Supakorn Kitsuwon

Supakorn Kitsuwon

출생 : 1972-12-28, Thailand


Supakorn Kitsuwon is a Thai actor. Among his starring roles are as Pan in Monrak Transistor and Khun Krabi in SARS Wars. He had notable supporting roles in Tears of the Black Tiger as Mahesuan and in Dang Bireley's and Young Gangsters as Pu Bottlebomb.

프로필 사진

Supakorn Kitsuwon

참여 작품

Low Season
When her ability to see ghosts ruins her love life, a heartbroken woman seeks solace at a mountain resort, encountering several fellow lonely singletons.
잃어버린 제국을 찾아서
Master Det
카우는 과거 어린 시절 기억을 상실한 채 친구 페치와 좀도둑 생활을 하는 사고뭉치 청년이다. 어느 날 그들은 경찰로 위장해 불법 통행자들로부터 통행료를 뜯어내던 중 진짜 경찰에게 들켜 도망치게 된다. 그러다 우연히 옛 친구 핌과 창을 만나고 몰라볼 정도로 멋있게 변한 창이 군에 입대한다는 소식을 듣고 카우와 페치도 자극을 받아 자원입대한다. 카우는 마법사 사부로부터 매일 마법을 익히며 심신을 단련시키고 점차 자신의 잃어버린 과거를 되찾아간다. 과거 우타 왕국엔 사악한 마법사 세력을 무찌른 마법사 정예부대 우타마르트가 있었는데 사악한 마법사 무리는 환생해서 현재의 우타 왕국을 다시 위협한다. 카우와 창은 위기에 놓인 왕국과 사랑하는 여인 핌을 지키러 나서는데...
Veena and Mora who have lived with their father since their mother, a krasue hunter, died. Veena has to take care of her younger sister who has inherited the krasue curse and whose body is currently in the transformation stage. In the meantime, Mora is being closely watched by Ratree, queen of the Krasue tribe, who is waiting to take revenge for her mother’s acts.
400: 제국의 부활
18세기 태국의 아요타야 왕국의 전사 쿤 롱이 병사 400명을 병합해 적의 침입에 맞서 싸우다 죽음에 이른다는 내용의 영화
Lost in the Universe
A thirteen-year-old boy, receiving a camcorder for his birthday, enters the magical cinematic universe of Pen-ek Ratanaruang.
King Naresuan 5
The Legend of King Naresuan Part 5 Elephant Battle. In the year 2129 the Department of the Red God was incensed to the crushing defeat of King Naresuan. Both have to face the hosts and glory. So then wreak vengeance to the Lord Supangkanlaya. HRH on Dlamini's father was a sadness with the realization that the fate of the daughter and invading the Ayutthaya done it, because he defected to the enemy side. Nordstrom will finally died King Naresuan's went up succeed to the throne of Ayudhya dominate the successor of his father.
The Flood
In 2011, there was a great flood crisis in Bangkok. Many lives have experienced this in different ways. Some people want to go home, Some people want to stay home, Some people just want to have rice to eat to fill their stomachs, and some people want a flood Join the experience with the life.
옹박: 더 레전드
Guard in Golden Armour
1400년, 미지의 땅 태국. 권력에 의해 온 가족이 처참히 살해당하는 모습을 지켜본 ‘티엔’. 복수를 다짐하던 그는 반군의 지도자 ‘처낭’의 눈에 띄게 되고, 그로부터 세계 각지의 무술을 전수받는다. 마침내 절대 무공의 소유자가 된 ‘티엔’은 복수의 길을 떠나지만, 과거에 대한 새로운 사실을 알게 되면서 무수한 암살자들과 마주하게 되는데…실전 살상 고대 무에타이의 부활!! 이제, 그가 펼칠 액션 신화의 문이 열린다!
랑카수카의 여왕
Chief of Yahol Pirates
As sea pirates threaten to invade their kingdoms, three queens of Langkasuka must band together to defend their lands and peoples.
악마의 기술 3
Years after teacher Panor's affair with student Ta's father led to the death of his mother, Daun, other family members use black magician Dis to shift Daun's soul into Panor's body. Things go wrong, and soon bloody havoc visits the family. Meanwhile, Dis pursues Panor's three-eyed devil, wanting to possess its powers himself in this gore-filled spine-chiller.
Busaba Bold and Beautiful
Two petty thieves and best friends are looking for a childhood girlfriend from their childhood. When they find, her they discover that the girl has also become a thief. She persuades them to rob invaluable diamonds from a powerful criminal. Later, the girl tries to allure them to steal the diamonds. Meanwhile the two buddies are now falling in love with the same girl.
람보 4: 라스트 블러드
세상과 단절한 채 살아가는 람보(실베스타 스탤론 분)를 찾아온 선교사들은 무자비한 살상이 자행되는 미얀마(버마)의 냉전지대로의 안내를 부탁하지만 단호히 거절당한다. 하지만 여인 사라의 진심이 느껴지는 간곡한 부탁으로 생지옥을 방불케하는 미얀마의 안내자가 된 람보. 그의 안내로 미얀마로 이동하던 일행은 해적의 위협으로 절체절명의 위기에 놓이고, 람보는 감춰왔던 전투술로 해적을 전멸시킨다. 그러던 어느 날, 함께 했던 선교사들이 납치되었음을 전해 듣고 전쟁에 대한 뜨거운 피를 느끼게 된 람보는 결국 선교단을 구하기 위해 용병들을 이끌고 지옥같은 전쟁의 땅으로 향하는데..
The Perfect Killers
Papa Pede is one of the most powerful people in the city, but he has been marked for death by his enemies. He forcibly recruits two guys, Kieb and Jeng, who have just been released from jail to assassinate his assassin. Pede believes that Kieb is the man who managed to kill a famed assassin many years before, but in reality that had just been an accident! Living up this reputation, plus the added financial responsibilities of paying his kid's school tuition, his friend's hospital bills, Jieb is forced to accept. They are given five days to accomplish their mission. It's a do or die operation.
Sars Wars: Bangkok Zombie Crisis
Khun Krabii
In the wake of a deadly SARS outbreak that’s turned ordinary folks into flesh-eating zombies, Thailand stands alone as the only nation to block the pandemic. That is, until the virus finds its way into a crowded Bangkok apartment complex.
The Meteor
On the day three planets Neptune, Uranus and Saturn align in a straight line, when the time is in the zodiacal period of Capricorn, a strange phenomenon occurs over the skies of Earth. A torrential downpour of meteorites cascades into the Earth’s atmosphere.
Goodman Town
After the end of nuclear war era, people chose to be criminals, thieves or even joined Mafias but all foolishly believed in fate and superstition. The story began when “Sua Yai” the leader of the head Mafia in “Goodman Town” had a nightmare which foretold that the only remedy was to get married or else misfortune would befall upon him.
Mon-Rak Transistor
An aspiring singer leaves his pregnant bride a radio for company when he is drafted into the army; unfit for military life, the man goes AWOL and joins a pop music troupe but soon after his wife tracks him down his life spirals out of control.
The Legend of Suriyothai
Sir Sriyod
During the 16th century, as Thailand contends with both a civil war and Burmese invasion, a beautiful princess rises up to help protect the glory of the Kingdom of Ayothaya. Based on the life of Queen Suriyothai.
Tears of the Black Tiger
A homage and parody of 1950s and 1960s Thai romantic melodramas and action films. Dum, the son of a peasant falls in love with Rumpoey, the daughter of a wealthy and respected family. The star-crossed lovers are torn apart for years, but their forbidden love survives. When tragedy strikes, Dum unleashes his rage and becomes the gun-slinging outlaw the "Black Tiger" who will stop at nothing to seek his revenge.
Extra Legal
Power and money! Few can deny them. Few can be freed from them… Kong is top bodyguard of a politician and big drug dealer. Kong is also a police informer for money to help his sister.
Crime Kings
In 1946, just after World War 2, bandits rule the countryside of Siam. The notorious Bai rises to become the king of bandits and police chief Yodying has been ordered to apprehend Bai dead or alive.
Dang Bireley's and Young Gangsters
Pu Bottlebomb
Nonzee recreates the life of a notorious late-1950s gangster. Dang Bireley's had Elvis and James Dean fixations and lived predictably fast and died predictably young. He first killed a man at the age of 13, and became famous in Phra Nakorn as a Chinese protection racketeer from the age of 18. Everything swung his way until one of Thailand's many coups d'etat imposed martial law and drove the city's gangsters up-country. Dang and his loyal cohort Piak had little trouble facing down the local hicks, but bristled when forced to operate a long side their arch-enemy Pu, known as Bottle-Bomb.