Vlad Rădescu
출생 : 1952-11-18, Bucharest, Romania
루카스는 4명의 악랄한 패거리가 부모를 잔인하게 살해하고 집을 불태우는 걸 목격한다. 숨어서 목숨을 건진 루카스는 라즈반 왕을 찾아가 부모를 죽인 범죄자들을 잡아 달라고 신고하지만 왕은 아무 말 없이 루카스를 무시한다. 루카스는 부모의 복수를 위해 소 두 마리를 판 돈을 가지고 용병을 구하기 위해 맥주홀로 간다. 그곳에서 다리우스가 루카스의 용병이 되겠다고 다가오지만, 루카스의 돈을 탐낸 다른 용병들과의 싸움이 발생한다. 싸움을 진압하기 위해 나타난 왕실 근위대를 피해 달아난 루카스는 용병을 구하지 못하고 돈을 잃고 만다. 모든 것을 잃은 루카스는 복수를 위해 마지막으로 소원을 이루어준다는 용을 찾아 나선다. 용 시벳은 처음에는 복수를 도와줄 수 없다고 거절하지만, 말로 변신하여 루카스를 도와준다. 그리고 맥주홀에서 만난 다리우스가 나타나 루카스와 함께 동행하며 살인자들을 찾아 나서는데...
버스킹하는 바이올리니스트 조니와 예술학교에 갓 입학한 무용수 루비. 전혀 만날 일 없을 것만 같던 이들은 조니의 바이올린 도난 사건으로 가까워지고, 조니의 아랫집 이웃 스위치 스텝스 멤버들과 친해지면서 상금 2만 5천불의 경연대회에 참여하기로 마음 먹는데…
Mr. Schoen
Regent Horthy is the leader of Hungary and a German ally, but his favorable standing with Hitler changes as the war comes to an end. Forced to cede Hungary’s power or else witness the execution of his son, Regent Horthy gives up control of his country to the Nazis, who quickly move Hungarians to ghettos and death camps, with no hope in sight. But the despair changes when a young man named Elek emerges. Separated from his family during the relocations and aided by the woman he loves , Elek defies the enemy by becoming one of them. In a race against time, disguised as a Nazi Officer he embarks on a mission to save his family and thousands of his countrymen.
1453년 루마니아의 드라큘라 왕자(루크 로버츠)는 전장에서 싸우던 중, 신하들의 음모에 의해 어린 신부 에르즈베트를 잃고 만다. 분노하여 신에 대한 저항을 맹세한 드라큘라는 고통스러운 영혼으로 영원히 살아가는 저주를 받는다. 100년 뒤, 슬레이어 훈련생 알리나(켈리 웬햄)와 에스메는 성스러운 무기 ‘라이트브링어’를 반 헬싱(존 보이트)에게 전달하는 임무를 맡는다. 그 무기는 카인이 아벨을 죽인 것으로, 아벨의 후손인 드라큘라를 비롯한 밤의 괴물들을 물리칠 수 있는 유일한 도구. 알리나 자매는 도중에 도둑떼와의 소동을 겪은 끝에 반 헬싱에게 무기를 전해주지만, 드라큘라가 보낸 라스 부대의 공격을 받아 알리나가 포로로 붙잡혀간다. 드라큘라는 알리나가 에르즈베트의 환생이라 믿고 그녀에게 사로잡히는데...
Tribunal President
The personal story of the young student Felix Goldschmidt, who finds himself arrested for a crime he does not understand, like his fellow prisoners, he believes at first that he the victim of a mistake. But Red Gloves is also a political story, describing how a totalitarian state imposes itself by fear, rooting out individuals almost randomly and demanding their submission. By cutting back to scenes from the old life of Felix, the author manages to achieve balance and contrast with the suffocating atmosphere of the prison. We are shown our hero as an idealistic young man, searching for love and fulfillment.
Mastro Guitelmo
12세기 이탈리아 북부의 롬바르디인들은 신성로마제국의 게르만인들에 의해 지배를 당했고,
제국의 황제 프리드리히(바바로사)는 이탈리아를 통일하고자 밀라노를 정복한다. 밀라노의 젊은이 알베르토는 밀라노를 지키려 시민들과 필사적으로 맞서나 굴복 당하고 비참한 생활을 살아간다. 비참한 노예 생활에 환멸을 느낀 알베르토와 그의 친구들은 ‘죽음의 부대’라는 900명의 결사대를 조직하여 제국의 황제에게 맞서려 하는데….
Joseph K.
The life of Primo Carnera a.k.a. "Ambling Alp", Italian professional boxer and the World Heavyweight Champion from June 1933 to June 1934, but also accused by some of having ties to the mob.
Colonel Popescu
A moving coming of age story in a time of extreme change: on August 23, 1944 in a small city in Romanian Transylvania, the 16 year old Felix Goldschmidt awaits his classmates for their traditional Exitus Party (school graduation). However, this very day the kingdom of Romania takes leave of its ally of many years - Nazi Germany - thus ending the 800 year old, highly successful story of ethnic German immigration at the feet of the Carpathian Mountains. It is a great story of young people's blindness to the rise of Fascism, the destruction of bourgeois values, a first love and shattered friendships.
A BBC adaptation of the Victorian "penny dreadful" tale of 18th century "demon barber" Sweeney Todd, of Fleet Street, who cuts the throats of unsuspecting clients in his London shop.
Dr. Bacovia
루마니아의 깊은 숲, 니콜라이 박사 일행은 13세기 수도원의 폐허 아래 숨겨진 케이브의 입구를 발견한다. 3,400미터 아래 위치한 입구, 200미터가 넘는 폭포, 깎아지른 듯한 빙벽, 게다가 끝이 보이지 않는 강이 흐르는 케이브의 내부는 마치 하나의 지구를 축소시킨듯 놀랍기만 하고 이들은 본격적인 탐사에 나선다. 빠르고 거대하게 무언가 움직이기 시작했다
하지만 한치의 오차도 없던 탐사는 입구가 막히는 불의의 사고와 팀의 리더인 잭이 정체를 알 수 없는 생명체의 공격을 받는 등 불길함에 휩싸인다. 출구가 사라진 케이브! 그리고 괴생명체의 위협까지, 게다가 괴생명체의 공격을 받았던 팀의 리더 잭의 몸에 이상 증세가 나타나기 시작하면서 탐사팀은 점입가경의 위기를 맞게되고 케이브를 탈출하기 위한 이들의 생명을 건 도전이 시작되는데... 어둠 속에 잠들었던 케이브의 비밀은 무엇인가?
이들을 공격한 괴생명체의 정체는 과연 무엇인가?
The Voice
When Steve Mitchell is clandestinely sent to the US embassy in Bucharest, Romania to disarm a nuclear bomb that has secretly remained in the building since the end of the Cold War, little does he know that other problems will soon erupt. He must join Erica Long, a diplomatic attaché who is not all that she appears, to work together on setting the correct computer code that will disable the weapon and accomplish the mission. But while watching video monitors from inside a long-forgotten surveillance room, Steve witnesses a surprising deadly takeover of the building by the Serbian Liberation Front.
The drama of a young man who wants to emigrate in the west, but in order to do that he has to sell a kidney.
The topic of the film points out the condition of an intellectual in time of totalitarian dictatorship, which subjugated an island from where you can not run. The only alternative is collaborating with power and internment in a rehabilitation institute. A famous writer returns to his homeland to try to confront the terror of an oppressive regime, but he ends up being himself corrupted-thanks to the aberrant system.
Joe and Benny are two cowboys on tour in the Wild West as a singing duo, usually without a penny in their pockets to spare. Joe is a talented rodeo-rider, which fascinates the little girl Susanne and gives her the wish to have him as a father. Her mother Maria, however, is to marry the evil, rich farmer Dave. Susanne wants to stop the wedding, so she sneaks aboard Joe and Benny's wagon to persuade them to intervene. Dave brands them as kidnappers, forcing them to flee as outlaws to one of the families tyrannized by Dave. Together, they strike back at Dave, at which point Maria sees that he's the wrong man for her.
Avram Iancu
1848, Transylvania. Avram Iancu raises a peasant army to defend the rights of the Romanian ethnics, while Nicolae Bălcescu tries a diplomatic approach.
Avram Iancu
In 1848 during the tumultuous era of European revolutions shaking the continent out of its feudal-based empire-based system the Wallachian politician Nicolae Balcescu is trying to reach the same revolutionary goals at home.
The life of Dacian war-leader Burebista who ruled between 80-44 B.C.and founded a strong Dacian Kingdom despite considerable pressure from the neighboring Celtic warlords and the Greek cities of the Black Sea coast.
Inspired by the Moisei massacre in 1944 northern Transylvania.
Cantor Petre
During the 18th century when Moldavian Prince Dimitrie Cantemir writes The History of the Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire the manuscript is stolen and offered to the highest bidder.
Elev ofițer Andrei Petrescu
The film follows the stories of a handful of characters: Andrei (Radescu), who finds himself in conflict with his peers; Colonel Maxineanu (Stanculescu), the school commander; and Adrian (Mavrodineanu), a young villager who is inspired by the bravery of the cadets.
The Hungarians arrive and launch a series of attacks against the Romanians. The Axis are pushed back again and again, despite superior numbers and weaponry. At the end of the film, they launch one last attack, which seems to momentarily begin breaking through. Just at that moment, reinforcements from the Soviet and Romanian armies arrive, pushing the Hungarians back.
Ciprian Porumbescu
This film envisions the patriotic and tragic life of Romanian composer Ciprian Porumbescu.
Alone in his kitchen in Bucharest, Dorel prepares for what seems to be a party. Actually, it’s his son’s wedding which takes place in the United States. Dorel is going to watch the wedding through a webcam, together with two of his son’s friends. On a small screen, they are about to meet the bride and her father, and witness the ceremony.