Alfred Savoir

참여 작품

블루비어드의 여덞 번째 아내
Theatre Play
미국의 억만장자 마이클은 휴양지에서 가난한 후작의 딸 니콜과 마주친다. 짧은 만남 뒤, 우연히 니콜의 아버지를 만나게 된 마이클은 호의를 베풀며 니콜과 결혼하고 싶다는 마음을 내비친다. 그러나 약혼 파티에서 마이클이 일곱 번이나 결혼한 이혼남임을 알게 된 니콜은 충격에 빠져 결혼을 취소하려 한다. 동명의 프랑스 희곡을 각색했으며, 샘 우드의 작품을 리메이크한 것이기도 하다. 흥미로운 이야기에 클로데트 콜베르와 게리 쿠퍼의 연기 호흡이 자연스럽게 어우러졌다. (2015 영화의 전당 - 에른스트 루비치 특별전)
Here Is My Heart
Theatre Play
A rich and famous singer disguises himself as a waiter in order to be near the woman he loves, a European princess.
Ladies Should Listen
The switchboard operator in an apartment building falls in love with a businessman who lives in the building, whom she has gotten to know only over the phone. When she discovers that the man's current girlfriend is actually part of a scheme to swindle him out of some mineral rights he owns, she devises a plot to save him and expose the con artists.
His Tiger Lady
Theatre Play
Time to Love
Alfred Sava-Goiu, who, after being dumped by his sweetheart, philosophically decides to end it all by jumping into the Seine. Instead, he lands in a passing boat owned by the Countess Elvire. Falling in love with his savior, Alfred returns the compliment by rescuing the Countess from a precipitous waterfall.
The Grand Duchess and the Waiter
Albert Durant, a young millionaire, poses as a waiter in order to woo an exiled and financially hard up Grand Duchess. She finds him impertinent and clumsy, but also quite fascinating. She takes him into her employ insisting he does everything she asks.
Bluebeard's 8th Wife
Theatre Play
John Brandon, an American millionaire, has been married seven times but never found love. Then, when he is in Paris, Mona de Briac comes into his life. Mona comes from an noble family who is facing ruin.