Holy Goddess
The erotic story of woodsman who one day, during a brief moment between sex scenes, he finds a magic box that contains a beautiful genie. She grants him and his wife three wishes, so long as he allows her to make love to his wife during her period, to “rejuvenate” her magic.
King of silver
West, her students Suen and Chu have to pass through Women’s Empire and visit the King, Kam. Kam’s sister Ann knew if suck the horny water from West could become powerful. Ann told West try to rape her and put them in the jail. Kam offer to set them free, but West have to marry her. West agrees about that, in fact they want to escape in the mess. When they escape, Ann kidnaps West and sucks her horny water. It makes Ann become powerful, West have sex with Suen, Suen become powerful and fight with Ann. Finally, Suen …
Eye of nipple
West, Suen & Chu Keep tracking on their "Quest of the Sex". Since Goblin Bone wants to suck west's water, she seduces West. It is not successful. Bone request her friend, Goblin Spider, to help. Nine Eyes Devil, Spider's elder sister, uses her magical eyes to subdue Suen.They kidnap West to the Holly Hole. Suen tries to save West. In respect to obtain the mystical Pin, Suen bears to be insulted by Lo Mo. The Pin is extremely powerful. Suen goes to save West......
Shuk Ha
A girl is raped by her teacher. Her cop sister arrests him and he was brought to justice. But when he is certified as a mental patient, he is released from custody and the women are once again in danger.
Sophie Ngan is the police chief, and she sends three of her female officers under cover. All three of them fall in love with their targets.
Ming Li
Tin Gin and Ming Li were a poor couple living happily in a village. Tin Gin found an ancient box while he was cutting wood in the forest. Tin Gin brought the box home and opened it. A beautiful genie was released and granted them 3 wishes every month. All they can think of were some stupid wishes (related to sex of course). Tam and Kam Chi were a rich couple living in the same village. They heard about the box and stole it. Tam used their 3 wishes to be the master of the village and all villagers to work for him; and all women to be his sex slaves…
록옙 (황추생)은 성욕을 잃은 부유한 남자로 수도승을 만난 이후, 아름다운 여학생과 사랑에 빠지는 에로틱한 꿈을 꾼다. 불행히도 꿈은 그에게 중요한 모든 것을 얻거나 파괴하려는 수도승의 음모였던 것이다. 마침내 록옙 이 꿈에서 깨어난후 주변의 모든일이 끔찍하게 잘못되기 시작하는데...
Ming Dynasty secret agent Ling Ling Ling (000) is assigned to investigate a drug poisoning involving a performance enhancing drug in the brothel, Ying Chun Kwok. Ling thought hard and finally came up a disguise as the author of Yuk Po Tuen (Sex and Zen) to sneak into the brothel. The prostitutes in order to get their names into the book all tempted Ling, who in order to appaise the ladies, turned the book into a book of dirty stories. One day, a blind servant Yuk Chu Nui (Jade Virgin) is auditioned, Ling learned that the buyer would receive the drug, so he bidded up the prices hoping to receive the evidence. Who would expect that someone else is bidding with a higher price?
Lau Heung (as Yung-Yung Lok)
Shenzhen, with its booming economy and new found riches, has attracted thousands of young women from the countryside. They all come with the hopes of a better life for themselves and their families. The six women portrayed in this film are classic cases of the thousands of women who, for various different reasons, have chosen the path of no return.
홍콩경찰 형사반장인 샘은 술집에서 친구 쥬리아와 함께 술을 마시고 있는 페니라는 여자를 우연히 알게 되어 곧바로 은밀한 곳으로 들어가 뜨거운 정사를 나눈다. 그러나 그순간 어느 주택 풀장에서는 살인이 진행된다. 쥬리아와 페니는 샘에게 항공기 승무원이라고 직업을 소개하지만 사실은 자유분방한 성격의 세일즈우먼들이다.
한편 살인사건을 접수한 경찰은 샘에게 호출기로 연락을 하고 사건현장에 도착한 샘은 풀장에서 단서를 하나 찾아낸다. 그것은 이미 사용한 콘돔으로 사건 현장에서 발견되었기에 과학수사연구소에 정밀분석을 의뢰한 결과, BVC라고 판명되어 이를 토대로 주변 탐문을 하던 중 샘과 그의 수사진은 페니의 회사를 찾아가게 되지만 별다른 단서를 찾지 못한 수사진은 페니를 경찰서로 출두시켜 심문을 한다. 그러나 페니는 단 한번 샘과의 정사를 약점으로 삼아 그의 도움으로 심문에서 벗어난다. 한편 마약을 상습적으로 투여하던 페니는 환각과 고통이 차츰 심각한 경지로까지 이르게 되어 자신도 의식하지 못하는 환각상태에서 계속 교묘한 살인을 저지르지만 그러한 사실을 전혀 눈치채지 못한 샘은 페니의 주변을 맴돌다 마약으로 인해 실신하거나 위험한 상황에 빠지는 페니를 여러번 구해주며 점점 가까운 사이로 발전해간다. 샘과 수사팀은 계속되는 살인사건을 풀어가면서 이해하기 힘든 상황들속에 휘말리게 되는데...