Lighting Technician
난생 처음 극장에서 스크린을 마주한 순간부터 영화와 사랑에 빠진 소년 새미. 아빠 버트의 8mm 카메라를 들고 일상의 모든 순간을 담기 위해 열중하던 새미는 우연히 필름에 포착된 가족의 비밀을 알게 되고 충격에 휩싸인다. 진실을 비추는 필름의 힘을 실감한 새미에게 크고 작은 삶의 변화가 일어나고 엄마 밋지의 응원으로 영화를 향한 열정은 더욱 뜨거워져만 가는데… 영원히 간직하고픈 기억, 영화의 모든 순간과 사랑에 빠진다!
A young female vampire is caught by a clandestine government organization tasked with eliminating vampires and is made an offer she can't refuse: join them and help hunt down her own kind or be eliminated.
Lighting Technician
그랜드 캐니언에서 따라온 강력한 초자연적인 파워로 인해 생명을 위협받게 되는 스토리.
Lighting Technician
배트맨이 조커와의 대결을 끝으로 세상에서 모습을 감춘 8년 후, 하비 덴트의 죽음에 대한 책임을 떠안은 배트맨은 모든 것을 희생하며 떠난다. 범죄방지 덴트법으로 인해 한동안 평화가 지속되던 고담시의 파멸을 예고하며 나타난 마스크를 쓴 잔인한 악당, 최강의 적 베인이 등장한다. 베인은 배트맨이 스스로 택한 유배 생활에 종지부를 찍게 하지만, 다시 돌아온 배트맨에게 베인은 만만한 상대가 아니다. 자신을 거부한 사람들의 고통을 지켜볼 것인가, 정의의 수호자로 나설 것인가. 배트맨은 승패를 알 수 없는 마지막 전투를 시작하려 하는데...
A serial killer turns the life of a family on vacation into a nightmare.
Director of Photography
When high school science teacher, Mr.Hill, convinces his student, Kerry Johnson, and a group of her friends to go on an overnight field trip, they find themselves face to face with the darkest side of terror. Not even their worst nightmares will compare to what they encounter in the depths of the forest. Neither Mr.Hill nor sheriff could ever hope to save them from what lurks in the unknown.
A student receives a serial killer's brain in a transplant after being thrown into a pool with no water in it
1996 horror movie starring Chris Sarandon and Robert Englund
Director of Photography
An artist with a rather unusual art-style literally uses all the men she likes for her artworks. Bodies begin to pile up in abandoned alleyways and the case is handed out to a homicide detective to bring in the artistic serial killer.
Director of Photography
Angela (Amanda Wyss) is a sensitive teenager and her fanatically religious father has forced her to dress and work like a boy in his gas station. When Beth (Mary Crosby), who has a split personality, escapes from the sanitarium, she meets Angela. Beth tempts Angela to be a real girl by wearing Angela mother's clothes. Then both become a lethal combination.
Nishika 3D cameras were the inexpensive cousins to the Nimslo 3D cameras made in the mid to late 1980's (the Nimslo cameras used glass lenses, while the Nishika ones used plastic lenses). The cameras used regular 35mm film that captured 4 simultaneous images onto 2 frames of film. These images were printed onto photo stock with a lenticular surface bonded to it which allowed 3D to be seen without glasses, like the old kids story books with the 3D covers. The basic 3D camera kit came with this VHS instructional video that was hosted by Vincent Price. It was one of the last things he did.
Young Earl Durand
The Legend Of Earl Durand was the story of a young child whose family lived near DuBois, Wyoming and made Earl live in a hut in the wild because they thought he had a contagious disease. When the local Aboriginal people discovered his plight, they took him under their wing so he grew up as a sort of wild man, completely able to live off the land. He was known as the "Robin Hood" of the West because he hunted game on Federal land which was very illegal and gave the meat to the poor.