지의 이름을 세계에 알린 작품일뿐 아니라 후대의 영화 작가들에게 큰 영향을 끼친 영화이다.
An intellectual couple in a staid and tedious marriage are surprised when the wife’s niece, who has run away from home, turns up unexpectedly to stay with them. Their mundane lives are sent into disarray by the emotional and energetic Ako.
Gotō Matabei is the most able and fierce samurai of the Kuroda clan. However, he gradually dislikes the ruthless personality of Kuroda Nagamasa and leaves the clan. Seven years later, he joins Toyotomi Hideyori's army. Filmed in 1945 and released in 1952.
Dedication of the Great Buddha is a 1952 Japanese film directed by Teinosuke Kinugasa. It was entered into the 1953 Cannes Film Festival.
오시즈라는 아가씨와 맞선을 보게 된 젊은 골동품상 신노스케는 그녀가 아니라 그녀의 언니인 오유에게 더욱 끌리게 된다. 미망인이자 한 아이의 모친인 오유는 그런 신노스케의 마음에 아랑곳하지 않고 오시즈에게 결혼을 권한다. 오시즈는 신노스케가 자신보다 언니에게 더 끌린다는 것을 알면서도 두 사람의 가교 역할을 해주기로 결심하고 결혼을 받아들인다.
기온의 게이샤 오키쿠의 딸로 무언가에 대한 반발심에 만나는 남자를 수시로 갈아치우는 기미쵸(君蝶)와 시청에서 근무하는 여동생을 비교하며 화류계를 리얼하게 묘사함. 각본 신도 가네토가 미조구치 겐지에의 오마쥬로 써내려간 작품.
Umeo Miyazawa
Jewel thieves become interested in an invisibility formula invented by Professor Nakazato and want to use his invention to acquire a diamond necklace called the "Tears of Amour."
Fourth film of the Bannai Tarao series starring Chiezo Kataoka
서양 연극을 도입한 연출가 시마무라는 "인형의 집"을 무대에 올릴 준비를 하는데, 여주인공 노라 역 때문에 고민이다. 그러다 시마무라는 남편과 싸우고 헤어졌다는 여배우 마츠이 스마코를 만나게 되는데, 거침없이 이야기하는 당찬 그녀를 노라 역에 발탁한다. 스마코와 사랑에 빠진 시마무라는 그녀와 함께 하기 위해 가족까지 버리고, 둘은 연극계에서도 쫓겨난다. 20세기 초에 활약했던 여배우 마츠이 스마코를 소재로 한 나가타 히데오의 희곡을 각색했다.
A 1946 Japanese film directed by Keigo Kimura.
A band of guerrillas fight against occupying British forces in Malaya.
A story about Ômura Masujirô
The Color Print of Edo is a 1939 black and white Japanese silent film with benshi accompaniment directed by Kazuo Mori. It is a cheerful period drama, sprinkled with comical scenes and tells the story of a loyal and handsome Edo period servant who fights to help his older brother marry the woman he loves. The star of this film Utaemono Ichikawa gained enormous popularity for his portrayal of a cheerful and chivalrous man.
A quintessential example of the period "ghost cat" (bakeneko or kaibyo) movie, this was one of at least six such titles released by the studio Shinko Kinema between 1937-40 featuring Japan's first scream queen, Sumiko Suzuki. Here she plays Mitsue, the possessive onna-kabuki actress betrothed to apprentice shamisen player Seijiro. When one day Okiyo, a beautiful young girl of samurai class, is led to Seijiro's house by his lost cat Kuro, she becomes besotted with him. Dark jealous passions are invoked in Mitsue, which are intensified when Seijiro gifts Okiyo his precious shamisen. The cat is the first to suffer at the end of Mitsue's hairpin, but returns from the grave to assist Okiyo's younger sister Onui avenge her sister's murder.
Directed by Tomotaka Tasaka.
Yaji and Kita: The Battle of Toba Fushimi is a 1928 Japanese film directed by Tomiyasu Ikeda.[1] This comedy film showcases the acting talent of Denjirō Ōkōchi and acts as a complementary film to Yaji and Kita: Yasuda's Rescue, which is part of the Yaji and Kita series. An 8-minute remnant of the film was released on DVD by Digital Meme with a benshi accompaniment by Midori Sawato. The version in the National Film Center is 23 minutes long.
Jiro Tezuka, engineer
Tomotaka Tasaka's earliest surviving surviving film is a powerful adaptation of Hector Malot's "Nobody's Girl".
Yasota Sugimura
Yaji and Kita: Yasuda's Rescue is a 1927 black and white Japanese silent film directed by Tomiyasu Ikeda.[1] This comedy film showcases the comic talent of Denjiro Okochi, which contrasts markedly with his heroic performance in Oatsurae Jirokichi Koshi. The humorous exchanges with Goro Kawabe, his senior at Nikkatsu, can be priceless, with the expressions and movements of the two goofy characters making for pure, hilarious slapstick comedy. A 15-minute remnant of the film was released on DVD by Digital Meme with benshi accompaniment by Midori Sawato and Ryubi Kato.
A pre-war sports movie by director Tomu Uchida. This story is set at the Waseda-Keio regatta. This was shot at the banks of the Sumida River, where the regatta is still held today. The main stroke role of Mochizuki was played by young star Tsunemi Hirose. Mochizuki, who enrolled in A University that lost the previous year gains the trust of the President's niece Mitsuko (Shizue Natsukawa) but a spy from the other side uses this relationship to create a scandal. The regatta approaches, with Mochizuki not able to participate... The supporters and atmosphere of student sports at the time are well presented.