Juvel Vielma

Juvel Vielma

프로필 사진

Juvel Vielma

참여 작품

Monday or Tuesday, Never Sunday
Gregoria is a young peasant from the Venezuelan Andes, Lucia is a frivolous middle-aged city dweller. Forced by the circumstances they must travel together to reach their destinations. One will discover the past, the other will discover her present. Both discover the strength of love.
The Cage
Aliens wipe out the earth population except for 3 people. How will the adapt and survive?
Allende en su laberinto
The last 7 hours of former President of Chile Salvador Allende, and his closest collaborators inside the Palace of La Moneda, during the brutal military coup d'etat on Sept. 11, 1973, the day democracy in Chile ended. Based on true events.
The Faces of Power
Detective Pedro Ramirez has been released from prison to solve the kidnapping of three children, sons of a former Minister of Justice. Over the days this asingment will become a personal challenge. Ramírez will become suspicious of the entire police force... even his best friend.
리버레이터 : 자유를 위해
José Antonio Páez
시본 볼리바르는 스페인 제국령 베네수엘라의 수도인 카라카스 태생의 귀족이다. 그는 스페인에서 만난 사랑하는 아내를 풍토병으로 잃은 뒤 모든 희망을 잃은 채 삶을 흥청망청 낭비한다. 그런 시몬을 안타깝게 여긴 로드리게스는 시몬에게 프랑스 혁명을 소개하고, 이에 시몬은 스페인으로부터의 독립을 꿈꾸며 다시 살아갈 희망을 얻는다. 위대한 독립운동가인 미란다 장군에게 도움을 요청하는 것을 시작으로 시몬은 독립의 꿈을 현실로 만들어나가기 시작하는데…
Don Manuel
1780, a group of slaves flee from a sugar cane hacienda. As they are pursued by Don Manuel Aguirre, obsessed landowner who has fixed his eyes on Azu, the beautiful slave with an ancestral destiny.
Taita Boves
José Tomás Boves
TAITA BOVES chronicles a thirst for revenge that devastated a country. It tells the true story of Jose Tomás Boves, a cruel man who became a legend during the Venezuelan War of Independence, the most violent in the Americas. He went from seafarer to pirate, horse smuggler to prosperous merchant, prisoner to military chief. Spanish by birth, he spearheaded a grass roots troop of slaves, mulattoes, Indians and mestizos that crushed Simón Bolívar and his patriot army. Respectfully referred to as "Taita" by them, he fought for the underprivileged and the poorest of the poor, and curtailed three centuries of order in this colonial region. This film is about his passions and power, his loves and misadventures, and a bloody saga that rocked Venezuela.