Hanna Heilborn

참여 작품

The Village of Roses
Close portrayal of a Romani family living in Italy where fascism is on the rise.
Unkilled, Chapter 1
"Cause right now I'm just in a dark coffin with nothing. Unkilled."
스포츠 키즈 - 치어리더
치어리딩은 자기 자리를 찾고, 그룹을 만들고, 그곳에 적응하는 사회적 기술을 발전시키는 스포츠이다. 치어리더팀이 없었다면, 루스는 그저 활발하고 특이한 아이였을 것이다. 흔히들 생각하는 ‘여자아이들 사이의 싸움’은 여기에 없다. 대신 소녀들이 진정 원하는 것을 하기 위해 얼마나 노력하고 힘을 내고 서로에게 의지하는지 느낄 수 있다. [제 13회 EBS 국제다큐영화제]
The Wave
A broken nose, a disjointed knee and tropical throat flux with months of side effects. Filmmaker Hanna Heilborn challenges herself by deciding to learn how to surf, just before her 40th birthday. She asks a film photographer to follow her on the road. It is not going exactly as she intended.
The Wave
A broken nose, a disjointed knee and tropical throat flux with months of side effects. Filmmaker Hanna Heilborn challenges herself by deciding to learn how to surf, just before her 40th birthday. She asks a film photographer to follow her on the road. It is not going exactly as she intended.
The Wave
A broken nose, a disjointed knee and tropical throat flux with months of side effects. Filmmaker Hanna Heilborn challenges herself by deciding to learn how to surf, just before her 40th birthday. She asks a film photographer to follow her on the road. It is not going exactly as she intended.
Man flees from poor and war torn country.
Animated documentary about two Sudanese children who are abducted and used as slaves
Big Mike
Production Design
A film about a Swedish aborigin on a journey in search of his roots. Produced by Nordisk Film och TV in cooperation with SVT, Dokumentär, Håkan Berthas och Hanna Heilborn (Story). Mike was born in Cherbourg, Australia, a former reservation for indigenous australians. Just a couple of days old he’s adopted by a swedish couple living in the country. When the film starts Mike has no family left, he is 21 years old and stays at his best friends home in Northern Sweden, dreaming of becoming a rap-artist. One day he gets a phone call. It’s a woman saying she’s his biological mum in Australia…. From there we follow Mike during three crucial years, on a journey that will change his life forever.
Animated documentary about a refugee boy who lives in hiding, constantly afraid of being exposed.
Animated documentary about a refugee boy who lives in hiding, constantly afraid of being exposed.