A young girl has been left an orphan but in the custody of her step parents. From the afterlife, her parents look out for her and don't like the treatment she is getting.
A young girl has been left an orphan but in the custody of her step parents. From the afterlife, her parents look out for her and don't like the treatment she is getting.
A young girl has been left an orphan but in the custody of her step parents. From the afterlife, her parents look out for her and don't like the treatment she is getting.
Don Johnson stars as Elvis Presley in this made-for-TV true story about The King's love affair with Linda Thompson (Stephanie Zimbalist), a young beauty pageant contestant who was his live-in girlfriend and traveling companion for the last four years of his life. The story begins with their first meeting and traces their years together when Thompson tried to keep Presley off drugs in the last years of his career.
Martin Scorsese spends an evening with larger-than-life raconteur Steven Prince—a former drug addict, road manager for Neil Diamond, and actor—as he recounts stories from his colorful life.
트래비스는 베트남전에서 귀환한 후 불면증에 시달리며 사회에 적응하지 못하고 있다. 그래서 그는 택시 운전기사로 일하며 뉴욕의 밤거리를 다니며 타락한 사회를 보고 자신이 직접 이 악들을 제거하려고 마음 먹는다. 어느 날 트래비스는 우연히 12살 짜리 창녀 아이리스를 만나게 되고 그녀의 인생을 구하려 하지만 그녀는 집으로 돌아가길 꺼려 한다. 자신은 아무 것도 할 수 없다는 생각에 무기력해진 트래비스는 4개의 권총을 구입하고 상원의원 팔렌타인을 저격하러 나선다. 하지만 엉뚱하게도 사창가에서 피비린내 나는 총격전을 벌인 끝에 아이리스를 묶어두고 있던 포주 스포츠를 살해하고 마는데...