Earl Odinsson
영국을 습격하고 돌아온 바이킹 '구드룬'은 기독교를 전파하고, 오딘을 비롯한 여러 신을 믿는 '오딘슨'과 갈등을 빚어 전쟁을 벌인다. 오딘슨은 구드룬의 여동생인 프레야를 납치하고, 십자가에 묶어 본보기로 삼으려 하지만 마침 마을을 지나던 용병이 프레야를 구조해 실패한다. 갑작스러운 적의 공격에 구드룬이 휴전을 고민하는 사이, 오딘슨은 또 다른 계획으로 피파람을 예고하는데...
아름다운 동화의 나라, 코펜하겐에서 만난 두 남녀의 기적 같은 사랑! 윌리엄은 돌아가신 아버지의 부고 소식을 전하고 싶다는 생각에 단 한 번도 만난 적 없는 친할아버지를 찾아 무작정 덴마크로 떠난다. 아버지가 8살 때 할아버지에게 쓴 편지 한 통이 유일한 단서. 덴마크 어로 적힌 편지를 읽을 수가 없던 윌리엄은 호텔 카페에서 웨이트리스로 일하는 에피에게 해석을 부탁한다. 그렇게 우연처럼, 운명처럼 만난 두 남녀는 함께 힘을 합쳐 윌리엄의 할아버지를 찾아 편지 속 주소를 거슬러 올라가기 시작한다. 에너지 넘치고 당찬 에피에게 점점 끌리고 있는 자신을 발견하게 되는 윌리엄. 하지만 그의 사랑과 모험 앞엔 생각지 못한 장애물이 기다리고 있었다.
Maybe the best thing to come out of Scandinavia during the hippie years was, in fact, the story of a radical libertarian and a hedonist capitalist. Their friendship, forged by being outsiders in a conformist country, took them through years of adulation and success, with slight detours into the welcoming arms of vilification and imprisonment. A joyride through taxation, mass travel, hookers and politics. Not feeling too constrained by historical facts, director Christoffer Boe's story of Simon Spies and Mogens Glistrup covers just a few of their decades in a tale of warmth and humour, defiance and eccentricity.
Emmys far
My sister's kids this time are going to Jutland.
Circumstances force the unstructured yet charming Danish Bohemian novelist, Simon, to share his flat in Copenhagen with the very organized and beautiful Swedish lawyer, Malou. Simon dreams of children and a family. Malou is solely focused on her career. Despite being in opposition they warm up to each other. But even though opposites do attract - can they also manage to live together? Against all odds their meeting sets of a chain of events, which will ultimately change their lives forever.
제2차세계대전 중 활동했던 두 명의 덴마크 레지스탕스 대원의 이야기.
A small provincial town is buzzing with excitement: the town´s most illustrious son, a world-famous opera singer, is coming home. Meanwhile, Sebastian, a kitchen boy who is as good as married, falls head over heels in love with the new maid, Maria. Their love affair, along with rumours that the opera singer and the kitchen boy are related, turns the town upside down, threatening to ruin everyone´s high expectations and the opera singer´s triumphant return.
Lars applies for job training, but his papers are mixed with an immigrant and he's sent instead to Danish class. When he learns that the attractive teacher, Ida, will lose her job if the immigrant isn't in attendance, he decides to go through with the erroneous assignment posing as the other guy. The short film is a comedy of errors, but works in some poignant and scathing observations about xenophobia.