A man which wife is filing to divorce him wins 25 million EUR in the lotto, hiding her to prevent sharing the half of the prize.
한 폭의 그림처럼 정교하게 꾸며진 사건 현장. 천재 화가 고야의 명화 ‘카프리초’를 그대로 모방해 잔혹하게 살해당한 피해자. 세상을 뒤흔든 전대미문의 사건을 맡게 된 형사 ‘카르멘’과 ‘에바’는 단서를 추적해나가면서 살인마의 충격적인 실체와 마주하게 되는데…
They are the first and the last, those who imagine stories and give voice to the characters who live them. However, they never speak. But now, they emerge from the shadows of a poorly lit room and tell their secrets, their tricks, their influences; they tell their own story, that of those who face the blank page, the absolute nothingness; that of those who are the true authors, those who create and destroy entire universes. They are the screenwriters.
Rosa chooses her own adventure...
Rosa chooses her own adventure...
When 10-year-old Nemo's mother suddenly dies, the boy is forced to go live with his maternal uncle's family. They are cordial and treat him well, but his 12-year-old cousin, Iván, begins to tease and tell him stories about the Bogeyman and how he'll come and get him if he doesn't behave. At first young Nemo doesn't believe the stories, insisting that Iván is just making things up...