Membre famille Madeleine
Believing she comes from a wealthy family, thugs kidnap a young woman hired as an au pair in Paris.
La vieille dame
Perhaps you have to love dogs in order to sell tins of slimy mystery meat to their owners. At any rate Martin, who is indifferent to pets in general, isn't doing all too well in his marketing job at Floppy Dog Foods. But right now this is the least of his problems: he has made a British au-pair pregnant in a one night stand; and while he is trying to figure out how to deal with this, his ex-wife (who divorced him over his not wanting children) and his mother (a militant anti-overpopulation, pro-birth control, pro-abortion activist) have a few comments to offer on the situation. Before his own child is born, Martin clearly has some growing up of his own to do.
Bulgarian Family
알바니아 망명자인 화가 로돌포(마티 펠론파), 프랑스 시인 마르셀, 아일랜드 출신 작곡가 슈나르드는 우연히 만나 우정을 나누게 된다. 어느 날 로돌포는 갈 곳이 없는 아름다운 미미(에블린 디디)에게 자신의 잠자리를 내주고 이를 계기로 그녀를 사랑하게 된다. 그러나 진정한 예술을 추구하는 이들 보헤미안의 삶은 가난하고 애달프기만 하다. 19세기 프랑스의 앙리 미제르의 소설, 을 원작으로 한 이 영화는 카우리스마키 특유의 유머와 풍자가 녹아 있는 비극이다.