Hes, an uptight and disaffected social worker reaching retirement, discovers a young woman, Anna, in the closet of an acquaintance who has committed suicide. Realizing that she has been kept in the apartment all her life, he moves in and helps her comes to terms with the complexities of the real world.
The main character of this film reminiscent of political writing is Laci, the young and ambitious factory worker. He lives with his brother's family. After an unsuccessful attempt to escape from his native country and the prison sentence which follows it he gets employed by Pray, the progressive thinker, at a newly established computer centre. It is here that Laci learns to know Anna, the new-leftist university student, daughter of the general manager. Tóth, although he does not favour their relationship, does not oppose it either.
전도유망한 젊은 의사 ‘암브루슈’는 은퇴한 노교수가 존재감을 증명하려고 집도하는 심장 수술에 참여한다. 수술 이후 자신의 삶에 회의를 품게 된 ‘암브루슈’는 목적 없는 인생과 미래를 알 수 없는 사랑에 지쳐 고향으로 떠난다. 그리고 귀향길에서 아버지의 신념과 인간애를 느끼며, 다시 새로운 희망을 얻는다. (한글자막 제공_전주국제영화제)