Richard Wilcox

참여 작품

Touched By Evil
Production Design
Successful business advisor Ellen Collier is attacked by a serial rapist, and becomes frightened and withdrawn after the incident. She begins to regain her confidence with the help of her friends and her new boyfriend Jerry, but a series of events make her suspect Jerry was responsible for the crime.
She Woke Up Pregnant
Production Design
A sleazy dentist sexually assaults his patients while they are under heavy sedatives after he performs dental surgery on them. One woman gets impregnated from such an incident and decides to fight back.
When Friendship Kills
Production Design
Teenager Lexi Archer moves to Chicago with her newly divorced mother and befriends a popular girl at her new school, Jennifer. After Lexi's volleyball coach suggests that she lose weight, Jennifer reveals she is bulimic and the two girls decide to help each other, leading to disastrous consequences.
Justice for Annie
Production Design
A woman discovers that the accidental death of her daughter was tied to an insurance scam in this fact-based movie.
Arctic Blue
Production Design
Eric Desmond, a committed environmentalist, is accidentally involved in the transfer of Ben Corbett, a ruthless killer, from an isolated Alaskan village, along a long route, to civilization; but the prisoner is determined to escape at any cost.
A Killer Among Friends
Production Design
A teenage girl disappears and later turns up drowned, with a log across her back. Three years later, a former friend comes forward with some answers.
마이키 이야기 2
Art Direction
쥴리(Julie : 로잔나 목소리 분)가 태어나기 전, 동생이 생긴다는 소식을 들은 마이키(Mikey : 브루스 윌리스 목소리 분)는 여동생을 보살필 꿈으로 가득찬다. 하지만 막상 여동생 쥴리가 태어나자 부모님의 관심이 갓 태어난 아기에게 가자, 마이키는 질투심과 심통으로 쥴리를 못살게 한다. 한편 엄마 몰리(Mollie : 크리스티 앨리 분)와 아빠 지미(James Ubriacco : 존 트라볼타 분) 사이에서도 문제가 생긴다. 직업은 비행기 조종사이나 그 일로는 돈을 못 벌어 택시운전사도 하는 지미에게 몰리의 엄마 로시(Rosie : 올림피아 듀카키스 분)는 항상 건달이라는 비난을 한다. 그런 스트레스를 받고 있던 지미에게 또 하나의 골치거리가 생긴다. 멀리서 회계사무실을 다니고 있는 줄 알았던 몰리의 남동생 스튜어트(Stuart : 앨리아스 코티스 분)가 직장에서 해고돼서 누나의 집에 찾아와 같이 있게 된다. 동생의 약간 비뚤어진 성격을 바로 잡아 주기 위해 지극 정성을 다해 보살펴 주는 몰리를 보다 못한 지미는 더 이상 같은 집에서는 동생과 못살겠다고 하는데...
Memories of Murder
Production Design
A woman who had been suffering from amnesia suddenly gets her memory back. However, she finds that she's now married to a man who she doesn't think she really loves, and she keeps having visions of a young woman who she believes is out to kill her--but she can't get anyone to listen.
Production Design
A boy takes in a stray dog, later finding out that its an ultra-intelligent runaway from a genetic research lab. Unbeknownst to him, the dog is being stalked by another escaped creature thats not quite so friendly.
Production Design
웨이트리스인 사라(조디 포스터)는 친구가 일하는 술집에 놀러갔다가 남자들에게 윤간을 당한다. 사건을 담당한 검사 캐서린(켈리 맥길리스)은 범인을 체포하지만 상대편 변호사와 타협하여 죄목을 정한다. 사회는 사라에게 강간을 유도했다는 책임을 묻는다. 이에 대해 사라는 무죄를 입증하기로 마음먹고 캐서린과 함께 타협없는 법정 투쟁을 벌인다. 소수의 용감한 목격자의 진술로 사라는 무죄를 입증받는다.
Nightmare at Bittercreek
Production Design
In a deadly battle for survival, four women are hunted by a ruthless group of killers they accidentally stumble upon while camping.
Sworn to Silence
Art Direction
A lawyer who is defending an accused murderer, is told by his client the whereabouts of the bodies. However, being his lawyer, he is unable to reveal this information.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Notorious Nun
Production Designer
A priest is murdered and the main suspect is a nun.
The Guardian
Art Direction
The residents of a New York apartment building are shocked when one of them is shot during a burgulary. They decide to hire a security expert to patrol the building, but he seem a little over-committed to his work.
Mr. Patman
Art Direction
Women, patients and paranoia surround an Irish night-shift orderly in a Canadian mental ward.