Leon Cain

Leon Cain

프로필 사진

Leon Cain

참여 작품

The Dog Days of Christmas
As Dylan and Annie work together to save an animal rescue and get its dogs adopted, Annie discovers that finding love — and making a difference in the world — can happen right at home.
나이스 패키지
프로 도둑 프로스티는 의뢰를 받고 꾸러미를 훔치다가 얼떨결에 젊은 여자 미셸을 인질로 붙잡는다. 프로스티는 미셸을 끌고 게이 친구 브라이언의 집에 찾아가고, 세 사람은 극적인 상황에서 기이한 연대감을 다진다. 한편 프로스티의 상사 테리는 수수께끼의 보스에게 시달리며 깡패 둘에게 꾸러미를 되찾아오라고 지시하고, 프로스티와 미셸, 브라이언은 꾸러미를 지키려고 고군분투한다. 깡패들이 꾸러미 대신 미셸을 데려가면서 일은 더더욱 복잡해지는데...
수어사이드 씨어리
Steven Ray was never quite normal. But when tragedy strikes in the form of a deadly hit-and-run incident at a city cross walk, his violent and bizarre behavior becomes uncontrollable. One night, as Steven plots his next murder, he meets Percival, whose unsuccessful attempt at suicide not only interferes with Stevens plans, but the chance encounter also introduces the two into each others sad and lonely lives. Percival believes hes cursed after miraculously surviving each suicide attempt and concludes fate brought he and Steven together. So he hires Steven to assist him in suicide. Steven does not believe in fate and thinks Percival is desperate and delusional. But he accepts the offer. Easy money. After Percival continues to miraculously survive each attempt on his life, Steven starts to believe. He tries to help Percival figure out ways to break the curse. And in the process, they form an unlikely friendship through the common bond of tragedy.
Second Detective
유력정치인 베리와 가정을 사랑하는 그의 아내 셜리, 그리고 개구쟁이 다섯 딸까지! 이 가족은 겉으로 보기에는 단란한 가족이다. 그러나 가족에 대해 무관심한 남편 베리와 심하게 말썽을 부리는 딸들로 인해 셜리(레베카 기브니)는 급기야 정신병원에 입원하게 된다. 이에 어쩔 수 없이 베리는 의문의 여자 샤즈(토니 콜렛)를 급작스럽게 가정부로 고용하는데… 그런데 이 가정부 좀 이상하다! 담배는 물론이며 거친 입담과 좌충우돌 막가파식 행동까지! 멘붕 오는 이 가족!! 행복해질 수 있을까?
Sisters of War
Male Orderly
Sisters of War is a World War II memoir that re-creates events in New Britain during the Japanese invasion and occupation. It is a story about the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, especially Sister Berenice Twohill and her working friendship with nursing sister, Lorna Whyte. The Australians pulled out of the mission in Vunapope outside Rabaul, leaving the nurses and wounded who took refuge there. They were captured and about to be executed when Bishop Leo Scharmach MSC bluffed the Japanese by saying that he was the representative of Hitler and his people could not be executed.