Pierre Deschamps

참여 작품

Our Ties
Moussa has always been gentle, altruistic and present for his family. This is the opposite of his brother Ryad, a TV presenter of great notoriety who is reproached for his selfishness by his entourage. Only Moussa defends him, who has great admiration for his brother. One day Moussa falls and hits his head violently. He suffers a head injury. Unrecognizable, he now speaks without a filter and tells his relatives the truth. He ends up falling out with everyone except Ryad.
알마 비바
여름 방학을 맞은 살로메는 할머니를 비롯한 가족들과 시골 마을에서 즐거운 시간을 보내고 있는 중이다. 민간 신앙에 관심이 많은 할머니, 오랜 갈등을 숨기고 있는 가족들과 함께 지내는 동안 살로메는 많은 것을 보고 듣고 생각한다. 포르투갈 교외의 아름다운 풍경과 루아 미셸의 연기가 선명한 인상을 남기는 작품. 2022년 칸영화제 비평가주간 상영. 감독의 장편 데뷔작.
The Innocent
The story centres on Sylvie, a nearly sixty-year-old woman who has fallen in love with Michel, a thug she marries in prison. The two of them dream of starting again with a clean slate by opening a flower shop. But Sylvie’s son Abel, convinced that Michel will fall into a life of crime, disapproves of this relationship…
The Forgotten Ones
In the 1950's, Jews coming from North Africa and the Middle East settled in the newly constituted State of Israël. The Mizrahim, as their are called, were denied their right to a better life and forced to move to development towns in the Negev Desert. Today, the new generations of Mizrahim still suffer from this policy conducted 70 years ago. Michale Boganim follows the footsteps of her father, who came from Morocco and quickly became a leader of the local Israeli Black Panthers to stand against this discrimination. She embarks on a road trip through Israël's history to meet with three generation of Mizrahims.
The Baudis affair, the murderous rumor
Sound Mixer
In 2002, serial killer Patrice Alègre was sentenced to life imprisonment for five murders. Gendarme Roussel, the main investigator of this case, believes that he will make him confess to other unsolved crimes in Toulouse. Two ex-prostitutes give a series of names of presumed accomplices of the killer, among them Dominique Baudis, then president of the CSA. He decides to face the case alone. Around him, it is silence: not an official support of his political family. Almost twenty years later, we return to the Baudis affair to try to understand it, with the testimonies of Pierre and Benjamin Baudis, his sons, François Hollande, Camille Pascal and the main protagonists.
사랑 고백
15살 켄자와 13살 난 동생 마디는 소셜 미디어에서 영감 받아 괴롭힘과 창피 주는 사소한 장난을 벌이고, 그 강도는 점점 더 세진다. 오늘, 켄자는 버스에서 순수하고 로맨틱한 동생을 시험대에 올린다. 마디는 지금 당장 자신의 존재도 모르는 자신의 짝사랑 자다에게 사랑을 고백해야 하는데... 누나에게 압박을 받은 마디는 결국 행동으로 옮긴다.
더 스웜
식용 메뚜기 사육을 시작한 싱글맘 비르지니. 기대만큼 번식은 되지 않고, 농장 운영도 생활도 갈수록 팍팍하다. 그렇게 지쳐가던 중 메뚜기가 특정 먹이에 광분한다는 사실을 발견하는데. 그렇다, 놈들이 피 맛을 알아버린 것이다.
Orsay, les grandes métamorphoses
Mix Technician
Inaugurated in 1986 by François Mitterrand, a link between the Louvre and Pompidou, Orsay houses the largest collection of Impressionist art in the world. Project after project, the museum has been transformed to modernize and welcome more visitors, while preserving its historic character. Challenges taken up with each new project.
Stalin and the Katyn Massacre
Original Music Composer
The Katyn massacre, carried out by the Soviet NKVD in 1940, was only one of many unspeakable crimes committed by Stalin's ruthless executioners over three decades. The mass murder of thousands of Polish officers was part of a relentless purge, the secrets and details of which have only recently been partially revealed.
The Atomic Adventure
Algeria desert, 1961. France just detonated an atomic bomb. A patrol of seven soldiers is sent to ground zero to take samples and measure the current radioactivity. The more they advance, the more they perceive that they are entering a dangerous uncharted territory: the future…
그림자가 사라진 날
2012년, 시리아의 혹독한 겨울을 나는 사나의 소망은 아들에게 따뜻한 음식을 해주는 것. 조리용 가스를 구하려 집을 나선 사나는 사람들과 인근 마을로 이동하던 중 위기에 처하게 되는데, 그 와중에 사람들이 전쟁 중에 자신의 그림자를 잃는다는 사실을 알게 된다.
Don't Look Down
A woman and four men who barely know each other find themselves in an apartment in the sky above Paris. They have all been the victim of the same domineering pervert who is locked in a room. That night, they decided to finish it. In turn, they tell each other memories that bind them to this man and enter the room to confront him. But what happens between the monster and them remains their secret.
City of Tales
At night, during the Persian new year celebrations in Spring, the inhabitants of Los Angeles become the hosts to memories of Tehran. They no longer speak English, but a Persian idiom. Neon lights fill the streets with psychedelic colors. During this interval, like the old roman technics of the memory palace which used space visualisation to memorize information, the material space of the ephemeral and mutant territory of Los Angeles streets are used to host the memory of Tehran one last time before disappearing.
Ava, 13, is spending the summer on the Atlantic coast when she learns that she will lose her sight sooner than expected. Her mother decides to act as if everything were normal so as to spend their best summer ever. Ava confronts the problem in her own way. She steals a big black dog that belongs to a young man on the run...
비욘드 더 트라이라인
A behind the scenes look at the sport of rugby with the 2015 Rugby World Cup as a backdrop, featuring interviews from players, coaches, referees and fans.
파리 05:59
테오와 위고는 파리의 한 섹스클럽에서 만난다. 잠자리를 가지며 서로에게 특별한 감정을 나눈 그들은, 클럽에서 나온 후 문득 콘돔을 사용하지 않았다는 사실을 깨닫게 된다. 둘 중 한 명이 에이즈에 양성반응이었으므로, 테오와 위고는 함께 병원에 가서 검사를 받은 후 치료를(의무처리를) 시작한다. 이 사건으로 밤을 지샌 이후 사랑에 빠지는 둘의 모습을 볼 수 있다. (2016년 제6회 서울프라이드영화제)
The Yellow Island
11-year-old Ena meets a young fisherman in a port. He gives her an eel and they arrange to meet the following Sunday on the other side of the lake. She has to be there.
노마: 뉴 노르딕 퀴진의 비밀
지금껏 세상에 없던 북유럽 고유의 요리를 선보이며 25세에 자신의 레스토랑 ‘노마’를 설립한 르네 레드제피. 동료들의 시기어린 조롱과 비난에도 불구하고, 그의 독창적인 레시피와 혁신적인 경영방식은 마침내 노마를 ‘월드 베스트 레스토랑 50’ 1위로 올려놓는다. 하지만 미식계에 새 바람을 몰고 오며 전성기를 누리던 레스토랑은 예기치 못한 사건으로 인해 치명적인 스캔들에 휩싸이게 된다. 승승장구하던 젊은 셰프의 명성은 바닥으로 떨어지고, 노마 역시 한순간에 존폐의 갈림길에 서게 되는데… 다시 세계 최고 레스토랑의 자리를 되찾기 위한 도전과 혁신이 시작된다!
A Visit from the Stork
One evening, Ana kidnaps a newborn child in a maternity ward. A few days later, her partner Julien returns from the army to meet the baby he believes is his daughter.
Boys On Film 12: Confession
Boys On Film's twelfth collection of gay short films exposes private lives, uncovers secrets and presents a choice — to conceal or to confess? Volume 12: Confession features nine new stories, including: Robert Hawk's "Home From The Gym" starring Jake Robbins; Samuel Leighton-Dore's "Showboy" starring Lucas Pittaway and Malcolm Kennard; Bobby de Groot and Arjan van Meerten's animated "Cruise Patrol"; Denis Theriault's "I Am Syd Stone" starring Gharrett Patrick Paon and Michael Gaty; Dustin Shroff's "Deflated" starring Carson Trinity Haverda and Greg Baglia; Filippo Demarchi's "Age 17" starring Fabio Foiada and Ignazio Oliva; Christophe Prédari's "Human Warmth" starring Thomas Coumans and Adrien Desbons; Dominic Haxton's "Tonight It's Me" starring Jake Robbins, Caleb James, and Christian Patrick; and Peter Knegt and Stephen Dunn's "Good Morning" starring Peter Knegt and Oliver Skinner.
Antonin and Leonor are hunting larks. He is as submissive as his sister is voracious. One day, a dog attacks them.
Age 17
Matteo is a 17-year-old boy who comes to the realization that he is in love with Don Massimo, a young priest of the village that leads the marching band in which Matteo plays the drum. He sees in Massimo a person willing to listen to his fears and desires. For the first time in his life, Matteo feels ready to open up to someone...
Nom Tèw
Juxtaposed to the hustle and bustle of city life on the diminutive Caribbean island of Dominica, Jerry Maka West works his garden in the island's lush interior, his Zion, growing and preparing his food just as his grandparents once taught him. Jerry is Nom Tèw, Man of the Soil.
Nom Tèw
Juxtaposed to the hustle and bustle of city life on the diminutive Caribbean island of Dominica, Jerry Maka West works his garden in the island's lush interior, his Zion, growing and preparing his food just as his grandparents once taught him. Jerry is Nom Tèw, Man of the Soil.
Nom Tèw
Juxtaposed to the hustle and bustle of city life on the diminutive Caribbean island of Dominica, Jerry Maka West works his garden in the island's lush interior, his Zion, growing and preparing his food just as his grandparents once taught him. Jerry is Nom Tèw, Man of the Soil.