Olivier Broche

출생 : 1963-12-18,

참여 작품

The Crime Is Mine
Court clerk Léon Trapu
In the 1930s in Paris, a young and pretty actress, penniless and without talent, is accused of the murder of a famous producer. Helped by her best friend, a young unemployed lawyer, she is acquitted for self-defence.
더 그린 퍼퓸
In the middle of a performance at la Comédie-Française, an actor dies on stage, poisoned. Martin, member of the troupe and friend of the victim, becomes the center of everyone’s attention. Suspected by the police, he’s also chased by a mysterious organization, the Green Perfume, that seems to have ordered the murder. While leading his own investigation, Martin receives the unexpected help of Claire, an eccentric cartoonist in need of adventure. This unlikely duo will live an adventure across Europe to foil the plans of the mysterious Green Perfume.
Old Fashioned
Maître Geoffroy Crépin
Paul Château-Têtard, a 45-year-old bachelor from the best of Parisian nobility, has – for the first time in his life – to take the Metro, and even buy a ticket. It is with extraordinary luck that the beautiful young Ava happens to be sitting at the counter: a spark ignites and wedding bells begin ringing in the distance.
비밀과 거짓말: 시크릿 네임
Commissaire Fontaine
1차 세계대전이 한창인 1910년대 중반, 하녀로 살다가 타인의 신분으로 살아가게 된 ‘넬리’가 상류층 생활을 시작하면서 벌어지는 이야기
Extra Flavour
Joachim is a very average man in his sixties, but he has a hidden obsession... or two to be precise: he can't help staring at the men who go to the gym across the street from his house while devouring pickles.
 One day, a new "easy-to-open" jar of pickles won't open.
Spontaneous Combustion
Audrey gets to be an actress in a low-budget horror movie. On the set, however, everything is different than she’d imagined. Camera operator Cordelia is the only one who is nice to her. Audrey is fascinated by Cordelia and attracted to her, but something seems to be wrong with Cordelia. Her body becomes feverishly hot, and approaching her becomes more and more dangerous. SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION takes romantic motifs and a fantastic story to their logical consequence.
When Daphnée goes to spend the weekend at her parents, her boyfriend decides to hide in the trunk of her car.
The Exiled
Marcelo Novais Teles, a young Brazilian, arrives in Paris to become an actor. But he is caught up in a very intense love as well as professional life; that's when he choses to film everything as time progresses. Dinner, parties, rehearsals, friendly and family meetings, falsely profound conversations, trips to Europe, etc. THE EXILED is the magnificently happy montage of these sequences, home movie of an obvious and chronic happiness, where the insolence of youth and its beauty are displayed. There are many well-known faces of actors who have become famous since then, which adds to the charm continuously lavished by these innocent images. Self-portrait in the form of a generational portrait, where the love of art crosses the art of living, the exile here is in the land of happiness.
Place publique
Revolves around Castro, who was once a very famous TV host, but as he grows old, his popularity is dwindling.
다키스트 아워
끝나지 않는 전쟁으로 역사상 가장 어두웠던 시간으로 불리던 1940년, 독일이 프랑스 등 유럽국가를 차례로 침공하면서 영국 정부는 큰 혼란에 빠진다. 영국군 역시 큰 피해를 입었을 뿐 아니라 본토까지 공격받을 위험에 처했기 때문이다. 이 국가적 위기에 윈스턴 처칠(게리 올드먼)이 극적으로 총리에 임명된다. 국왕(벤 멘덜슨)을 포함해 총리로서의 자질을 의심하는 사람들에게 둘러싸인 처칠은 어려움 속에서도 독일과의 전면전을 다짐한다. 그러나 전황은 갈수록 나빠지고, 급기야 다른 정치인들은 독일과의 굴욕적인 평화 협정을 제안한다.
Bad Buzz
At the top of their career, Eric & Quentin are doing a terrible bad buzz that threatens to wipe out their reputation. To save their skin, they have only one solution: to realize a good buzz in less than 48 hours!
손 없는 소녀
The Father
돈에 눈이 멀어 악마에게 영혼을 판 아버지는 딸의 손까지 자른다. 소녀의 수난은 거기서 끝이 아니다. 물의 신을 만나 가까스로 허기를 채우고 잘생긴 왕자를 만나 트랜디 드라마의 주인공이 되려는 찰나, 왕자가 전쟁에 나간다. 그리고 악마의 사악한 계략으로 왕자로부터 그녀와 그녀가 낳은 아들을 죽이라는 잘못된 전갈이 오고 그녀는 쫓겨나다시피 그곳을 도망쳐 나온다. 칸영화제 ACID /안시2016 장편 심사위원상.
The Ideal
Bernard Moulard
Octave Parango, the former concept creator/editor of 99 francs has become a model scout in Moscow. This cynical hedonist leads a very pleasant life in the arms of young Russian models and in the private jets of his oligarch friends... until the day that he is contacted by The Ideal, the world's leading cosmetic's firm, embroiled in a huge media scandal. Our antihero has seven days to find a new muse by traveling through the confines of post-Communist Russia, under the orders of Valentine Winfield, a hard and authoritarian visual director.
The Elk
Olivier Petiot
Comedy fuses with science fiction in this quirky film about the chaos that ensues when an “elk” (in fact, a tall individual who wears a coat, does not speak, and has an elk’s head and antlers) emerges from the forest near a small town. Accepted by a family who interacts with him as if nothing is unusual, they initially shelter their guest from their neighbors. But not for long!
Jean-Claude Rabette
Solange, in her sixties, her 3 daughters, and Zouzou, her 14 year-old granddaughter, spend a few days in the country. An opportunity for Solange to announce the news: she has a new man in her life. And the sexual side of the relationship, should they discuss it or ignore it?
Véhicule école
La très excellente et divertissante histoire de François Rabelais
le frère libraire
l'inspecteur d'Académie
Ducoboo is a very inventive dunce and joker, he is very resourceful at finding new ways to copy from his neighbor, to cheat or to defy the teacher's authority.
The Signs
A mother and her two sons have waited for ten years for her husband and their father to return. One day a stranger arrives and approaches them.
Bed and Breakfast
Un invité à la soirée
Tired of their stressful parisian lifestyle, Caroline and Bertrand decide to start a new life, running a traditional gîte in deepest Provence. It is not long before they start to question the wisdom of this move – the buldings are in a state of near-dilapidation, their friend and supposed partner Sophie has walked out on them, and they are but a stone’s throw from a far more attarctive holiday home, catering for gay men. Will this change be as good as a rest or the start of a nightmare?
Les Deschiens - série moderne
찰리의 진실
Aznavour Fan
돈 많은 미술품 중개상 찰스 램버트와 결혼, 파리에서 신혼살림을 차린 미모의 영국여자 레지나는 일을 핑계로 늘 집을 비우는 남편과의 결혼생활에 회의를 느낀다. 이혼을 결심하고 기분전환 삼아 친구와 카리브해로 여행을 갖다 온 그녀를 기다리는 것은, 그러나, 가재도구 하나 없이 텅 빈 아파트와 남편의 사망소식이었다. 설상가상으로 파리 경찰청은 그녀에게 놀라운 얘기를 들려준다. 스위스사람으로 알았던 남편이 지금껏 여러개의 국적과 이름과 여권을 갖고 수시로 신분을 바꾸며 살아왔다는 것. 망연자실한 그녀에게 여행길에서 만난 매력적인 남자 조슈아가 찾아온다.
Le Client
Michel is a funny boy, a kind of intellectual. With Pauline, a very beautiful girl he met on the beach, they are going to get naked and discuss surrealism, sincerely and without trickery. But who are they really?
The Journey to Paris
Daniel Dubosc
Shy and still living with his mother, a highway cashier one day decides to finally live his craziest dream: to visit Paris.
Les Deschiens : Qui va m'aimer ?
Les précieuses ridicules - Les Deschiens
False Pregnancy
Le cadre de Floppy
Perhaps you have to love dogs in order to sell tins of slimy mystery meat to their owners. At any rate Martin, who is indifferent to pets in general, isn't doing all too well in his marketing job at Floppy Dog Foods. But right now this is the least of his problems: he has made a British au-pair pregnant in a one night stand; and while he is trying to figure out how to deal with this, his ex-wife (who divorced him over his not wanting children) and his mother (a militant anti-overpopulation, pro-birth control, pro-abortion activist) have a few comments to offer on the situation. Before his own child is born, Martin clearly has some growing up of his own to do.
Les Deschiens - Série classique
Little Nothings
Lepetit, an ambitious and determined man, is named the new CEO of a department store. His mission is to improve the store's financial position. He decides that the human factor will be his catchword and introduces new methods, which he also applied to himself. But tensions slowly arise between members of the staff.
Forever George
George Clouney
A couple, Bruno and Marguerite, are staying in a hotel. There, Bruno meets George Clooney. The movie star makes him a proposition which will challenge the couple.
Extra Terrien