On a cold Christmas Eve, former mild-mannered college student Casey Smallwood is released from prison after serving ten years for underage drinking. Eager to get out of town, he plans to meet his longtime pen pal on a train to Washington, D.C., but after the holiday express enters the winter wilderness, it’s hijacked by an angry gang of domestic terrorists and highly-intelligent, government-trained raccoons! Not one to back down from a raccoon fight, Casey joins forces with a porter on the train to fight the terrorists and help bring down a top secret, raccoon-controlled, military laser satellite!
On Laura's 27th birthday, her and six friends are trapped into a closet by a psycho killer. It turns out they're part of a twisted game, where fans watch the murders live over an internet webcast.
Tragedy strikes married couple Paul and Lily, when Lily's father dies. Lily has her father cremated, brings the urn home and now Paul has to come to terms with the death of his father-in-law whom he had despised. The situation gets a bit frayed when the lid to the urn mysteriously disappears, and Paul begins to experience happenings no one else is aware of.
Tragedy strikes married couple Paul and Lily, when Lily's father dies. Lily has her father cremated, brings the urn home and now Paul has to come to terms with the death of his father-in-law whom he had despised. The situation gets a bit frayed when the lid to the urn mysteriously disappears, and Paul begins to experience happenings no one else is aware of.
1년전 친구가 주최한 파티에서 멜린다 소르디노(크리스틴 스튜어트)는 잘생긴 선배한테 강간당한다. 이에 충격이 컸던 멜린다는 결국 경찰을 부르게 된다. 이 일로 몇몇 아이들이 경찰서에 연행된 후, 멜린다는 학교에서 따돌린 당한다. 자신이 겪었던 끔찍한 일을 말도 못하고 꾹꾹 숨겨놓으며 멜린다는 다른 사람과 의사소통하기를 거부하기 까지에 이른다.