Michael Asmussen

출생 : 1970-02-11, Köpenhamn

참여 작품

The Angel Maker
'The Angel Maker' is a psychological crime thriller following Laura, a cyber crimes detective pursuing a brutal serial killer.
Krummerne - Det er svært at være 11 år
어나더 라운드
각각 역사, 체육, 음악, 심리학을 가르치는 같은 고등학교 교사 니콜라이, 마틴, 피터, 토미는 의욕 없는 학생들을 상대하며 열정마저 사라지고 매일이 우울하기만 하다. 니콜라이의 40번째 생일 축하 자리에서 “인간에게 결핍된 혈중 알코올 농도 0.05%를 유지하면 적당히 창의적이고 활발해진다”는 흥미로운 가설에 대한 이야기를 나누고, 마틴이 실험에 들어간다. 인기 없던 수업에 웃음이 넘치고 가족들과의 관계에도 활기가 생긴 마틴의 후일담에 친구들 모두 동참하면서 두 가지 조건을 정한다. [언제나 최소 0.05%의 혈중 알코올 농도 유지할 것! 밤 8시 이후엔 술에 손대지 않을 것!] 지루한 교사, 매력 없는 남편, 따분한 아빠. 최적의 직업적, 사회적 성과를 위해 점차 알코올 농도를 올리며 실험은 계속되는데… 과연 술은 인간을 더 나은 상태로 만들 수 있을지, 도전의 결말은?!
Kill Skills
An assassin accidentally kills his fiancee, who happens to be the daughter of an Israeli gangster. Forced to flee, he starts working with a former mercenary, and they travel all over Europe doing dirty work for a rich industrialist.
랜드 오브 마인
Danish Sergeant
제2차 세계대전 종전 후, 덴마크군은 포로로 잡아둔 독일 소년병들을 독일군이 매설한 지뢰를 찾아 해체하는 작업에 투입시킨다. 서해안 해변에 심어진 4만 5천 개의 지뢰. 지뢰를 모두 제거하는 데 걸리는 시간은 석 달. 한번의 실수가 곧 죽음으로 이어질 수 있는 극한의 상황에서 집으로 돌아가기 위한 소년들의 멈출 수 없는 행진이 계속된다.
Sammen hver for sig
Five people in a way too large bus, on their way across Denmark to deliver a petition in Copenhagen. The trip will be a challenge for all on board and they will face each other for better or worse. The journey will be unpredictable, funny, horrible, embarrassing, awkward and, above all, it will change everything.
The Suitcase
In the 1940s war-torn Denmark, the young girl Marie turns 10 ye$ars old. It is celebrated in the parents' bakery shop where she and her cousin Sebastian on 13 years daily work. But the normally sheltered life comes to an end as a group of soldiers storms the shop and take both Marie's father and mother with them. Together with Sebastian, Marie goes out to find her parents. Although the reality gives little chances Marie is hopeful, while Sebastian fears the day he will have to tell her the truth
Something in the Air
When clairvoyant Pernille meets Journalist Daniel, who is on a mission to write an exposé about Fact & Fiction in the clairvoyant world, Daniel falls in love with her. And funnily enough, she hadn't seen it coming.
No Time for Love
Circumstances force the unstructured yet charming Danish Bohemian novelist, Simon, to share his flat in Copenhagen with the very organized and beautiful Swedish lawyer, Malou. Simon dreams of children and a family. Malou is solely focused on her career. Despite being in opposition they warm up to each other. But even though opposites do attract - can they also manage to live together? Against all odds their meeting sets of a chain of events, which will ultimately change their lives forever.
An 83 year-old man returns to Germany for a long planned journey of atonement. When Ross, his useless son agrees to drive him there, a nightmare family road trip ensues.
The Black Madonna
The Black Madonna is a 2007 action comedy film written by Nikolaj Peyk and Lasse Spang Olsen and directed by Lasse Spang Olsen.
Clash of Egos
Tony has recently been released from a sentence for violent behaviour. He promises to improve his ways and is finally granted a few hours alone with his two children. They celebrate the reunion by going to the movies to see a new film by the famous, critically acclaimed Danish director Claus Volter. But the film is not the masterpiece it is said to be on the poster; the children are crying and Tony cannot get the money back he spent on tickets and candy. Tony does not give up; he seeks out Claus Volter in order to get an explanation and a refund. It is however easier said than done to get money out of a world-renowned filmmaker.
Betjent 1
On the surface Henrik and Nina Christofferson are an ordinary family living happily. But they have a problem. Their daughter, Stine, a difficult 14 year old, has a habit of telling lies in class. When Stine accuses her father of sexual abuse, and is believed by seemingly eager social workers, their family is thrust into crisis. Could Henrik have done it? And when Stine prepares to return home, the ugly side of family life is exposed.
사랑하는 사람을 잃은 슬픔, 그리고 그 슬픔을 아는 자들의 유대 다정다감한 성격의 미카엘은 아름다운 아내 사라와 사랑스러운 두 딸, 그리고 늙으신 부모님께도 자상한 남편이자 아버지, 아들이다. 이런 그에게는 늘 삐딱할 뿐 아니라 교도소까지 들락거리는 동생 야닉마저도 사랑스러울 뿐이다. 야닉이 교도소에서 출소한 직후, 아프가니스탄으로 발령받은 미카엘은 헬기 사고로 사망하고 이 소식을 들은 가족들은 슬픈 현실에 점차 적응해가기 시작한다. 흔들리는 가족들을 책임져야겠다는 생각에 엉망이었던 자신의 삶을 다잡아가는 야닉. 그리고 미카엘의 빈 자리를 메워주는 야닉과 사라 사이에는 오묘한 감정이 싹트기 시작한다. 하지만 그것은 서로를 향한 사랑이 아니라 바로 미카엘에 대한 두 사람의 사랑이었다. 너무나 변해버린 사랑이 돌아왔다 한편, 아프가니스탄에서 헬기 사고를 당했던 미카엘은 게릴라들에게 발견돼 목숨을 건지지만 자신이 살기 위해 원치 않는 살인을 저지르게 된다. 또한 어렵게 돌아온 가족의 품에서도 안착하지 못하고 자신이 없는 사이 동생과 아내 사이에 생긴 유대감을 사랑으로 의심하기 시작한다. 끊임없는 죄책감과 의심은 그를 광폭하게 만들고 가족들은 변해버린 미카엘을 바라보며 공포에 떠는데….
Facing the Truth
In his new film, an intriguing and delicately crafted drama, Malmros portrays the poignant story of a man, who grew up in very modest circumstances in the early years of the 20th century, but whose diligence, intelligence and willingness to endure hardship helped him to become a leading brain surgeon. A success story on the face of it, but a story about a man - who is none other than the director's father - a man of powerful emotions. The film explores the nature and origin of the guilt that repeatedly deprived him of happiness.
My Sister's Kids in the Snow
Hele familien skal på skiferie i Norge, da far brækker benet. Derfor tager onkel Erik af sted med de fem ældste børn. På færgen møder Amalie skiinstruktøren Dan og onkel Erik bliver meget søsyg. Det viser sig far har lejet en meget lille utæt hytte, men Jan og Michael får det ordnet så de flytter ind i en stor suite. Det viser sig at den er udlejet til fru Flinth og hendes veninder og hun laver meget vrøvl. Familien smides ud, men igen ordner Jan og Michael situationen. De påstår at Erik Lund er en berømt sanger. Erik har travlt med at passe på Amalie, men da hun opdager Dans luskeri med en anden pige får hun drengene til at hjælpe sig. I mellemtiden får Erik også tid til at stå på skøjter sammen med fru Flint.
My Sister's Kids in the Snow
Hele familien skal på skiferie i Norge, da far brækker benet. Derfor tager onkel Erik af sted med de fem ældste børn. På færgen møder Amalie skiinstruktøren Dan og onkel Erik bliver meget søsyg. Det viser sig far har lejet en meget lille utæt hytte, men Jan og Michael får det ordnet så de flytter ind i en stor suite. Det viser sig at den er udlejet til fru Flinth og hendes veninder og hun laver meget vrøvl. Familien smides ud, men igen ordner Jan og Michael situationen. De påstår at Erik Lund er en berømt sanger. Erik har travlt med at passe på Amalie, men da hun opdager Dans luskeri med en anden pige får hun drengene til at hjælpe sig. I mellemtiden får Erik også tid til at stå på skøjter sammen med fru Flint.
The Serbian Dane
Frands Petersen
Miniseries of 3 episodes of 50 minutes based on the bestseller by Leif Davidsen. Religious fanatics put a price on the head of the controversial Anglo-Iranian writer Sara Santanda. $ 4 million. Sarah decides to come out of hiding and face in Copenhagen. The uncomfortable visit for the government of Denmark triggered a great safety device. Meanwhile, somewhere in the troubled former Yugoslavia, a young man named Vuk (Serbian sniper does not kill for money but for ideology) accepted the task of killing the famous writer during his visit to Copenhagen.
My Sister's Kids
Erik Lund is a professor in child psychology. When his sister and her husband go on vacation, he is left in charge of their five children. He really feels up to it, since he is now going to be able to try out his skills in child psychology. However, reality is something else than theory and children do not always do as they are supposed to, according to his book on child psychology. The children soon fool him into doing as they please when it comes to food and pleasures. However, soon they start to realise that if they can make him serve them hot dogs and hamburgers and let them watch TV as much as they like, they can also make him help them restore their old house, so that they won't have to move, as their parents want to. And, as their uncle is nice enough to help them, they also decide to try and get him a wife.