József Pecsenke

참여 작품

Bástya's Bodyguard
헝가리의 거장 피테르 바쵸의 대표작이지만 당시 헝가리의 사회주의 체제를 통렬히 비판한 탓에 제작한 뒤 10년여 간 상영금지됐던 작품. 한 소시민이 부당한 이유로 거듭 감옥에 끌려가고 곤란한 상황에 놓인다.
The Fatal Shot
Laci and the divorced Klári decide to commit suicide, since neither's parents give them shelter, they have no place to sleep, no decent job and no future. Béla, who lives on stealing cars, joins them. He has a gun. Based on a true story.
Nyár a hegyen
Komora, a young painter and his friends, Mari, a teacher, and the elderly doctor, Szabó, buy a barrack-building situated at the foot of the stone mine of Badacsony. Earlier, the placeserved as an internment camp. Now, they intend to establish a camp with workshop sessions for fine artists. Mari and the painter fall in love.