Elliott Crosset Hove

Elliott Crosset Hove

출생 : 1988-03-18, København

프로필 사진

Elliott Crosset Hove

참여 작품

The Great Silence
Alma lives a humble and secluded life behind the walls of a contemporary Catholic convent in Denmark. As she prepares for her perpetual vows as a nun, her older brother Erik unexpectedly shows up. He is a recovering alcoholic and clearly depressed, yet Alma struggles to show him mercy, as his presence unearths a family secret she has desperately tried to suppress. With the ceremony impending, Alma begins to lose her footing and doubt whether she is worthy of the love of her God.
Executive Producer
In the late 19th century, a young Danish priest travels to a remote part of Iceland to build a church and photograph its people. But the deeper he goes into the unforgiving landscape, the more he strays from his purpose, the mission and morality.
In the late 19th century, a young Danish priest travels to a remote part of Iceland to build a church and photograph its people. But the deeper he goes into the unforgiving landscape, the more he strays from his purpose, the mission and morality.
교통사고로 어머니를 잃은 이다는 평소에 알고 지내지 않았던 이모와 이모의 아들들이 있는 집으로 들어가게 된다. 사랑과 보살핌을 받지만 곧 그들이 위험한 일을 하고 있다는 것을 알게 된다.
덴마크의 자식들
Young Man
코펜하겐에 대형 폭격이 벌어지고 1년 뒤, 온 나라에 급진주의가 강하게 퍼지고 인종 갈등이 첨예해진다. 19살 사카리아는 급진 단체에 참가하며 그곳에서 알리와 유대감을 쌓는다. 두 남자는 자국민에게 등을 돌린 덴마크의 현 실태를 부정하고 변화를 위해 힘쓰려 하지만, 그들 또한 힘 있는 자들의 도구에 불과하다.
The Ark of the Sausage Moose
The Sausage Moose discovers that he, and only a few other animals, are not granted a spot on Noah’s Ark before the great flood. They try to find a solution on who will be allowed on the Ark, when a spot opens.
Before the Frost
The film takes place somewhere in the Danish countryside in the middle of the 19th century. Here within a small Danish peasant family, harsh circumstances reign. With the prospect of yet another tough winter, the farmer Jens faces an unbearable choice. If the family is to survive the winter, he must settle an agreement with the rich farmer nearby and forsake his own moral as well as his most precious possession, in an effort to secure them all a better life.
미결처리반Q: 순수의 배신
Young Curt Wad
코펜하겐의 어느 낡은 아파트 벽 속에서 3구의 미이라가 발견된다. 식탁에 둘러앉은 미이라들과 에탄올에 담긴 남자의 성기와 여자의 생식기. 그리고 비어있는 누군가의 한 자리도 발견된다. 미해결 사건 전담반Q의 칼 뫼르크와 아사드는 누구의 사체인지, 4번째 미이라가 될 인물은 누구인지 파헤쳐나가기 시작한다. 미이라들은 57년 전 스프로위섬의 악명 높은 ‘문제 여성 감호소’에 갇혀 있던 환자, 간호사, 그리고 그들의 담당변호사인 것으로 밝혀진다. 과연 이들을 죽인 범인은 누구이며, 그들은 왜 죽게 되었는지, 그리고 57년 전부터 이어지고 있는 그들의 추악한 만행이 밝혀지게 되는데…
Winter Brothers
A brother odyssey set in a workers' environment during a cold winter. We follow two brothers - their routines, habits and rituals - and a violent feud that erupts between them and another family.
Hjalte, a young boy with muscular dystrophy, is obsessed with football and is really excited to go on a road trip to see the European Championship finals. However, his dream holiday becomes a nightmare when he is forced to share the journey with another wheelchair user, William, who babbles on about everything except football.
Kjeld at 22
Parents tell the story of two parents who attempt to fill the void in their lives after their child moves out. Left with a feeling of needlessness, they try to rekindle the magic sparks from their younger days, returning to their old student apartment where they first fell in love. When one morning they wake up feeling thirty years younger, they are forced to come to terms with the fact that the past they once knew might no longer exist.
In the Blood
It’s summer in Copenhagen, it’s a time of endless days and careless nights. Simon is a 23-year-old medical student. He and his friends party and drink and chase girls and wake up the next day to do the whole thing all over again. But it’s also a time of unrest and change among the boys. Dreams shatter, love hurts, and friendships dissolve.
1940: 최강의 독일 전차부대
Private Lassen
제2차 세계대전이 한창이던 1940년 4월 9일.독일군은 이른 아침 덴마크의 국경을 넘어 침공을 시작한다. 유럽 최강의 무력을 자랑하는 독일 부대에 비교도 되지 않는 열악한 환경의 덴마크 병사들. 그러나 그들은 사랑하는 가족들을 지키기 위해 목숨을 걸고 전쟁에 나선다. 무참히 생명을 짓밟는 독일 전차부대에 맞선 덴마크 남부 자전거 보병무대의 전설적 신화. 이제 그 서막이 오른다.
Growing Pains
Fabian is a shy, introverted teenager who lives with his bossy and prudish mother. Fabians world gets turned upside down when he meets the fun and cool Felicia and they fall in love. But there is one small problem. Whenever Fabian gets horny, he turns into a werewolf. A twisted coming of age short film about a young man who has to discover and accept who he really is.
His friends do not know it, but Anders is a virgin. As he finds himself having the chance to rectify this situation, he seizes it. But it turns out to be complicated.
A Painter
We follow a painter, a successful artist living alone and isolated. Driven only by his work, he finds himself lost when he’s forced to deal with his unannoced son and other outsiders that stand in the way of his work and get him out of balance.
Asger "Turbo" Frank
To All My Friends
The two punks, Mark and Sonny, are best friends. They have always stuck together and with no family around, they are all they have got. The self destructive Sonny doesn't mind their pointless life in the rough suburbs, but Mark is longing for something more. When Mark gets the chance to move to the big city with his girlfriend, he finds himself in a dilemma. Should he break up the friendship, which is going in the wrong direction, and stand on his own or stay loyal to Sonny, who is desperately doing everything not to let him out of sight?
Electric Child
This is about a couple whose child develops an unusual illness. While the mother and baby drift into their own world, the computer-science professor father develops a pact with an A.I. character on a virtual island to save his child.