Richard Heslop

참여 작품

The Raft of the Medusa
After months of continuous rain, all coastal areas of the UK are flooded. Bella and Jude are marooned on their flooded farm, cut off from any contact with the world outside.
Shooting the Hunter
A tribute to Derek Jarman.
Caught up in a world he doesn't fit into, FRANK tells the unique story of an lonely outsider who manages to find friends in the strangest of places.
Caught up in a world he doesn't fit into, FRANK tells the unique story of an lonely outsider who manages to find friends in the strangest of places.
Sugarcubes: Live Zabor
Live concert footage of The Sugarcubes from 1988 and 1989, mixed with short interview segments.
A Docklands bus driver on the verge of a nervous breakdown, destroys his house to build an ark in his living room.
Camera Operator
HIV 양성 판정을 받은 데릭 저먼이 가꾸던 던저네스의 정원을 배경으로 한 현대적 예수수난극. 원자력 발전소 근처 황야에 위치한 정원은 게이 커플이 순결한 사랑을 나누는 에덴 동산인 동시에 십자가의 수난을 짊어져야 하는 겟세마네 동산이다. 게이 주인공을 예수와 동일시한 정치적인 급진성 속에 푸르름, 하늘, 선명한 꽃이 아름답게 표현되고 있다. 차가운 죽음에 대한 나직한 탄식이 안타까운 여운을 남기는 한편 어딘가 밝음과 고요함이 깃들어 있는 영화.
Ostia is a fascinating short film directed by Julian Cole and produced for the Royal College of Art, which reconstructs the events leading up to the murder of Pier Paolo Pasolini. Ostia relocates the proceedings to London and stars Derek Jarman as Pasolini. The film features an evocative dream sequence which is accompanied by poignant excerpts from Pasolini’s own poetry, as read by Jarman.
The Child And The Saw
A nine year old girl receives a giant bandsaw for her birthday
대영 제국의 몰락
사제복을 입은 데릭 저먼이 세계의 파괴와 죽음을 읊조리는 한편 대영제국의 몰락을 애도한다. 시대적 배경이 생략된 황량한 폐허의 풍경 속에서 대처리즘 치하 영국의 절망적인 현실을 침통하게 고발하고 있는 데릭 저먼의 대표작. 신세계를 향하는 배로 영국을 떠나는 빅토리아 시대 가족의 모습을 그린 라파엘 전파 화가 포드 매독스 브라운의 그림에서 제목을 따왔으며, 영화 속 대부분의 대사는 데릭 저먼이 썼던 시들이다.
The Queen Is Dead
Three song clips by The Smiths ('The Queen is Dead', 'There is a Light that Never Goes Out' and 'Panic'), all directed with an artistic and conceptual vision by the late Derek Jarman. The result is the junction of the powerful lyrics and melodies by Morrissey and Marr combined with Jarman's expressive images.
In 1986 Landin directed the film Procar in collaboration with Heslop and Herbert Verhey for live performances in Amsterdam with the Car Ensemble of the Netherlands. The film Procar later appeared in the programme of the Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin 1987 with a remastered audio recording of the Car Ensemble as soundtrack. It was also released as part of a compilation of British short films 1984-1987 called Fat of the Land.
A Nosegay
A homoerotic homage to Jean Genet and Comte de Lautréamont, featuring Francois Testory Richard Heslop and Celestino Coronado. The visual motif of the nosegay is used to tell the story of the love of an angel for a hermaphrodite. Made at the Royal College of Art.
Imagining October
Imagining October explores art and politics in the final years of the Cold War, drawing connections between pre-Perestroika Russia and Thatcherite Britain. The title refers to the 1917 Bolshevik revolution and Sergei Eisenstein’s propaganda film October: Ten Days That Shook the World 1928. The project began during a trip to the Soviet Union sponsored by the British Film Institute in October 1984. Jarman was invited to present The Tempest in Moscow and Baku with fellow filmmaker Sally Potter and film theorist Peter Wollen and asked in return to make a short film for the London Film Festival in November.
Fuck You G.I.
A music video made while I was at St. Martins College of Art, compiled from 8mm film I'd shot and found footage. The recent version has a clean soundtrack but the picture came off a very old U-matic tape that was warped, hence it has a strange stutter and freeze effect on it which wasn't in the original edit but--as part of the look of the piece was to do with decay and things falling apart--it kind of fits. I made this video after I had made 7 Songs for 23 Skidoo as I was doing a live multi-screen film show for the band during their live performances and this was an extension of that process, again at St. Martins College of Art and the London College of Printing.
Scratch video piece by Richard Heslop for the band 23 Skidoo.
23 Skidoo, 7 songs
"The 7 songs video was Made between 1981-1982 . Edited at The London collage of printing and St Martins school of art. Shot on 8mm and vhs and u matic tape and found footage. The colourisation was created using a wonderful hand made early colour synth that was installed into the edit suite at the L.C.P at the time. I started doing live projectons for 23 skidoos performances having already known Johnny and Alex Turnbul from being in the same skateboard team and hanging out at skate cty skateboard park with them. They released 7 songs and wanted to make pictures to go with the tracks. We were rehearsing In Throbbing Gristles recording studio in london fields in Hackney at the time and i filmed them there for the small bit of live footage of them in the video. I released the VHS of this with Doublevsion a coumpany from Shefield . It was a cut and paste piece of work, i was learning to edit as i went along and was a very ntuitive process." - Richard Heslop